What a screw up, from start to finish, brought to you by the idiots at the BBC.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 22 Oct 18 at 10:57
It was a screw-up. A ridiculous gender equality knee jerk reaction destroyed a very good radio slot.
It used to be a good show with Simon and his team. And then they ruined it to get a female co-presenter. Part of the original presenting team had at least one female.
Probably find Sarah Cox taking over because it will be seen as needing to have a female presenter rather than the best one for the slot.
Haven't listened to it in all the years it's been on.
I think the last time I listened to Mayo was when he worked for Radio 1.
So no idea whether it was good or bad then. Still, thanks.
>> Probably find Sarah Cox taking over because it will be seen as needing to have
>> a female presenter rather than the best one for the slot.
If the 'best one for the slot' is practically always male there's something amiss. It may be the selection process is biased, wittingly or otherwise. OTOH there may be a problem with the 'candidate pipeline'. If people start in local radio and spend 25 years working their way to a prime slot on Radio 1 or 2 but local radio in the nineties was failed to select suitable women that's still and issue today.
The 'pipeline' was a serious issue in recruitment of Judiciary who are mostly drawn from the Bar and with 15+ years of call. At least anecdotally, and I'm pretty sure it's borne out by research, entry to pupillage for women in seventies and early eighties was very difficult. Improving now where those in the fifteen year field were pupils in nineties onward.
>> If the 'best one for the slot' is practically always male there's something amiss.
Nope, because the R2 daytime and drive time slot audience prefers blokes. Jictar and other audience research figures prove it. Now it may be an unhappy truth for the gender mafia, but thats the way it is. Strangely its a female dominated audience.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 22 Oct 18 at 14:13
>>Now it may be an unhappy truth for the gender mafia, but that's the way it is.
What do you do if "best person for the job" dictates male or female? In truth I have no idea what the audience says, but let us assume that Zero is correct for the sake of this conversation.
Surely this is *exactly* the area that the BBC *should* lead in? A commercial operation could cite, perhaps, the economic impact of viewing figures as sole justification or at least mitigation.
But the BBC is not a commercial broadcaster, it is a public broadcaster and has additional responsibilities. I think the BBC has a duty to push balance into everything they do. And that includes sex, religion, race etc. etc. Their staff should be a reflection of the population balances.
My issue was not that they sought to place a female in the role, it was the way they did it and the style of show they ended up with. And the fact that when Mayo decided to leave they immediately take her back out of that slot again. Kind of suggesting it was her style, not her sex, which was the issue.
A further complication here is that the "pipeline" is biased. The BBC should be addressing that also.
It is a shame that the BBC is such a rubbish implementation of such an excellent and necessary idea(l).
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 5 Sep 19 at 10:14
>> But the BBC is not a commercial broadcaster, it is a public broadcaster and has
>> additional responsibilities. I think the BBC has a duty to push balance into everything they
>> do. And that includes sex, religion, race etc. etc. Their staff should be a reflection
>> of the population balances.
Woo hold on, they can push whatever the fudge you would like to see, but if no-one is listening they are wasting their time.
The BBC is not free, we pay for it, which means I dont want to listen to crap just because "gender balance" requires it.
The BBC may have many issues, but sheet it aint, you are allowing your past commercial experience colour your commentary
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 22 Oct 18 at 16:41
>> Woo hold on, they can push whatever the fudge you would like to see, but
>> if no-one is listening they are wasting their time.
>> The BBC is not free, we pay for it, which means I dont want to
>> listen to crap just because "gender balance" requires it.
>> The BBC may have many issues, but sheet it aint, you are allowing your past
>> commercial experience colour your commentary
That doesn't mean they shouldn't choose a woman - they just need to pick a suitable one.
I'm a supporter of the BBC, as I am of the National Trust. Both have faults, neither can please everybody, but we would IMO be worse off without them.
>>That doesn't mean they shouldn't choose a woman - they just need to pick a suitable one.
Exactly. Which they didn't.
I don't know much about the National Trust. I do know a lot about the BBC. We certainly would be worse off without it, but it could be so much much better than it actually is.
