The fire remote is Bluetooth, that's why you can't see the sensor flashing on the camera screen.
However, an infra-red remote should still be seen on a digital camera. Saying that though, I've just tried it with my iPhone SE and it didn't work with the main camera, but when I switched it to the FaceTime camera it did. Looks like whatever camera lens Apple use in the iPhone 6 & SE can't see infra-red.
I've also just tried it with my old iPhone 4, and both cameras still see the infra-red light.
Another way to test a remote is to hold it near a radio that's tuned to AM that's not tuned to a station. You should hear beeps coming from the speaker. n.b. it won't do this with your fire remote btw.
EDIT - a quick google mentions that the latest digital cameras have UV and infra-red filters which explains why your iPhone 6 and my iPhone SE cannot see the sensor. The FaceTime camera doesn't have such filters fitted as they're just designed for video calling.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 19 Dec 16 at 01:25