Non-motoring > New Job... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 19

 New Job... - R.P.
Leaving the CAB after four very happy years to pastures new. Working for Victim Support locally. Less hours, money more or less the same - which isn't the attraction. I would recommend the CAB to anyone as a volunteer or as paid staff. Learnt a huge amount, know that I've made significant differences to dozens of people which is what its all about. May have to buy a new commuter bike though ;-)
 New Job... - No FM2R
Victim Support? Now that sounds like it could be harrowing at times.

Good luck with it and congratulations.
 New Job... - Bromptonaut
As Mark says, well done and good luck. I think we have, or at least pitched for, a contract to provide some similar services locally.
 New Job... - Pat
Well done RP and congratulations, I bet that will be interesting. I envy you.

 New Job... - R.P.
 New Job... - MD
>> May have to buy a new commuter bike though ;-)
Striple will be cheap then......0:-)
 New Job... - zippy
Good luck!
 New Job... - Bobby
An ex-colleague has just started a job in the office of her local MP. She said that some of the stuff she is hearing already is harrowing with red tape in place all over to deliberately make life difficult for folks that need help.

Recently spent a day at the CAB and her eyes were opened with what they were dealing with. Interestingly she says that she has "MP hotline numbers" that she can call that get preferential treatment eg DVLA.

 New Job... - R.P.
CAB does open doors when dealing with big organisations., we have specific HMRC numbers and some for the DWP - never phoned the DVLA workwise but it wouldn't surprise me. Hugely demanding work....I work 4 days, nominally 830 to 430 - yesterday was a 60 mile roundtrip for a 3 hour stint in a library - saw 7 clients (I stayed on the to do some online supervision stuff - PETRA the national database needs to be on a secure web access - we have encrypted laptops) today was a 120 mile round trip for a four hour session - non-stop from 1030 to 1430 - lost count of clients in the end. Two outreaches tomorrow should be more laid back (rurals) - then supervising an advice session on Thursday which could be anything ! There's only a number of spinning plates you can keep spinning before something gives.
 New Job... - R.P.
Today's outreach was in a Library...I got to stamp a book during a break...perk of the job.
 New Job... - Bobby
I will be disappointed if you did not manage to fit in a "Sshhhhhhhhhhh!!" at some point!
 New Job... - R.P. Monday it will be then !!
 New Job... - The Melting Snowman
>> I will be disappointed if you did not manage to fit in a "Sshhhhhhhhhhh!!" at some point!

I wondered what you meant at first...
Last edited by: The Melting Snowman on Wed 7 Oct 15 at 20:07
 New Job... - Haywain
Good luck in the new post, RP!
 New Job... - Crankcase
I hadn't imagined there were any libraries left that actually stamp books. Not seen the like for at least ten years.
 New Job... - Skip
>> I hadn't imagined there were any libraries left that actually stamp books. Not seen the
>> like for at least ten years.

We are talking about Wales !
 New Job... - Slidingpillar
Didn't know they had books in Wales, well except colouring books.


Somebody had to say it, didn't they.
 New Job... - MD
Well, that's Black and White then.

Or if I'm still on the naughty step................White and White:0-)
 New Job... - Bromptonaut
Just of to do my bit of rural outreach for CAB - covering for leave. Judging by the (lack of) bookings in the diary and accounts of others it is, like on Rob's patch, quite different to the non-stop action that was town centre 'drop in' yesterday.

Outreach apparently includes looking for people with problems....
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Thu 8 Oct 15 at 08:05
 New Job... - R.P.
I was running today's Advice Session...5 Advisers and a Receptionist all volunteers, full diaries and 7 drop ins between 10am and 3pm....bloomin' busy.
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