Does it really need years of training to announce what the next record is?
Change the record miseryguts
Wogan was brilliant, Evans is just about OK when he's on form, and majorly irritating when he's not, not at all sure I'll enjoy Zoe Ball. Mayo was good on his own, but the show stumbled when they added Whiley. Feels like they're always tripping over one another. Sarah Cox is brilliant, hope she gets the slot.
Fair summary.
Though I wonder why they didn't choose to leave her in the slot? I guess they felt the lack of success was down to more than just tripping over each other.
I like Zoe Ball, she makes a good stand in for Ken Bruce, Sarah Cox is ok, but Whiley does not have the light hearted touch for popular radio. Drive time was a wind down in traffic show, not suited to her at all.
What Humph says. Used to listen to Mayo quite regularly when PM on R4 stopped being a news programme. Lost that desire to listen when Whiley joined it. She tries to dominate proceedings. Can't be doing with it now. I can guess why Mayo is going...shame really - the show was particularly good on Fridays particularly in the school holidays, had a good family feel about it.
I used to listen to R2 drive-time more when they had Johnnie Walker. Although up until a few years ago often enjoyed a fair bit of Simon Mayo's version. Of what I listened to with him and Jo Whiley I don't it worked and they did not gel.
I said it will probably be Sara Cox. And I think she'd be good. Better than Jo Whiley. If Simon Mayo was leaving before she'd have probably got it and not Jo Whiley.
>> Used to listen to Mayo quite regularly when PM on R4 stopped
>> being a news programme.
When did that happen?
When it became a comedy/magazine programme. It used to be just news.
>> When it became a comedy/magazine programme. It used to be just news.
Interesting how we remember things differently.
My recollections start with PM's predecessor, the Radio news and newsreel. listened to on the car radio - usually when we were on way to a holiday. Earliest memory is probably of Aberfan. Friday before October half term and we were on our way to a farm DB&B in Lakes; death toll incrementing at each successive bulletin. Miserable wet week and I remember, with Aberfan as context, being very nervous while sitting in pi**ing rain in Dad's car, below the slate spoils at top of Honister pass.
Once PM started, with distinctive theme tune, I recall a news magazine with odd 'funny' excursion. No doubt William Hardcastle was a very different presenter to Nigel Wrench but it was always more than World at One straight reporting.
W@1 seems better these days. Today's was the first one for me to listen for a long time - great reporting.
Aberfan was plastered all over my news feeds yesterday. My second cousin was one of the first BBC reporters on scene - he must have seen some horrible stuff. He took to drink soon after and died at an early age. He was always regarded as an oddity in the family thereafter.
>> W@1 seems better these days. Today's was the first one for me to listen for
>> a long time - great reporting.
To me W@1 and World Tonight (Douglas Stewart Reporting if you remember that far) were serious news. Today and PM had more of a magazine element though both vary over time with presenter/editor.
Exactly. I do remember TWT and Douglas Stewart - it was my premier source of news as a youth. The presenters have now become "personalities" and have outgrown the programmes. Mind you there has been some excellent reporting on Brexit on the W@1. I get to listen in the van. I have a diet of R2 until 12.00 then if Vine is being particularly annoying I switch over to R4 for Y&Y then get W@1 depending on my run.
>> Exactly. I do remember TWT and Douglas Stewart
That was got me hooked on Radio 4. I was given a Sinclair Micromatic radio* as a 'reward' for getting into the Grammar School. Listened to it in bed until they played The Queen. Always someting interesting at 21:30, particularly remember a science programme hosted by Paul Vaughan.
IIRC there was a seperate Financial World Tonight. And A Book at Bedtime was actually at bedtime.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 23 Oct 18 at 18:17
My first radio was a Defiant valve jobbie. Huge it was - smelt great when the valves warmed up.
It was followed by one of these.
It was great with a mellow tone - Book at Bedtime meant I went to bed and sleep at regular time. Listened to as many as I could.
I had a later version of the Sinclair. Bit fragile.
