Can I just say, that I've more or less had enough of the pathetic little group of keyboard warriors who are spoiling my enjoyment of this site ( you know who you are )
I come here to chat, be informed, to be entertained, potentially educated, and indeed to have a little fun based around a shared interest in cars ( the clue is in the forum name )
I'm pretty much sick of the constant spoilers digging at one another quite clearly because they've got very little else to occupy them. I'm quite happy to read and consider an opinion of, or on, any subject that doesn't necessarily comply with my own, provided it's presented in a reasonable and reasoned manner, but when it descends into cheap sneery jibes, I frankly lose all interest.
I've been reading and contributing to this or other similar platforms for more than ten years now, and most of it has been a pleasant experience, a chance to chat to a wider and diverse group people with a shared interest, sometimes to debate things that are a bit more serious, but ultimately as a leisure experience.
What I don't want to have to sift through to get to that is serial trolling by a disruptive and self important minority.
Thank you for reading this, I've nothing much more to say about it other than to ask those who choose to screw it up for the rest, to just think a bit before you decide to start yet another trivial spat. I've caught myself getting drawn into some of these preposterous arguments in the past, but I really do regret that, it never ends well, and I'd respectfully suggest that the next time you feel inclined to have another ding dong, that you just let it lie. It may or may not surprise you to know that no one else is particularly interested in whether you are right or wrong once you start getting petulant. Mostly, they would just like you to zip it so that they can get on with reading the more useful posts.
Oh, and Happy Easter everyone by the way, and thanks to all those who do continue to inform, amuse and entertain me, I do appreciate that and hope that I occasionally reciprocate.
Onwards and upwards eh?
Merry crimble to you and yours - I've been imbibing!
Happy Easter to you Runfer.
I endorse your sentiments.
Quite so Runfer
Are your final words a metaphor for your mountain biking experiences? May all your falls be small ones with soft landings.
Despite yesterday’s dry weather, albeit a biting cold wind on the tops of the Dales, very few people were out rambling. By 5pm I had the hills totally to myself.
Looking out the window there is snow, the awful wet sloppy stuff over 250m, so I’ll only be walking to the gym later then imbibing with friends in Settle this evening. Pretty miserable for all the caravaners who are visiting my part of the world.
Stay dry out there
>>Stay dry out there...
We were up Llandegla yesterday on the bikes. Lots of lying snow at the higher levels and in the brief weak sunshine of yesterday morning it was an absolute delight to see. Pretty wet though at the lower levels.
Bikes filthy, job for today I suppose.
Got back from Lanzarote last night and sitting looking out of the window now looking at the unrelenting rain. It mus have rained all night, the patio is flooded. It all looks so grey. Missing the view of extinct volcanos and farmer hoeing his field by hand and the braying of his donkey on the morning.
I think you mentioned the cycling in Lanzarote before I went and indeed it is a bit of a cyclists paradise. Roads are in excellent condition with not a pothole to be seen and out inside the capital and the resorts very little traffic. Long sweeping bends with, particlarly in the North and some quite step hill climbs. Didn’t see any of the aggravation from motorists to cyclist that you get in the UK with drivers being prepared to wait to overtake and giving cycista a wide berth.
For off road the island of La Graciosa , a half hour ferry ride away from Lanzarote looks amazing. Apart from a few off road vehicles ther are no cars or indeed proper roads, just sand tracks of varying quality. Only transport is walking or hire a bike. The island of La Graciosa itself is amazing and must be the nearest thing to the Caribbean you can find on a short haul flight.
Only drawback for me was the aforesaid ferry crossing. I suffer from motion sickness and the two metre waves crashing into the small ferry left me feeling more than a bit ill.
>> Missing the the braying of his donkey in the morning.
Never mind, you should get that on here shortly.
>> >> Missing the the braying of his donkey in the morning.
>> Never mind, you should get that on here shortly.
We just did :-)
I’ve been home a little over a week from Espana and it seems like a month. The weather was poorer than expected, but better than here. Missing my ( dry) mountain walks, the early Feb blossom, cheap vino and general ambience of where we stayed.
If only I could find a half decent SC place for a week or so mid April in the Canaries....I’ll be travelling solo this time and hate those single occupancy prices!
Taking my old Mum, and friends, back to a villa in Espana late May but that’s 6 weeks away and if it continues to rain that’s a long time...
>> Happy Easter to you Runfer.
>> I endorse your sentiments.
If you had a spoons to do it in, you could raise a pint to it
>> If you had a spoons to do it in, you could raise a pint to
>> it
Surbiton? Leatherhead?
Well said, and I hope your Easter lived up to expectations.
From time immemorial we've had a family egg hunt. The best was a few years ago with a large egg hidden up at the top of a tall tree. We were all so busy searching unlikely places at ground level no one looked up.
There's a metaphor there somewhere.
>>...hope your Easter lived up to expectations.
It has actually, despite the weather's best efforts to prevent that. We've been either up mountains or in bars mainly. It's been the Nantwich Jazz Festival this weekend, with lots of live music ( not all jazz ! ) Been quite a fun weekend really.
Did you know that “time immemorial†legally speaking is the sixth of July 1189?
Just though I’d impart that gem of knowledge.
wow I knew he was old, but that surprised me
He's right - I've just looked it up.
"The Prescription Act 1832, which noted that the full expression was time immemorial, or time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, replaced the common law burden of proving time immemorial for the enjoyment of particular land rights with statutory fixed time periods of up to 60 years."
I was using it in the last sense. :)
It's a bit like the traditional period set for the duration of a trust. It used to be legally limited to the date when the last surviving grandchild of the current monarch died, or something like that.
I think it's now a standard 80 years.