Stopped off at Sainsburys on way home for beer and other essentials to find checkouts festooned with signs that Visa cards were not being accepted. Just used my (credit card) Mastercard instead an no problem - it'll settle at due date for full amount anyway.
Bit of a butter if you're not so well off and/or only have one card though.
Anyone else affected?
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 2 Jun 18 at 21:03
I don't think so, I paid contactless tonight. Had my card 6 months i couldn't tell you if it's visa or not, so I guess it's not.
No issue with any one I saw.
>> Anyone else affected?
Yes everyone using a Visa card. Obviously. I used my Visa debit earlier today (twice) without problems.... So probably before this outage.
Ah that explains it. I went to our local Sainsburys to get petrol for the Qashqai about 10.30pm, I paid with a Visa card but it took ages to go through. Well, I say ages, much longer than normal anyway. Usually their card reader takes money from you quicker than Dick Turpin.
Visa are saying this morning they had a hardware failure.
>>Bit of a butter if you're not so well off and/or only have one card though.
For decades I have always had at least one VISA and one Mastercard.
I also ensured my daughter on her travels had one of each.
When on holiday in South Africa a few years ago, one of the systems failed so my other card saved several days of potential problems.
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 2 Jun 18 at 21:04
I was lucky, Bought a load of shopping at Sainsbury on a visa debit card at 14:00. Crash started at 14:30 apparently.
Self checkout at Tesco wouldn't accept Tesco Pay+ payments last night. Paid with my Tesco Mastercard instead, which is linked to my Tesco Pay+ account.
Most of my shopping is done at my local Coop or Aldi ( Bingley, Keighley, Silsden, Skipton)
Always cash
Same with my fuel....BP or Shell at two places.
Saves checking bank statements
Local village pub tonight ‘visitors ‘ using contactless to pay for a pint and a glass of plonk.
>> Local village pub tonight ‘visitors ‘ using contactless to pay for a pint and a
>> glass of plonk.
They're grockles mate. They're the same wherever you go.
Doubtless. It’s fantastic that they visit and keep the place open, spending lots of money in the new ‘dining area’ and expensive menu.
We get free pints from each new barrel, which is a nice touch for the regulars, and our culinary expense is a£1 of nuts in a half pint glass.
And some free help yourself dog biscuits for the canines which the ‘grockles’ trip over.
Well it's a good job the grockles do turn up, pub wouldn't survive on you skin flint freeloading miserable regulars and your untrained mongrels running wild around the place
What on earth is wrong with paying your bar bill with a contactless card?
Nothing wrong with it. It’s just me, but for any kind of payment circa £5 and at least under a tenner I use cash. The idea of checking bank statements and remembering lots of contactless payments seems to be an unnecessary PITA.
Assuming that one can be bothered checking bank statements. I actually know someone who doesn’t check their monthly credit and current account statements.
Not sure why paying contactless involves any more work rememberig payments or checking balance than does getting our large wodges of cash. In fact to me anyway it makes life a lot simpler. I think you will find the people serving you in the pub probably prefer it too,
Use contactless for the £2.50 or so for sarnie and a bun in Greggs. Lot easier than faffing with coins or tendering a fiver and waiting while staff member counts out the change.
I use contactless for everything I buy, with the exception of beer, etc, in the pubs that we visit. Much less faff for shop assistants (sorry, partners!) and customers alike.
I use it for nearly all small purchases. Much easier I find.
I tried twice, at a Sainsbury's petrol station, to use Google Pay. Both declined.
Used a Visa (same account & card as registered with the app.) with chip & PIN and there was no problem.
I also have Tesco Pay+ on my phone, but find it more trouble than it's worth, as it VERY often fails to be read by the checkout's scanner. The cashiers use a host of different angles in their attempts and I've also complained to Tesco, to no avail.
The phone's resolution, contrast and brightness are all set at the optimum to read QR codes etc.
Last edited by: Roger. on Sun 3 Jun 18 at 09:54
I use cash for everyday purchases - accepted everywhere - no problems when the internet/cash machine is down for half a day.
I use CC & Debit card for large purchases, say £100+ - I also carry 2 current account cards, 1 credit card - all from different banks & both Maestro & Visa - Belt & braces approach.
9 months ago I paid a car service £180 in cash - the poor clerk obviously had set procedures to follow & had to check every note in a scanner type box - they all passed & I was let go.
>> 9 months ago I paid a car service £180 in cash - the poor clerk
>> obviously had set procedures to follow & had to check every note in a scanner
>> type box - they all passed & I was let go.
That's the trouble isn't it when you've got some money to get rid of, you can't pay it into a bank, and you can't let the authorities know that you've got any money?
>>you can't let the authorities know that you've got any money?
Retired, pensions are only income (State & Employer/Private Pensions)- all fully taxed.
The secret to having money to spend is avoiding debt for 50 years - only buy what you can afford & put away for rainy days - too many today only know how to spend.
