These include free deliveries and free access via Fire stick but shouldn't they include Lovefilm as well? There seems no way of getting into the Amazon site to find out.
Why should it include Lovefilm? As you know it doesn't.
It doesn't include all the film/TV shows available to Amazon video subscribers either. Prime is a subset of what is available on Amazon Video.
>> Why should it include Lovefilm? As you know it doesn't.
>> It doesn't include all the film/TV shows available to Amazon video subscribers either. Prime is
>> a subset of what is available on Amazon Video.
Amazon website says "LOVEFiLM Instant is now Prime Video and LOVEFiLM By Post is now an Amazon Company."
Finding Lovefilm on the Amazon website isn't that obvious, true. This will get you to the sign up page though, with their current pricing. There's probably a better url but I can't find one immediately.
I've had a Lovefilm membership for several years but rarely use it; however, Amazon regularly send e-mails detailing its present and forthcoming films etc.
My daughter has Prime membership and I am registered as an affiliate family member.
This gets me, as a minimum, the Prime delivery benefit.
I have not bothered too much in exploring other benefits which may be available under this shared arrangement.
Some time ago, she logged onto the Amazon app. on our Samsung smart TV and her password has remained, so the streaming elements are, at least, partly available. I've not really got into what can be watched though.
When I shop on Amazon, which is quite often, I consciously look for goods with Prime delivery. Only if the same goods are available from other sellers at a significantly lower price, do I choose the non-Prime option.
I paid half her Prime fee last year and will do the same when it comes up for renewal in March.
I reckon at £39.50 each it's a decent deal for both of us.
>> I've had a Lovefilm membership for several years but rarely use it;
Don't you pay a monthly fee for Lovefilm membership?
>> Don't you pay a monthly fee for Lovefilm membership?
I thought in the post above
Amazon says it is included as part of Prime Video which is included in Prime membership.
Lovefilm DVD rental is an extra cost over a straight Prime membership.
What used to be called Lovefilm Instant is now Prime Video, and that IS included both in straight Prime and Lovefilm DVD membership. So you get Prime video if you have membership of either, as I understand it.
We have Lovefilm DVD membership. We get Prime video. We don't get Prime delivery.
>> I thought in the post above
>> Amazon says it is included as part of Prime Video which is included in Prime membership.
In your own post, you did not say that.
LOVEFILM instant might now be Prime Video. And LOVEFILM is indeed an Amazon company. But where do they (or you) say that LOVEFILM by post (i.e. DVD rental) is part of Prime Video? Because it's not.
This is what you said earlier:
Amazon website says "LOVEFiLM Instant is now Prime Video and LOVEFiLM By Post is now an Amazon Company."
That says nothing about LOVEFILM by post. I know it's semantics. But LOVEFILM still exists and you can get DVDs and BluRay disks through the post. If you subscribe that is.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Tue 31 Jan 17 at 22:48
And there is far more on Amazon Video than Prime Video to watch. And there's many more movies on LOVEFILM than Amazon Video.
I used to get LOVEFILM DVDs when they offered it via a Tesco website (slightly cheaper). But they stopped the Tesco version and I wasn't watching enough DVDs to justify it.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Tue 31 Jan 17 at 22:50
>> That says nothing about LOVEFILM by post.
Can you point out where you specified either "Lovefilm by post" or "Lovefilm DVD"?
LOVEFiLM is now only available as LOVEFiLM by Post. As you said yourself, LOVEFiLM Instant is now Prime Video (a subset of Amazon Video).
So to respond to the OP, no LOVEFiLM (by Post) is not part of Amazon Prime Video. But you do get Prime Video as part of a LOVEFiLM by Post subscription.
It was the OP that asked about LOVEFiLM not me. And it's a postal DVD/Bluray disk rental service.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Tue 31 Jan 17 at 23:21
>>Don't you pay a monthly fee for Lovefilm membership?>>
>> >>Don't you pay a monthly fee for Lovefilm membership?>>
>> Yes.
So if you rarely use it why keep paying? Or does someone else in your household use it? But then if that's the case it's used.
>>So if you rarely use it why keep paying? >>
Is it any of your concern or business? I have never realised you were my keeper. When was this appointment officially created?
That made me chuckle:)
>> That made me chuckle:)
>> Pat>>
Better than the sense of annoyance I experienced....:-)
I wish I had never posted my question!
>> I wish I had never posted my question!>>
Funnily enough I've had a Lovefilm e-mail news letter this morning...:-)