We are going backwards....
He has instructed his staff to use imperial measurements only.
There are benefits to some Imperial measurements, they are pounds are easily quartered to 4 ounces etc but generally metric measurements are easier.
He also wants to ban them from using certain words, one of which is "equal". Clearly maths is going to change then.
Give someone an inch......
>> Give someone an inch......
and they will take 1.60934 kilometers.
Just wait until they allow the supermarkets to sell in pints and pounds again.
That liter of orange juice will revert to a pint and the cost per pack will remain the same!
Wait till he sends his staff out to buy a pint of milk for his tea,
What a Berk.
>> Wait till he sends his staff out to buy a pint of milk for his
>> tea,
>> What a Berk.
Actually milk is sold in pint bottles or cartons ( 568ml.) so that wouldn’t be a problem. I suppose you don’t do the shopping.
>> Actually milk is sold in pint bottles or cartons ( 568ml.) so that wouldn’t be
>> a problem. I suppose you don’t do the shopping.
So it is, b***** me that was quick BoJo
(yes i buy the milk, it Tall and fat, Tall or short)
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 27 Jul 19 at 21:51
Can't get fresh milk here.
Longlife only. Usually reconstituted at that.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Sat 27 Jul 19 at 21:52
>> Can't get fresh milk here.
>> Longlife only.
Prime requirement for an authentic tasting cortado.
>> Can't get fresh milk here.
Currently on holiday in France. Compared with UK where half a supermarket aisle is differing versions of fresh milk; whole, semi skimmed and skimmed in multiple combinations of quantity plus Jersey, Organic etc it's another world. At most there are litres of whole and semi/fullly skimmed in a small fridge. Rest is UHT/Sterilised in multi packs.
In Loire area I could though buy raw milk.
Raw milk is starting a come back here, a farm sells it just down the road from me, big sign out on the main road, although I think the rules here means it has to be sold directly from the farm.
Can't say I've ever had it.. can anybody try and describe what it's like compared to green top? (I do remember gold top delivered to the door).
The French and most other European countries never had a comprehensive network for distribution of fresh milk and so never acquired a taste fo it. Most milk was used to make cheese. Fresh cream is similarly rare in French supermarkets creme fraiche having a longer shelf life is the traditional form
Coffee and tea were usually taken without milk.
>> The French and most other European countries never had a comprehensive network for distribution of
>> fresh milk
The Old Milk Marketing Board, a remarkably effective organisation,
UHT, horrible stuff. The difference between it and the real stuff is night and day.
I took some UHT when I went to the blues festival last year and my mate wouldn't touch it.
Must admit, I could hardly tell the difference, and I'm quite sensitive to milk taste (esp when it starts to go off)
>> I took some UHT when I went to the blues festival last year and my
>> mate wouldn't touch it.
This is proper milk. Accept no substitutes.
This is proper milk. Accept no substitutes.
>> www.aldi.co.uk/uht-red-skimmed-milk/p/002701000332400
My parents drink that, vile stuff.
>> I took some UHT when I went to the blues festival last year and my
>> mate wouldn't touch it.
Semi skimmed UHF milk is just about OK in tea or coffee, quite often all we have at work. Would struggle to eat cereal with it though.
I buy skimmed milk - red - for use in tea in 12s from Lidl, or Aldi, and 4 or 5 semi-skimmed - green - for cereals, at a time.
The beauty of the long life stuff, is that you can keep a supply in a cupboard, and when you come back from a holiday there is no rushing around to buy some milk so that you can have a cup of tea!
What's that you say?
You don't like the taste of long life milk?
Then you won't be accepting my very generous invitation to tea, will you?
>> Just wait until they allow the supermarkets to sell in pints and pounds again.
Can't recall ever buying a pound of milk before.
>> Can't recall ever buying a pound of milk before
Nor me, though you could buy 11.25 ounces of "St Ivel Fivepints"
I dont really drink milk in its liquid form Coffee and tea are fine without it and they don’t need sugar either. We only really use the stuff for cooking so a pint normally lasts at least a week, in our household.
> He also wants to ban them from using certain words, one of which is "equal".
>> Clearly maths is going to change then.
What is wrong with equal, what word should they use instead?
Private Eye was reliably perceptive back in 2018
Last edited by: smokie on Fri 26 Jul 19 at 21:17
Here's an article about it all. Doesn't really say why but I guess he thinks they are a bit trendy.
I think it's brilliant.
Clearly he has looked around his kingdom and, as one would expect, picked the most critical issue which should be his priority to address.
And this is the biggest problem he can see. So that's good, reassuring even, that there are no more pressing or important issues than this.
Unless he is a myopic t*** and is managing the most complex thing he believes he is capable of addressing. That wouldn't be so reassuring. Not unlike a middle-manager managing the timekeeping of his staff.
>> I think it's brilliant.
I wonder if they are allowed to carry on using football pitches and Wales as a unit of measurement? Or are they banned as well because they are metric or are they imperial or SI units?
I perhaps should write to him and find out more about his interest in units of measurement.
>>Not unlike a middle-manager managing the timekeeping of his staff.
We have a general rule, if we arrive at a client after Pop Master, then we are very late!
Just so long as he doesn't ban percentages in favour of fractions.
I saved a few shillings in Robert Dyas recently, when I bought some garden tools that had already been heavily discounted. It was a one day promotion, offering a further tenth off!
Surely "groats"!
>> Surely "groats
A bit before my time, I'm afraid. Perhaps our erstwhile friend from the SE will know more.
To be fair to Moggy it's pretty normal for new ministers to issue drafting preferences etc to their private office and others who might have to draft responses for them. I had a set for Rosie Winterton at one time and I seem to remember Lord Irvine had some 'eccentricites' in his.
I think politics is enriched by the occasional eccentric. As long as they are not in positions where they can cause too many problems.
>> I think politics is enriched by the occasional eccentric. As long as they are not
>> in positions where they can cause too many problems.
I absolutely agree. The problem is when eccentrics like Moggy and Nadine Dorries get into ministerial office.
>> I absolutely agree. The problem is when eccentrics like Moggy and Nadine Dorries get into
>> ministerial office.
I'd be prepared to give him a chance, perhaps poacher turned game keeper. I mean really what can he do that gives another 'unprecedented moment in the house of commons' headline? And even if he did, what's another one?