>> I also have Tesco Pay+ on my phone, but find it more trouble than it's
>> worth, as it VERY often fails to be read by the checkout's scanner. The cashiers
>> use a host of different angles in their attempts and I've also complained to Tesco,
>> to no avail.
Pay+ Works fine on my iPhone SE. Scans with no issues at the tills or self checkouts.
Tesco Pay+ (if I';m thinking of the right product) is so clumsy. Get out the phone, unlock it, start the app, wave it in front of the bar code scanner at the right distance and angle...
I expect I've been doing it wrong but I find contactless cards much quicker...
>> I expect I've been doing it wrong but I find contactless cards much quicker...
But the downside with contactless is you can only make payments up to £30. With Tecso Pay+ you can make payments up to £250. But you are limited to only being able to use it at Tesco.
>> >> I expect I've been doing it wrong but I find contactless cards much quicker...
>> But the downside with contactless is you can only make payments up to £30. With
>> Tecso Pay+ you can make payments up to £250. But you are limited to only
>> being able to use it at Tesco.
But if you use your phone for contactless payments there is no limit, practically speaking. (for applepay at least). I’m sure that at some point a PIN or other verification would be needed, but I haven’t encountered it so far!
>> But if you use your phone for contactless payments there is no limit, practically speaking.
>> (for applepay at least).
How recent is this, as I'm sure I'm still limited to £30, unless it's the cards that I've registered that's restricting it to £30 max.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 6 Jun 18 at 02:12
>> How recent is this,
I’m not sure; I’d assumed that limit was £30 as well initially, but when I accidentally used it at the COOP for a transaction higher than that it went through anyway. Since then I’ve used it regularly at Shell, Sainbury’s and Waitrose. I *think* it’s the card machines at Sainsbury’s that have sticker saying that ApplePay is accepted , with ‘no limit’ in brackets underneath. But I might have seen that elsewhere. Will check next time! I don’t use it in restaurants, because leaving your phone sticking out of the folded bill looks a little silly ;)
Edited to add, I’ve got both visa and mastercard linked to ApplePay, with Santander and HSBC, if that make a difference?
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 6 Jun 18 at 10:32
>> I don’t use it in restaurants, because leaving your phone sticking out of the
>> folded bill looks a little silly ;)
Ever since having money taken fraudulently out of my bank account, I never let any of my cards out of my sight anymore.
>> I’ve got both visa and mastercard linked to ApplePay
Ditto. Barclays Visa, and Tesco MasterCard.
Looking at it says "you can now use Apple Pay without the £30 limit in countless locations"
Pity they haven't publicised it better so more people would know. Apparently it's been the case since May 2017 !!
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 6 Jun 18 at 10:35
>> Pity they haven't publicised it better so more people would know. Apparently it's been the
>> case since May 2017 !!
Well that explains it at least! I discovered it purely by accident :)
>> Looking at it says "you can now use Apple Pay without the £30 limit in countless locations"
Tesco doesn't seem to one of those locations. For some reason or other Tesco Pay+ didn't work again last Sunday, so I tried paying instead using Apple Pay. The chip/pin/contactless machine said £30 payment had been exceeded.
Ended up fishing through my wallet for my MasterCard and paid the old fashioned way.
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 15 Jun 18 at 13:01
>> >> Looking at it says "you can now use Apple Pay without the £30
>> limit in countless locations"
>> Tesco doesn't seem to one of those locations. For some reason or other Tesco Pay+
>> didn't work again last Sunday, so I tried paying instead using Apple Pay. The chip/pin/contactless
>> machine said £30 payment had been exceeded.
>> Ended up fishing through my wallet for my MasterCard and paid the old fashioned way.
That’s a bit rubbish of Tesco!! JS, Waitrose and COOP all allow ApplePay transactions of more than £30. I’m particularly keen on using it in petrol stations as it eliminates any chance of your card being skimmed!
There’s only 4 things I use cash for now... hair cuts, car cleaning, paying the ironing lady (Iron Maiden...) and buying fish and chips. Everyone else takes card or internet banking payments. Even the window cleaner, which you’d think would be one of those cash only businesses, prefers online payments. I assume actually collecting cash is a pain.
I was about to say that I’d used my visa debit card without problem Friday afternoon, as I always use my phone to swipe in and out of tube stations. But then I remembered that while I swiped out of Chancery Lane at just before 14:00 I actually walked back to Victoria as it was a pleasant afternoon and I was in no hurry! So I missed the chance to be inconvenienced ;) Though I do have a visa and MasterCard set up on Applepay just in case :)
We do a lot of shopping in markets here, which mostly requires cash. There is the occasional store which is cash only and taxis, which I use a lot.
I use cash more often than that because there's lots of card fraud here, and sometimes it's just easier not to worry about it. Not so much because you can't get your money back, but because it takes 4 -6 months and is a lot of work.
Having said that there is a ton of forged money as well but at least then your loss is limited to whatever you have in your hand.