Sky box failed 2 mths ago - swapped out by Sky for £65 - seemed OK.
Today I had a letter offering Sky Cover £9.99 per month!!
Round figures you would need to have to a SKY box
3 breakdowns per year to recoup the cost!
This is my first repair in 21 yrs - usually have an upgraded box every few years.
I do not take insurance for anything other than car - legally required & house/contents as it is a lot of money to lose for a modest premium.
Insurance for electrical goods, phones, computers etc etc I replace rather than repair if anything goes wrong - but honestly faults are rare.
Who would pay £120 annual premium to save a £65 charge?
>> Who would pay £120 annual premium to save a £65 charge?
Those who don't understand statistics/probability and financial arithmetic :-)
Also I suspect threatening to cancel will get you a cheaper skybox etc.
>> Also I suspect threatening to cancel will get you a cheaper skybox etc.
A colleague recently tried that trick. Said he was off to Virgin as they were cheaper when asked why he wanted to leave. Bloke at Sky looked up Virgin's offers and said they weren't any cheaper, would you still like to cancel?
>> Sky box failed 2 mths ago - swapped out by Sky for £65 - seemed
>> Who would pay £120 annual premium to save a £65 charge?
I could buy nearly three sky boxes a year on ebay for that.
>> I could buy nearly three sky boxes a year on ebay for that.
I updated our Sky+ box (which was a fiver in a charity shop IIRC) to a Sky+ HD for 20 odd quid including P&P from CrackCashconverters. Always loads of 1 year old boxes available where folk have taken up the 'free' Sky box offer, then realised how much it's going to cost them beyond the 'free' period.
>> I updated our Sky+ box (which was a fiver in a charity shop IIRC) to
>> a Sky+ HD for 20 odd quid including P&P from CrackCashconverters. Always loads of 1
>> year old boxes available where folk have taken up the 'free' Sky box offer, then
>> realised how much it's going to cost them beyond the 'free' period.
But there again watch out for the Sky HD box Fraud.
Never been inside an AllTotallyNotStolen Converters but there was an accordion in the window of the one near work today. I wonder about the story there; perhaps its owner stood in the doorway and played it till they paid him to stop.
Let's be fair. The Sky Protection cover also incluses you viewing device so your 54 inch Plasma TV or whatever you view your programmes on up to a blue of £2,000 is also covered.
Would I buy? No. But it's not quite the bad deal that you make out -and might be a good idea if you don't have a lot of ready cash to fund a replacement.
Not sure how limit became blue but you get the drift.
Never paid sky for a repair before, so wouldn't insure against it.
Just tell them you cant afford the repair so you will cancel the contract. Usually after a bit of "I'll check with my manager" a FOC repair is arranged as a one off good will gesture