Non-motoring > Brian Matthew has now died - official! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: commerdriver Replies: 32

 Brian Matthew has now died - official! - commerdriver
Saddened to read of Brian Matthew's death, enjoyed his Saturday morning shows for several years
Last edited by: smokie on Sun 9 Apr 17 at 00:20
 Brian Matthew has died - Robin O'Reliant
He ain't dead yet, the Beeb jumped the gun and have now corrected it to say he's critically ill.
 Brian Matthew has died - Bromptonaut
>> Saddened to read of Brian Matthew's death, enjoyed his Saturday morning shows for several years

The ranks of our distinguished elder broadcasters greatly diminished by his death and that of Desmond Carrington.

Both their former slots are now occupied by Tony Blackburn who's alleged infractions vis a vis Savile inquiry seem to have been forgiven.
 Brian Matthew has died - Mike Hannon
>>Both their former slots are now occupied by Tony Blackburn<<

Who's content is rubbish and he's long past his sell-by date.
Come back Leo Green! (Or, preferably, his father - the great Benny Green).
 Brian Matthew has died - Bromptonaut
Further to RoR's comment:
 Brian Matthew has not died after all - commerdriver
BBC big time oops
I do wish him well
 Brian Matthew has died - Dave_
>> The ranks of our distinguished elder broadcasters greatly diminished by his death and that of Desmond Carrington

The gravitas and respectability of our national broadcast corporation has been seriously eroded IMO by their shocking treatment of Brian Matthew, both in December when his show was sidelined and again now the poor sod's on his deathbed. The situation is more farcical than anything on W1A.
 Brian Matthew has died - Harleyman
>> The gravitas and respectability of our national broadcast corporation has been seriously eroded IMO by
>> their shocking treatment of Brian Matthew, both in December when his show was sidelined and
>> again now the poor sod's on his deathbed. The situation is more farcical than anything
>> on W1A.

Not dissimilar to the way Jimmy Young was treated. I always suspected that in that particular case it was a political decision, JY had attracted criticism for seeming to be too respectful to Margaret Thatcher. Jeremy Vine did initially seem to be a refreshing change as his musical tastes were more up-to-date, but nowadays I cannot even stand to listen to his five-minute preview at 11.30 never mind the show.
Last edited by: Harleyman on Sat 8 Apr 17 at 08:11
 Brian Matthew has died - CGNorwich
Personally I would like to see the back of most of those old presenters. The likes of John Himphreys, Jimmy Young, Desmond Carrington, Tony Blackburn etc seem to think or have thought they should be unsackable and go on on until they drop. Get rid of them at 65 I say an employ some younger talent which is currently stifled by the presence of these old fogies.
 Brian Matthew has died - Zero
>> Not dissimilar to the way Jimmy Young was treated.

Indeed not they are both very similar. They were both OLD, TOO OLD to be relevant to the audience profile. Mathews ended up as the most boring, soporific timeslot on the radio.

Their time had come, and it really is nothing more complex than that.

Mind you to replace them with the likes of blackburn is like the night of the walking dead shift change time.
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 8 Apr 17 at 09:08
 Brian Matthew has died - Harleyman

Mathews ended up as the most boring, soporific timeslot on
>> the radio.

In some ways yes. I did get rather fed up with his Beatles fetish but the show was nonetheless a refreshing change from the predictable playlists. I'm not quite sure that I agree about him being too old though; the very nature of the show dictated that it needed a presenter with a depth of experience and nobody could argue that he hasn't got that.

Blackburn has initially sounded as though he is trying to re-live his early years; he needs to tone the silliness down a bit.
 Brian Matthew has died - Robin O'Reliant
>> >>
>> Not dissimilar to the way Jimmy Young was treated.

I can never see how anyone thinks JY was badly treated. His contract came to an end, simple as that. The Beeb had no more obligation to offer him a new one than he would to have accepted it. Indeed his public hissy fit was rather embarrassing, showing him to be a conceited old fool with a misplaced sense of entitlement. DLT was another one who had an on air "Look how they've treated me after all I've done for them" rant when they decided his time was up (And long overdue it was too).

You can see why the likes of Savile were able to get away with what they did for so long, they regarded themselves as untouchable and lorded it over the lesser mortals who were cowed into submission by their self important pomp.
 Brian Matthew has died - No FM2R
Exactly what R O'R said.

They were discontinued well after their sell-by date. They behaved unprofessionally when their contracts ended, and neither of them warrants sympathy.

And there are others. They all love the idea of set term contracts when it gives them bargaining power and freedom, but they seem to forget that when their current employer simply decides not to renew.
 Brian Matthew has died - CGNorwich
He really is dead now.
 Brian Matthew has died - Robin O'Reliant
Sad to hear.

