And you wonder why I've avoided paying Tax for most of my life!
This is an insult to every hard working tax paying dude in the country IMO,
We (as a country) simply can't afford these professional scroungers any more,
The 'system' is wrong, wrong wrong.
It isn't a pretty picture but there is no implication that this money is being paid under false pretences or illegally, is there? The rules need changing.
Sharron, 41, was unavailable yesterday afternoon because she was "still in bed".
Benefits for the first two kids only. Simple. If you can't keep your knees together then don't expect us to pay for them!
There's another lot like this Derby way. Another bunch of slack jawed imbeciles that have never worked but seem to get more in benefits than most workers.
Perhaps also benefits should be limited to being minimum wage per adult?
The sun is not exactly a bastion of balanced reporting though is it? Wouldn't put it past them to give the family a load of lcd tvs to make it look worse for them!
>>The rules need changing.<<
That's an affirmative, as I said "The system is wrong" etc., etc.
It is wrong - that is why it needs changing! The one is not necessarily followed by the other. Action is needed.
You're right D but it does look as though things may be changing for the better at last. We won't see the end of this sort of story but we should see a reduction if the changes we're hearing about happen.
Why anyone gets paid for having children, even the first one, is beyond me. 6 billion on the planet and counting. We could do with a few billion less not more.
The benefits system is designed to help people with kids who are in tough times, but instead people breed to milk the benefits system. Apart from it being a complete abuse, albeit a legal one, of the system, it breeds a whole generation with the same values who will do the same thing as soon as they are eligible, after effectively raising themselves and causing total mayhem in their neighbourhoods. And so the cycle repeats.
I like the approach in the Netherlands. No state benefit at all for parents under the age of 18, and then a legal obligation for their parents to support them until they are 21. Hey presto, a low rate of teenage pregnancy and none of the "breed for a house / benefits" culture that we have here because it simply doesn't work. After that, you have to jump through far more hoops to get benefits, and the guaranteed state safety net which the abusers here exploit is far less assured.
And this is in one of the most progressive, liberal countries in Europe! I guess they have just realised that there's nothing progressive or liberal about unwanted kids being born as benefit tickets, and being left to fend for themselves as soon as they're old enough to have a front door key. The bleeding hearts lobby here would do well to realise the same.
Last edited by: DP on Mon 9 Aug 10 at 11:11
At least the Lib/Dem/Cons are in the process of making changes to weed out the false claimants,
don't get me wrong though, I'm all for helping those that truly do need help as I'm sure we all are,
but why should the low-life's sit on their asses all day while most people work damn hard to feed clothe and house their families in these increasingly difficult times.
It is a smack in the face if you actually go to work thats for sure and its not as if they are eco warriors trying to do something good for mankind instead or working for a wage.
My dad was telling me about an uncle and aunt of his who had 14 children. The kids NEVER went to school and they were ferried around in an old bus. There was a difference though. They ALL worked, as a family on farms, travelling around to wherever the work was. The parents owned their own large home by their mid 40s and all their kids, despite no formal education went on to all own a large home and have no money worries. A few of them are still alive so Im told.
My dad said they were one step away from travellers, but they looked after my nan when her husband walked off and they were the nicest people you could ever meet.
Have we lost that drive to work an survive these days because its all too easy now? Seems like it for some.
Never seen an updated one of these -->
I thought it was a really good presentation of what money's spent on.
>> At least the Lib/Dem/Cons are in the process of making changes to weed out the
>> false claimants,
..... and the likely outcome, as with motoring legislation, is that decent people with a genuine need will get screwed and the scroungers, aided and abetted by an army of fee-chasing lawyers, will continue to live in comfort at our expense.
Seen this sort of promise before from governments of all colours. Never happens because it keeps too many civil servants employed.
HarleyM speaks for me too, UK government (so long as our lords and masters in europe allow) and common sense are rare bedfellows and i don't buy the eyewash from the latest bunch.
DWP & HMRC administer 51 different benefits and their staff have over 8000 pages of rules and instructions to help them. People I know had their house raided at 6am one morning, their computers and all personal documentation were confiscated by a team of 8 policemen. Now, with their paperwork still not returned, they have to prepare a defence against an allegation of benefit fraud. One of them, on disability benefit, has been accused of working because, inter alia, they sent an e mail! You could be in a wheelchair with no legs and send an e mail but you'd not be fit for many sorts of work!
I suppose once you've created a behemoth like the DSS, its nigh on impossible to un-create it really,
I like what I hear from DP Re: The Netherlands way of doing things, and it appears to bring about the desired effect,
Being that our National Debt is set to surpass £2 trillion, something has got to give, and although I'm long enough in the tooth to have heard it all before from all Political parties, whatever colour tie they wear, I do believe that this time things are different and that the types of people portrayed in that fine & dandy Newspaper article will not in future be allowed to just procreate 'willy' nilly and sit on their asses at our expense,
haha! I hear you say but, fings ARE gonna get worse on the good ship Brittania, before they get better.