Non-motoring > Geoffrey Howe Dies Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bromptonaut Replies: 9

 Geoffrey Howe Dies - Bromptonaut
Almost exactly a week after his sparring partner Denis Healey former Chancellor, Foreign Secretary and nemesis of Mrs Thatcher Geoffrey Howe has died.

My views on his time as Chancellor are pretty much as you might think they would be. Far more time for his subsequent role in the Lords as a legal conscience for governments of both parties.
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - Roger.
I thought you'd have like him, given his destruction of Margaret Thatcher and that he was firmly on the left wing of the Tories.
A proper wet.
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - Bromptonaut
>> A proper wet.

That's not a view that's come across in any of the obits. As Chancellor he was very much to the fore in Thatcher's monetarist phase and cautioned against the risks of Heseltine's plans to invest in Merseyside after the Toxteth riots etc.

Certainly a social liberal though.

A thoroughly decent man seems to be the verdict today.
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - Armel Coussine
>> A thoroughly decent man seems to be the verdict today.

Yes. Whether he was as decent as he seemed or not - some politicians are all right after all - I suppressed the impulse to write a heartless dead sheep post. Getting soppy in my old age I think.
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - Bromptonaut
>> I thought you'd have like him, given his destruction of Margaret Thatcher and that he
>> was firmly on the left wing of the Tories.

Meant to add: -

And since he was committed to UK in EU your animosity towards him is hardly a surprise.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sun 11 Oct 15 at 09:28
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - Bromptonaut
The Telegraph obit:

A long and interestingly written piece for which I cannot see any attribution.

Describes him as Thatcher's praetor, a word I had to look up although I'd immediately recognise its descendant praetorian. Further on the author describes Mrs T as the victrix in the campaign to succeed Heath. Being familiar with administratrix and aviatrix as feminine terms I knew that one but not sure I've actually seen it used before
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - Zero

>> Describes him as Thatcher's praetor, a word I had to look up

Clearly not remembered your TV series "Rome" or "I Clavdivs" or watched your "Gladiator" or "the eagle" DVDs.

>> recognise its descendant praetorian. Further on the author describes Mrs T as the victrix in
>> the campaign to succeed Heath. Being familiar with administratrix and aviatrix as feminine terms I
>> knew that one but not sure I've actually seen it used before

Dominatrix, fellatrix are more interesting feminine terms.
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - sooty123
>> >> Describes him as Thatcher's praetor, a word I had to look up
>> Clearly not remembered your TV series "Rome"

there's what i thought of as well as soon I read it. Top tv show.
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - Bromptonaut
>> Clearly not remembered your TV series "Rome" or "I Clavdivs"

Reminds me, it's about time I watched my Clavdivs DVDs again.

>> >> recognise its descendant praetorian. Further on the author describes Mrs T as the victrix

>> Dominatrix, fellatrix are more interesting feminine terms.

Dominatrices and fellatrices even?
 Geoffrey Howe Dies - tyrednemotional
The appearance of the words "Thatcher" and "dominatrix" so close together in a thread conjured up a vision that brought me out in a cold sweat!

No doubt it would be other some contributors' "wet dream" however. ;-)

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