>> I had a later version of the Sinclair. Bit fragile.
Yep. Tended to split over the battery slots.
>>Wogan was brilliant,
Probably the most annoying voice of any broadcaster ever. Like listening to molten chocolate; ugh.
He just went on my wick...end of.
>> He just went on my wick...end of.
There's certainly no excuse for going on the end of your wick.
I NEVER listen to the radio.
Can't abide the yap.
>> I NEVER listen to the radio.
>> Can't abide the yap.
Really? Nothing at all? Never? I find that incredible. There must br something you would find interesting.
There was a great programme on R4 this afternoon. It was about hand built acoustic guitars. It spoke about the woods used and was a lovely peaceful, relaxing, interesting thing, a real refuge in a media world gone mad. No yap that I could detect. :-)
All went downhill after Wm Joyce got the chop.
If only it were more Reithian.
>> All went downhill after Wm Joyce got the chop.
I just tried that with Alexa
"Germany Calling, Germany Calling" i said.
"The BMW is now locked" she replied
>> >> I NEVER listen to the radio.
>> >> Can't abide the yap.
>> >>
>> >>
>> Really? Nothing at all? Never? I find that incredible. There must br something you would
>> find interesting.
We do not possess a radio in the house.
I am aware that the TV does radio.
I have a car radio, but I never listen it as I find it irritating.
I find it odd that people seem unable to function without an external source of noise - pedestrians going about their business with their ears stuffed with earbuds amaze me.
> We do not possess a radio in the house.
>> I am aware that the TV does radio.
>> I have a car radio, but I never listen it as I find it irritating.
>> I find it odd that people seem unable to function without an external source of
>> noise - pedestrians going about their business with their ears stuffed with earbuds amaze me.
I find myself agreeing with you to a certain extent. We've not got a stand alone radio in the house. I couldn't really sit and listen to any DJ, I only like to listen to music on the radio, i find the DJ chit chat annoying. Can't really remember listening to a radio show/program or being minded to.
Only other thing I'd listen to would be test match special in the summer on a long journey.
On the other hand, I didn't have a TV, or want one in my house until my then girlfriend and now wife moved in and insisted on us getting one. I did used to listen to the radio a lot while doing other things like tinkering with cars etc.
I think it was a reaction to a childhood where the TV dominated the sitting room and once I was able to have my own space, the last thing I wanted in it was a television.
Even now I'm not a regular TV watcher in truth. Once or twice a week maybe, no more than that, and only then if it's something I'm really interested in seeing. Seems such a royal waste of time mostly. With a radio though, you can catch up on things while still getting on with other stuff.
Each to their own of course.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Tue 23 Oct 18 at 20:13
In Chile a TV in the Living Room is quite unusual. Whereas a TV is the bedroom is pretty much compulsory.
Freud might have something to say about that.
>> In Chile a TV in the Living Room is quite unusual. Whereas a TV is
>> the bedroom is pretty much compulsory.
>> Freud might have something to say about that.
Clearly then this latin lovers thing is a little overstated.
>> Clearly then this latin lovers thing is a little overstated.
...not in the Living Room.....
>> I find myself agreeing with you to a certain extent. We've not got a stand
>> alone radio in the house.
Funny how we're all different. We've got radios in lounge/diner, kitchen, both bathrooms, both sides of bed and both our study/work rooms. Even if I'm just having a cr*p I'll put radio on.
In car; radio on is part of pre departure check along with mirrors checked, warning lights off, H&V set, seatbelt on and lights set as required.
Default is Radio 4 but 5 Live and Classic FM are back ups.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 23 Oct 18 at 20:46
Same as me Bromp. Out painting this afternoon - the radio in the garage (demoted Sony CD/Tape/Radio thing from the 90s) was on to listen to the W@O and the Archers etc. Radio in the bathroom, the man cave and one each side of the bed, and the Alexa thing in the kitchen. Radio is rarely off all day. Decent van on tomorrow's run in Fiat Doblo van we have as well
The radio set as such is pretty outdated these days isn't it? Apart from the car most of my listening is via my phone and Bluetooth speakers or headphones. We do have a DAB radio in the kitchen though but I seldom use it.
