Any views on the best platform for nominee holding of shares?
I have experience of both Equiniti and Halifax. Halifax wins on phone calls, Equiniti wins on website.
I honestly don't know if it is open to the new accounts but Yorkshire Building Society is excellent on the phone with regards share accounts.
You could have a look at You can open an account and make entries in dummy portfolios to check on your investments, or any you think of making, without in fact committing any funds (I don't) - although their dealing charges do seem to be very cheap. There is a great deal of free ancillary information and each holding has its own forum.
For a number of years I have held trading accounts with Hargreaves Lansdown, both a ‘Fund & Share’ account and a ‘Stocks & Shares Isa’. Individual trades are £11.95
Simplicity itself to use. Even for a numpty like me.
My Mum has been left some ££ by my late Aunt so I set up an online S £ S Isa account for her yesterday with HL. She’s given me carte Blanche to trade on her behalf with her capital. Keeps me out of mischief for a few hours each day/evening.
For advice I subscribe to ‘Michael’ and Paul Scott’s Stockopedia websites, then do my own research