Non-motoring > Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Duncan Replies: 7

 Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died - Duncan
Dave, the guvnor of the Winchester - Arfer Daley's favoured watering hole has died

Dave - his surname was Harris, not many people know that, was a long suffering dispenser of G & Ts to Arfer and sufferer of some of his dodgy schemes, died at the age of 87.
 Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died - Lygonos
Didn't know he was married to Yootha Joyce.

Remember her from George and Mildred when I was a nipper.
 Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died - Robin O'Reliant
It was a great series, but badly dated now when you watch the re-runs.
 Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died - Auntie Lockbrakes
Arfur didn't drink G & Ts. He always asked for a large V-A-T didn't he? Oh the humour.

Of course it's dated, the show must be over 30 years old!
 Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died - Duncan
>> Arfur didn't drink G & Ts. He always asked for a large V-A-T didn't he?

I was waiting to see who would be the first to spot that.
 Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died - Roger.
>> Didn't know he was married to Yootha Joyce.
Ah, she of the big teeth and huge headlights!
 Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died - helicopter
According to the Telegraph he would make personal appearances at weddings and serve behind the bar...for a fee.

Seem to remember him in Zulu as well.
 Dave - The Guvnor of the Winchester Club Died - BiggerBadderDave
I was sure he was dead. I must have been thinking about the landlord in the Nag's, Fools and Horses.
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