He had one great quality that I like in any presenter. He realised that it was the music people tuned in to hear and didn't talk over the records but let them play from start to finish.

Are you listening, Steve "Love the show" Wright?
 Brian Matthew has died - CGNorwich
That may be true of some but I guess to many the music on Radio 2 is a little bit secondary. They tune into radio for a bit of company and chat.
 Brian Matthew has died - Robin O'Reliant
You can have company and a chat and still play the music without talking over it as Johnnie Walker and Ken Bruce do. There is nothing worse than having a song you like come on air and having the presenter talk over half of it.
 Brian Matthew has died - CGNorwich
Yes but I would hazard a guess that most people who listen to those shows aren't overly fussed about the music It's just a background to their lives, a friendly presence.
 Brian Matthew has died - legacylad
Totally agree CGN. If I want to listen to music in my car it certainly isn't via the medium of radio.
 Brian Matthew has died - Robin O'Reliant
If I want music it's Radio 2, if I want chat it's 4.
 Brian Matthew has died - tyrednemotional
There is nothing worse than having a
>> song you like come on air and having the presenter talk over half of it.

......You really should have grown out of building your music collection by taping from the radio......
 Brian Matthew has died - sooty123
There is nothing worse than having a
>> song you like come on air and having the presenter talk over half of it.

I think they all love the sound of their own voice, one of the reasons I rarely listen to the radio. Can't be doing with all the chatter in between songs.
 Brian Matthew has died - Manatee
Brian Matthew's show was a favourite of mine. I don't think he researched and wrote it, but he presented it perfectly and instead of inane blether there was erudition. A good way to start off a long drive on a Saturday morning.
Last edited by: Manatee on Sat 8 Apr 17 at 22:34
 Brian Matthew has died - No FM2R
>>Are you listening, Steve "Love the show" Wright?

I've often wondered; do you suppose that everybody who writes in says "love the show" because they know there's no other way to get mentioned by him, or Wright simply makes it up?
 Brian Matthew has died - Harleyman
>> >>Are you listening, Steve "Love the show" Wright?
>> I've often wondered; do you suppose that everybody who writes in says "love the show"
>> because they know there's no other way to get mentioned by him, or Wright simply
>> makes it up?

I cannot abide the bloke. Only time I ever have Radio 2 on between 14.00 and 17.00 is when he's on holiday.

You can almost smell the ego when he talks; I was never much of a fan of Sarah Kennedy either but she went up in my estimation when she used to mock Steve Wright by referring to "SW'S" as a way of saying "love the show". When Wright does it it comes across as being as sincere as a Vladimir Putin peace message; and his sycophantic "crew" are enough to make you puke at times with their persistent fawning.
 Brian Matthew has died - Zero

>> show". When Wright does it it comes across as being as sincere as a Vladimir
>> Putin peace message; and his sycophantic "crew" are enough to make you puke at times
>> with their persistent fawning.

I'd love to choke the old woman with a mailbag full of his crappy factoids and then stuff them both sideways up his 'arris.
 Brian Matthew has died - Robin O'Reliant
>> >
>> I'd love to choke the old woman with a mailbag full of his crappy factoids
>> and then stuff them both sideways up his 'arris.
The Old Woman went to meet her maker sometime last year.
 Brian Matthew has died - Harleyman

>> I'd love to choke the old woman with a mailbag full of his crappy factoids
>> and then stuff them both sideways up his 'arris.

Given that Wright is so far up his own backside that might prove to be something of an interference fit.

Let me know if you get the gig though, quite happy to add my size 9's to a worthy cause.
 Brian Matthew has died - No FM2R
> Wright is so far up his own backside

He always has been. A billion years ago I slightly knew him and Mike Read when they were at Radio 210 in Reading doing the "Read & Wright show".

He was a t*** even then.
 Brian Matthew has died - Harleyman
A billion years ago I slightly knew him and Mike Read
>> when they were at Radio 210 in Reading doing the "Read & Wright show".

Blimey, that brings back memories; I was in Arborfield 1977-79 as an Army apprentice and I remember Radio 210 very well.
 Brian Matthew has died - MD
Considering the length of time wright has been at it only goes to prove that the average listener/punter is an absolute t***.
 Brian Matthew has died - tyrednemotional
>> He was a t*** even then.

....he always spoke highly of you when I was in Reading, though.......
 Brian Matthew has died - No FM2R
>>....he always spoke highly of you when I was in Reading, though..

He was just trying to impress you by saying he knew me.
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