Who needs people.
I ventured into Norwich yesterday. I parked in the automated car park and my first stop was the post office. 10 minute queue for the counter so used the new vending machine for weighing packages and buying stamps. Next stop the library where return and loan of books again fully automated. Withdrew some cash form ATM and proceeded to Tesco Metro and used the automated check out. Then drove to the railway station and used the vending machine to buy tickets for a journey to London next week. Back home to sort out holiday on the web.
Who needs people.
Thousands of Barclays customers ? :-)
>> Who needs people.
Clearly the machines need people.
Pretty soon there will be food synthesisers like in Star Trek. Press a few buttons and your favourite meal will emerge from a trap door.
Last edited by: corax on Sun 22 Aug 10 at 13:46
...Press a few buttons and your favourite meal will emerge from a trap door...
Sounds like the chocolate and crisps machine at work.
The only thing to add is: 'Smack the glass a couple of times'.
>> ...Press a few buttons and your favourite meal will emerge from a trap door...
>> Sounds like the chocolate and crisps machine at work.
Favourite meal? You're easily pleased.
If I could press some buttons and Uhura would emerge I would be happy.
...If I could press some buttons and Uhura would emerge I would be happy...
Was she the only woman in the crew?
...Yoeman Janice Rand...
Was she fit as well?
yes but Kirk gave her one.
...yes but Kirk gave her one...
Did he now?
I never knew sex featured in Star Trek storylines (referring only to the original series).
>> Kirk gave her one.
Pity it wasn't the chap with the pointed ears and dalek delivery. He might have been able to give her three.
Ugly bird - not fit at all.
>>Ugly bird - not fit at all.<<
You don't look at the mantelpiece while you are stoking the fire.
>> Who needs people
Dumb people are not needed but smart people are needed to automate the machines and manage the dumb people :-)
I checked into and slept in a Premier Inn in London last week. I'd pre-booked it on line. When I arrived I stuck my credit card in a machine and it gave me a key. On my departure I put the key in a box. Never spoke to a soul in the whole process.
Some would say it's progress and even preferable. I found it kind of sad to be truthful.
So if we didn't have dumb people we wouldn't need smart people?
Or to put it another way, smart people need dumb people?
It's amazing where logic gets you...
Of course smart people need dumb people. Without dumb people they would just be people.
I have to say those automated tills at the supermarket are great, once I got used to them. When you only have a few things, it's nice to bypass the mimser at the till fiddling with their tokens, debit card and loyalty card, then start the long process of putting them back into their individual pockets in the wallet or handbag, all this after they've sorted out a discrepancy with an item that didn't show up on the code reader and needs another assistant to walk the length of the shop and back to sort it out.
Corax, did you notice any people? The world ended last Wednesday and I think there's only you and I left. The other posts are computer generated.
>> there's
>> only you and I left.
>> >> there's
>> >> only you and I left.
>> Bliss.
Rubbish I am a real person
>> >> there's
>> >> only you and I left.
>> Bliss.
Rubbish I am a real
>> >> there's
>> >> only you and I left.
>> Bliss.
Rubbish I am a
>> >> there's
>> >> only you and I left.
>> Bliss.
Rubbish I am
>> >> there's
>> >> only you and I left.
>> Bliss.
Rubbish I
>>. Then drove to the railway station and used
>> the vending machine to buy tickets for a journey to London next week. Back home
>> to sort out holiday on the web.
I'd probably bought my ticket on-line from home and saved a good few £££s on the train ticket costs.
However that would have shortened the story of automation,
I agree with Hump it's sad but often preferable to being polite and treating others with normal (to us) courtesy and respect and seeing ones attempts at human connection disappearing into the black hole of ignorance and bad manners found everywhere.
In my regular working week i look forward to dealing with a Sikh chap (nearly always find this) at one place who shines as a beacon of good manners and politeness, and the fine hard working Pakistani chaps i visit weekly in East London....not much of a list is it, there are others of course to be fair.
Why is everyone so miserable and aggressive these days, box on order?
>> Why is everyone so miserable and aggressive these days, box on order?
Because now the population is too big, they're all packed in like sardines with no space around them, and they've lost touch with the simple pleasures in life. How about that for starters?
and they've lost touch with the simple pleasures in life. How about
>> that for starters?
Got to be more to it surely, in our lives we've all come across the odd miserable sod who if you paid a grand a week to lie in bed they'll still winge about it.
It's reaching epidemic state these days, it's such a breath of fresh air if someone's cheerful and treats you with normal courtesy and mutual respect.
>> It's reaching epidemic state these days, it's such a breath of fresh air if someone's cheerful and treats you with normal courtesy and mutual respect.
It's not that bad! Although most strangers wont go out of their way to say hi - so they probably fail the cheerful bit, i find if when i talk to random folks they'll often respond warmly and almost never with disrespect.
Even outwardly aggressive neds beating up a bus stop because their bored more often than not respond well to idle chat.
The exceptions are anyone with a drink in them and anyone giving off the f'off vibe.