>> The radio set as such is pretty outdated these days isn't it?
I suppose it could be. But while (mainly analogue) radio and even AM in some places still works and we've got sets everywhere we want them there's no incentive to change.
It might be outdated, but I still have a couple that are in regular use.
It'll never be oudated. Treated myself to a tiny (but not tinny) Sony radio in the summer. Re-chargable (from a Power Bank if required) - fits into a pocket, provides DAB and FM radio. In fact it's the ultimately portable info/entertainment system. I even have a solar powered powerbank !
Three DAB tuners in the house, get used a fair bit, one in the car, used a lot.
>> It'll never be oudated.
That's an interesting point. On the one hand the internet can offer an apparently unlimited set of broadcast experiences whether it's live radio/TV, public service broadcast archive or Netflix stuff. On the other, if one assumes that the broadband pipe's capacity is finite than, at least outwith conurbations, RF broadcast is incredibly economical and almost certainly best way to deliver 'live' coverage.
It would be interesting to know how many people actually buy radios these days compared to smart speakers and phones etc. I guess not many.
>> It would be interesting to know how many people actually buy radios these days compared
>> to smart speakers and phones etc. I guess not many.
I'm sure numbers are going down. I bought my kids radios in their early teens but if they'd been 12/14 now then it'd be a smart device.
Neither really learned how to tune a radio because there were other sources of music - Tape/CD Wallkmen or MP3 players. Quite different to my days of Radio Luxembourg or a few Pirate stations - Radio One having merged with Radio Two by 10pm.
We don't listen, but we hear. In the sense that we have a DAB radio in the kitchen. It's switched on whenever we are awake and is permanently set to Radio 3. We like to hear it as we wander through from the East Wing to one of the towers, or some such, but don't actually listen per se. Once the door to the billiard room or the library is closed you can't hear it anyway.
...and no doubt it drowns out the noise the servants make......
Yes, the stand alone radio set is doomed to go the way of the DVD player. I see John Lewis are no longer stocking those..
Seems an age away since I sat by my parent’s Bakelite radio with its mysterious glowing valves and 20 feet of aerial wire dangling from the guttering, listening to the Light Programme.
MY earliest radio memories are of a giant radiogram. You could sit and lean back against one of the speakers and it would buzz at you nicely as you heard Ed Stewpot doing Junior Choice.
At about the same time I got hold of one of my sisters' transistor radio. I would hear Radio Caroline under the blankets, and was so naive I thought the static hiss was the sound of the waves.
One of the sisters also had a broken record turntable and a bunch of New Scientist magazines. In one of magazines at about seven I discovered an article about acoustic bone conduction. I still recall spinning the broken turntable by hand, holding a pin in my teeth onto Max Bygraves' "I'm a pink toothbrush" song when my mum walked in. I never managed to explain that scenario properly to her. She's no scientist.
But it worked really well.
Here is the news, and this is Alvar Liddell reading it.
Anyone of my age will find this familiar and somehow very comforting.
>> Anyone of my age will find this familiar and somehow very comforting.
>> www.turnipnet.com/radio/fauredolly.wav
Mrs B is doing her oboe practice and, unprompted by me, has just started playing that piece.
Yep. Took me straight back to my grandmother's whitewashed cottage (yes she fitted the stereotype).
>> Here is the news, and this is Alvar Liddell reading it.
blimey, I knew the ICE in your merc was antiquated, but not by that much
>> >> I find myself agreeing with you to a certain extent. We've not got a
>> stand
>> >> alone radio in the house.
>> Funny how we're all different. We've got radios in lounge/diner, kitchen, both bathrooms, both sides
>> of bed and both our study/work rooms. Even if I'm just having a cr*p I'll
>> put radio on.
Indeed we are. Can't say I've ever heard of someone putting radios in their toilets. Every day a school day and all that.
Brompie and I form a significant minority...!
Surely a phone in you pocket avoids the need for radios everywhere.
>> Surely a phone in you pocket avoids the need for radios everywhere.
