My son's iphone 5c seems to be kaput so looking to maybe buy a refurbished 5s - there seems to be huge numbers of sites selling these on web, Amazon and Ebay.
Anyone bought one from a site that they would recommend? I saw this on ebay and it seems as safe as you can be with there - huge feedback, 12 months warranty and 14 days returns.
Alternatively, anyone got an iphone 5s lying about they want to sell?
These people have been around for a while. I have had no direct dealings with them, I look at their website when I am toying with the idea of upgrading.
Smartfonestore +1. Have had 4 phones from them, delighted with all.
My son uses a CEX shop in Glasgow buying things for his daughters - i-pod, games console bits etc & it has worked out well & there is a warranty!
He has also traded in bits and bobs of old games and further reduced the cash needed. I have an ipod in the car glovebox linked to the stereo that was 2nd hand out of CEX but you would not have know it - pristine condition in box etc etc!
Watch how you say CEX - my granddaughter (10 yrs) asked me if had been in the CEX shop in the High Street & Grandma's hearing is not as sharp as it was and got misled by the tone of the conversation !!!!!!!
Your local Game store or online.
A room mate of my grandson (12yrs old) at school has an iPhone 4, an iPhone5 and an iPhone 6.
Plus a Macbook Air and a PS4!
I believe the lad is from Angola.
My grandson does not have a mobile.
There is an, incoming only, land-line phone in the room.
There is wi-fi and wired internet in the room.(Under strict school control, I might add!)
Well, that should make sure he is at the mercy of the mercenary gits who have mobiles.
A very short sighted and naive approach. Whist unlimited usage is not a good idea, unlimited availability is.
Still, I guess we each know how much our own can be trusted to be responsible.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Sat 28 Nov 15 at 18:15
Yes - our lad whilst a computer fanatic, is not (yet) interested in a mobile phone.
He is a saver, not a spender.
We will probably spring for a decent one for his next birthday in May. (Not a new iPhone, though!).
I have a perfectly good IPhone 4 here going begging. Missus bought a new 5s and I inherited her 4s.
>> I have a perfectly good IPhone 4 here going begging. Missus bought a new 5s
>> and I inherited her 4s.
For how much is it begging?
To be honest Roger I have no idea. Whatever the market says I guess. If I recall correctly all the 'stuff' is in the box (somewhere?) in my office. I have never used the ear buds and afaik it's all complete. Not a clue as to £, but have a look at the market place and give a view. I could always mail you pics as and when. Regards.
8, 16 or 32 gb? The Market says - In good nick in original box £25 to £45 depending on memory size. Being a 4 (not a 4s) it can't be upgraded with later versions of iOS.
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 29 Nov 15 at 19:46
>> A very short sighted and naive approach.
Probably true, at least in part. Classroom attitudes to mobiles are changing. For years they were an unmitigated b***** nuisance. First with distractions via games etc then with pictures from stills through to full video. The Education minister, in a demonstration of her government's commitment to localism and devolution is currently considering a central directive to ban them from schools*.
Meanwhile, teachers are finding the advantage of every pupil having a mini computer in their pocket. Phones go on the desk in front of the child at start of lesson. They can be used for research and access to background material or to record the outcome of experiments. Still a challenge to manage but no longer just a problem.
*It won't work. Far too many exceptions would be needed because many parents' work patterns are based on fact that kids have a mobile for emergencies and contingencies.
Mobile Pah! All they need is a catapult and a pocketful of ball bearings.
When I were a lad..............
>> Mobile Pah! All they need is a catapult and a pocketful of ball bearings.
pea shooter or spud gun?
>> Sekiden gun!
That brings back memories. I think everyone at my school was packing one of those till they were banned after someone copped a pellet in the eye.