>> A few years ago most people had never heard of online fraud.
>> Although you are still pretty safe giving out that level of info reasonably
The most common method of fraud is still unscrupulous shop and restaurant staff skimming your credit or debit card when you pay for goods and services in a normal face to face transaction. It is almost impossible to prevent, and you don't know it's happened until it's too late.
It's happened to me a few times now, the first pre-dating internet banking by some years, and involving someone having a wonderful weekend in Bern, Switzerland to the tune of £5k on my credit card. My wife also had her bank account emptied entirely in the space of a few hours a week before Christmas 1997. It turned out to be a crook working behind the till in the local petrol station who had a machine just under the desk which read the magstripe. Chip and pin cards aren't much safer.
Last edited by: DP on Thu 24 May 18 at 15:24