Possibly, if you started with a clean piece of paper. However I already have radios everywhere. The only annoying thing is when I'm on analogue in bathroom and she's on digital in the bedroom. They're a good second out of sync.
>> Possibly, if you started with a clean piece of paper. However I already have radios
>> everywhere. The only annoying thing is when I'm on analogue in bathroom .......
...where you really ought to start with a clean piece of paper......
I can't imagine needing a radio in the bathroom.
Whatever happened to reading a good book?
I have a copy of the Complete Works of Shakespeare by the loo and it's too heavy to linger long.
...and it concentrates the mind to the job in hand.
"To be or not to be" in the event of constipation ? :-)
>> "To be or not to be" in the event of constipation ? :-)
It not usually fatal though is it?
Constipation can certainly be a serious condition, especially in the elderly. Can lead to an impacted bowel.
Constipation is also a symptom easily missed for Parkinson's disease.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 24 Oct 18 at 23:47
>> Constipation can certainly be a serious condition.
Obviously if it causes you to ponder the virtues of life over death.
What a stupid response. In the elderly constipation can lead to an impacted bowel which can be very serious. Many on here have elderly relatives I am sure so my comment stands. There are also some on here a little older than some.
Again I will add that constipation is an early indicator of Parkinson's for example. Not everyone gets the more obvious tremors but I think most get the masked expression if you know what to look for. And the 'shuffle' when walking.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Thu 25 Oct 18 at 01:35
Let's hope you do not get constipation let alone Parkinson's disease CGNorwich!
Actually CG Norwich making light of Parkinson's disease and also constipation can I say I hope you get either/both rather than me. You think it's a joke.
Father in law was in hospital and a doctor passing through the ward spotted some traits of Parkinson's. Otherwise we'd have never known. Yet the GP saw him on a regular basis and constipation was a recurring problem.
My maternal grandfather died when his Parkinson's meds were withdrawn abruptly. I was a baby in the early 70s so never knew him.
And my aunt/uncle (married) both have Parkinson's. I think you were out of order joking about this. I hope you don't have it but rather you than me.
There used to be a time when phones had an FM radio built in.
My Moto G still does. Seldom use it though
The problem with Nokia's implementation was it needed the headphones to act as the aerial. And when the connector was the old proprietary Nokia one on the likes of a 6310i then who had it with them.
I rarely used the radio in my numerous Nokia phones.
>> I NEVER listen to the radio.
>> Can't abide the yap.
Cept when nige had his prog of course
I'm quite often on the go fairly early, start off with BBC World Service which defaults to R4 after a while. Get annoyed, but strangely mesmerised by the shipping forecast and the farming bit, until I remember to switch over to R2 after I've heard the same news three times on R4.
Popmaster if possible mid morning, but can rarely subsequently tolerate Jeremy Vine, so either switch off or return to R4 for the lunchtime news. Archers at 2.00 of course and then leave R4 on for the afternoon. Can't be doing with Steve Wright I'm afraid. Mayo at 5.00 used to be good but often switch back again for something funny on R4 at 6.30.
Gets more difficult after 7.00. Sometimes something good on either station but often nothing much I'm into. Except Friday's "Any Questions" of course.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Mon 22 Oct 18 at 23:07
Most of my listening apart from news and current affairs is now via podcasts. Many of those I listen to have BBC origins but there’s a whole world of stuff out there that’s worth listening to. Sometimes very niche, but often innovative and more entertaining and interesting than main stream radio. Well worth exploring.
I love R4. I like the way it irritates me. I love the plays in the afternoon. I have been known to delay work things to finish listening. One run has the challenge of getting the 2pm episode of the Archers without a stop.
But could you listen to all of Women’s Hour?
I have to listen to hours of my woman, so why not?
I hope Sarah Cox gets it too.
She was the other contender to replace Chris Evans and lost out to Zoe Ball, who I prefer, but Sarah Cox is very popular and a lot of people felt she should have got that one.
If the beeb do it this way most people can listen to them both on their morning and evening commutes and should keep everyone happy.
