Can I as a small business set up a cost effective way to get instant payments for small works by card?
Yes, my Wife's got an IZettle ( ) which links to her phone. I expect there are others.
link corrected. closed bracket right at the end was causing it not to work
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 15 Feb 19 at 12:36
Thanks Richard but the the link doesnt work
Yep found it now. Looks good thank you.
>> Yes, my Wife's got an IZettle ( ) which links to her phone. I expect
>> there are others.
>> link corrected. closed bracket right at the end was causing it not to work
I spot that, point it out in a post and as thanks, I get my post deleted!
Mutter, mutter.
>> I spot that, point it out in a post and as thanks, I get my post deleted!
I was simply tidying up the thread to avoid repetition.
For you to then untidy it again. Mutter mutter ;)
Thanks...forgot about the antediluvian formatting rules on web links in the software!!