Can anyone recommend a good supplier for foils and cutter bars please?
Also, is there a suggested ratio such as two foils to one cutter bar etc?
I've straight bar Braun (dry) and Panasonic (wet and dry) models. The Philips Aquatouch has been recommended on this forum but that is circular. What are the advantages?
In hoping you are having the same beautiful day as here in Poole.
When I've needed stuf Boots has usually come up with it.
>>Can anyone recommend a good supplier for foils and cutter bars please?
Bude-iful day here too in Sunni Cornwall.
Try ebay - usually lots there. I usually try them and Amazon for bits...and then a quick Google as well if savings to be had.
Even Stoke on Trent is sunny, if a little frosty at 7.45am over the Moorlands when younger son and I walked
Old fashioned barbers often do shaver spares and repairs too; there's one such near where I work and another near my previous home.
Gorgeous - if chilly - in Southox too. Yesterday's rain meant the bikes - and we - needed a good clean when we got back but that's a small price to pay.
Last edited by: WillDeBeest on Sun 25 Oct 15 at 13:15
Advantages of philips rotary shavers? in my mind a much better cut with less effort. Disadvantages? the price of spare round foils and cutters is something a highwayman would be proud of, sometimes cheaper to buy a new shaver on special offer.
Dry Sunny but a little chilly here in Northsur, dog been out for a walk, but I am now fitting a new bog and sink and renovating the bathroom.
I bought a Philips rotary after advice from here, big mistake. It's a much slower shave and doesn't shave as close as my old foil shaver.
I'm back to a Braun.
I had a Philips rotary but couldn't get on with it and replaced it with a Remington. I much prefer a proper shave, so only use the electrics when I'm feeling lazy or away on holiday.
Electric shave is only useful for a tidy up before an evening out imo. Only a wet razor does a proper job.
>> I bought a Philips rotary after advice from here
Not me! :)
Last edited by: Focusless on Sun 25 Oct 15 at 15:40
I really dislike close shaves. I'd have a beard and avoid shaving altogether, but I hate beards slightly more than I hate shaving.
Rough cut, s'wot I go for.
26 degrees and sunny here, still got snow on the mountains as its only spring.
S'funny, 'cos if it's my neck on a hot day, nothing itches like a rough shave; nice and close and there's nothing to itch. Blade and tea tree gel every time for me.
I think one of my difficulties is that I have never got used to shaving. Nor have I ever had a beard.
When I was young I used to let it grow to stubble, and then use a trimmer on its lowest setting. And I've pretty much done that ever since.
I know I shaved on my wedding day, and I know it stung like hell with a rash the next day.
I went through a phase of getting a cut throat shave in Mayfair on my way to work, but even that became an irritation.
So, a rough shave with a trimmer, barely any stubble, no rash, no irritation and it doesn't matter if I miss the odd day here or there.
I currently have three days of designer stubble, but it varies enormously from a 10 day semi beard to a 5 day trimmed shadow to a close up down and sideways wet shave. Depends on whats happening, how I feel and where I am going. Never get a rash, but shaving that 10 day beard is a bit "hair grabby"
>> Can anyone recommend a good supplier for foils and cutter bars please?
I've used this place multiple times:
I usually grab a cutter and foil for my Braun shaver when they email a 20% sale offer. Had a sort out of my drawer in the summer and found 3 packs of them. Doh!
There's no solution. Every level of shavenness/unshavenness has its own discomforts and diseases.
I forget what the curse of Eve was, but the curse of Adam was certainly the filthy, insanitary beard. Malevolent sod that God.
>> I've used this place multiple times:
And also from
Last edited by: VxFan on Sun 25 Oct 15 at 19:51