>> Sarah Cox is brilliant
Isn't the H silent? As in Sara
Anyway, don't particularly care for her. I find her voice and accent irritating.
Can't stand Chris Evans or Sara(h) Cox - so if she gets the former Mayo slot I'll only be listening to Ken Bruce and Steve Wright during the week! Mayo was good on his own (maybe he does genuinely want to write books now?) and Whiley was better in her evening show when her knowledge of music shone more.
>> Mayo was good on his own (maybe he does genuinely want to write books now?)
...there were prior rumours that he was heading to independent/commercial radio for megabucks.....
Last edited by: tyrednemotional on Tue 23 Oct 18 at 17:36
>>...there were prior rumours that he was heading to independent radio for megabucks.....
I hope so, then I can switch to listening to that station. Off hand I can think of no BBC Radio show which has improved in the last 5 years, especially those that have changed host.
>> ....and
>> radiotoday.co.uk/2018/12/simon-mayo-confirms-he-has-a-new-radio-show/
Such a pity, he was on last night on his own, and the show had its old sparkle and wit back.
>> Such a pity, he was on last night on his own and the show had its old sparkle and wit back.>>
Spot on!! Simon especially, I've always thought, has a great way with youngsters on his show and gets the best out of them with pinpointed questions. Love the Muppets number spot at 5-15pm.
He’s still around on Radio 5 of course with Kermode and Mayo’s Film Review as of course members of the Church will know. Also available on podcast.
And hello to Jason Isaacs.
Steve Wright, well past his use-by date. His programme was probably cutting edge in the 90s, now it's dire. "Serious Jockeying" my eye. Dire, tedious crap.
Its Jockin' RP, without an S:)
I hate him too but I can't stand Craig Charles either who will always be Red Dwarf to me.
Thanks Pat. I'm not down there with his street-talk ! Same view on Craig Charles.
Sarah Kennedy fans, who was herself far from without her own faults, used to mildly dig at Steve Wright by awarding her "SWs" on her own show. Phonetic shorthand for the interminable Steve Wright fans "love the show" repetition.
She's quite harmless. Been known to listen
I couldn't be doing with her cats.
>>Sarah Kennedy
She once almost gave me a heart attack.
I was driving on my regular rural commute which included a drive across an unprotected level crossing [right near Bromp's house, if I'm not wrong]. I was hungover, not paying attention and following a slow tractor. As I crawled very, very slowly across the lines she came on with her transport report which began with the noise/horn/sound that 125s used to make as they came to a hazard.
I lost 10 years off my life and could not speak sensibly for some minutes.
Wogan nearly made me lose control of my car once. One of his Janet and John stories, couldn't see or breathe temporarily.
Many a layby I've sat in at 9:15 near a 9:00am meeting hoping it'll finish soon before I lose consciousness through lack of oxygen or become irrevocably late for a meeting.
Janet and John stories were very good and I think much relied on Terry Wogans delivery of the story.
I have had to pull over when listening to "Old Harry's Game" on Radio 4.
Used to enjoy Ken Bruce but not listened to R2 much on weekdays for years.
Still enjoy Pick of the Pops on Saturday though preferred Tony Blackburn to Paul Gambaccini although latter's music knowledge is better. Sounds of Seventies is compulsory in the car if we're travelling on Sunday afternoon.
For some of the year Ken Bruce's pop quiz lines up with our school run. We all join in and enjoy very much. Shamefully though our top score is around middle 20s.
>> preferred Tony Blackburn<<
Come back Iffy, all is forgiven!
I miss Mark & Lard. ok, they were on Radio 1, but Fat Harry White, and Lard's animal sanctuary were worth a laugh in the afternoon.
Don't remember any ungated level crossings round here though there may have been 'occupation' crossings for farms etc.
The big one near me was Banbury Lane over the West Coast Main Line. Originally gated but later barriers. Think barriers were locally controlled from an adjacent signal box until early nineties then remotely from Rugby. Barriers could be down for 10-15 minutes as one train followed another.
