My best friend is 60 next month (he's older than me !) - we've been close friends for over 40 years. We rarely acknowledge each other's birthdays other than a "happy birthday" text etc. Our last celebration together was my 21st. Should I buy him a card/gift..?
I shouldn't think so.
A verbal congratulations over a drink ought to be appropriate.
If you can think of something very appropriate or meaningful that isn't embarrassingly expensive, why not? But I wouldn't buy a gift for the sake of giving him something.
My best village mate has just gone 70. He plans to buy a pre-war Rolls or Bentley this year or next, so I gave him what I hope is a relevant book. Money not a lot, thought worthwhile I hoped.
We also went out for a curry with a handful of mutual friends.
He has a plan, not sure what for his birthday, but I'm involved. His wife says he doesn't want a surprise party.
In a similar situation earlier this year, I dug out some photos from 40 years ago and put copies in a small album for him to look back on shared happy memories - went down very well.
It was an exchange of texts and a 120 mile ride out in the end..