In your link he was en route. Now he's arrived
Thread should be titled' Max Clifford has left the cell....'
"he was trying to clean his prison cell when he collapsed, adding "it was just too much"."
I'm always cautious about attempting too much cleaning.
When family members in the 22nd century research their family roots - it will state he died in a Cambridgeshire hospital rather than Littlehey Prison.
I remember reading many years ago that a chap was having a medical for a job & he was asked on the form how his father had died. He put down a floor gave way & the result was he died of a broken neck. The chap's father was actually hanged!
I think it's rather sad when someone dies in prison, the real bad 'uns accepted of course. What a miserable way to end your life.
I didn't realise, until I read the report, that he was that old.
>> I think it's rather sad when someone dies in prison, the real bad 'uns accepted
>> of course. What a miserable way to end your life.
He got away with it for longer than he was in prison for it.
>> He got away with it for longer than he was in prison for it.
Indeed. If anyone thinks he was just a trivial offender here's a list of his offences:
Para 19 speaks volumes as to his attitude to his victims.
>>if anyone thinks he was just a trivial offender here's a list of his offences:
I knew there were many but that is some list of offences.
I wonder how many others were damaged by him for all these years & still never came forward.
It always bugs me is why do people suffer in silence? If my wife or I were ever assaulted we'd be off to the Police Station ASAP.
>>I think it's rather sad when someone dies in prison, the real bad 'uns accepted of course. What a miserable way to end your life.
I agree. We only have one, what a way to spend your last few years. Sad. Deserved at times perhaps, but still sad.
You can wonder if he didn't commit the crimes and therefore did not endure prison... would he still be alive today? I'd say possibly.
The whole process from the first murmur complaint to his arrival in prison would have been dreadfully stressful - especially for a man of his material means.
This has been onging in Wales for the last few weeks. The whole thing has been so badly handled by all involved. Some people, including advisor spivs should hang their heads in shame.
>> In your link he was en route. Now he's arrived
Well done Wilson. I was wondering who'd be the first to spot that.
It depends where he's going:
The bell tolls, and it is done, ......
I used to be a member of a health club in Weybridge, some 20+ years ago, and he was often there playing squash. Quite a good player, but there was something really creepy about him. Sadly my suspicions were proved right in time.