Replaced by a new bridge spanning both railway and canal when the Pendolinos were introduced in early noughties - speed and frequency of service made LC untenable . In vain attempt to stop Banbury Lane becoming a rat run the bridge is alternate one way working controlled by traffic lights. Lights probably take around 90 seconds to cycle, quite common to see two or three trains pass. Anybody who doubts the WCML is full should stand there for 15 minutes.
>>Craig Charles...
I actually think he's Ok on the radio.
He has transformed "The Gadget Show".
I like Craig Charles on the radio, tho frankly a mouldering dead rat covered in maggots would be more entertaining and less vomit inducing than Steve Wright.
SW's crap Zero. Tired, stale and crap.
I actually do have, from time to time, noise in the car via the CD player!
It's trad jazz by Barber and Bilk, with the the downside that the really lively numbers seem to make the car much quicker!
Well it's good news for some (VxFan might not be so happy) but the very predictable appointment is Sara Cox.
I know some on here thought Sarah Cox would get it but sadly she was overlooked this time (although I think her real name is Sarah Joanne Cox).
If you don't like a Bolton accent and a northern sense of humour then look elsewhere.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 29 Oct 18 at 01:33
>> Well it's good news for some (VxFan might not be so happy)
I'm more than happy to continue listening to the local radio station, Jack FM.
I consider myself far too old to listen to Radio 1, but not quite old enough to start listening to Radio 2 just yet.
I like Jack FM. Great background at a barbecue and it annoys the laton locals and their regatón. If you don't know what that is, don't ruin your life by looking it up.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 5 Sep 19 at 10:25
>> I like Jack FM. Great background at a barbecue and it annoys the laton locals
>> and their regatón. If you don't know what that is, don't ruin your life
>> by looking it up.
My word. For the first time in my life I know what someone is talking about with reference to music.
I know it as Reggaeton of course and quite like it I'm afraid. I'm quite happy with Despacito, though there is a trifle overmuch writhing.
Still I'm only four hours back from a Genesis tribute band (G2, completely brilliant), so what do I know?
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 5 Sep 19 at 10:25
>> Still I'm only four hours back from a Genesis tribute band (G2, completely brilliant), so
>> what do I know?
I notice you never find tribute Phil Colins acts? Wonder why that is?
I saw an interview with Phil once, where the interviewer brazenly said "you must be worth millions", rather cheekily. And Phil gave him a little grin and said "well, you know, mustn't grumble". I liked that a lot. So English that.
>> then I got bored.....
Wasn't that the title of his last album?
>> >> then I got bored.....
>> Wasn't that the title of his last album?
No, that was "Seriously, I'm really Boring"
What kind of sick person actively seeks out Phil Collins tribute acts?
Somebody drinking their early morning coffee at 6:30am while they wait for two teenage girls to finish washing hair, getting dressed and making themselves presentable before setting off on the school run.
i.e. somebody bored and pizzed off.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 29 Oct 18 at 09:57
>> If you don't like a ...... northern sense of humour then look
>> elsewhere.
Any chance of a couple of examples of Northern humour?
>> If you don't like a Bolton accent and a northern sense of humour then look
>> elsewhere.
That'll include me then!
>>If you don't like a Bolton accent and a northern sense of humour then look elsewhere. >>
Sarah, a lovely lass, has just one irritating habit, that of inane twittering at critical times, especially during the first half-minute or more of what should be the latest news bulletin.
Plenty of time for twittering during the other several hours of the programme rather than when, for example, she's covering for Chris Evans and delays the start of the 7am bulletin. That's the time when many people want to catch the news headlines before dashing off to catch a bus, train or other form of transport.
At least Evans, when the time pips have finished, has largely reverted to immediately introducing Moira Stewart, Justin Greene or whoever is reading the news.
BBC "Sounds" app downloaded. May be the future, dead simple. Select channel and play, either live or on catch up.
The podcast bit needs some attention though.
Couldn't find that, but found BBC iPlayer Radio Intl. which seems similar. Can't think why I didn't find it before.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Thu 1 Nov 18 at 18:37