Non-motoring > Manure... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 27

 Manure... - smokie
This is probably a really dumb question, and I'm sure The Great Creosote Incident of 2008 (?) will come into someone's mind Dave but...

SWMBO wants some new raised beds.

I've just found a place where you can pick up all the horse poo you want for nuffin.

I only have a Focus, no towbar or trailer.

Does horse poo smell? Would it be stupid to get a boot load? (Bagged up of course, not shovelling it straight into the carpetwork!!). It'd only be a 10 minute journey...

Having Googled it seems it isn't an awful smell, I'm just not sure whether the car would stink forever or whether it might go if I kept the windows open.

Seems I could hire a van from Costco for an hour for £15 but that'd be defeating the object a bit.

 Manure... - No FM2R
In my experience of frequently carrying poo covered riding boots, it'll only leave a smell if you spill it or wipe it on something. If its bagged, then you should be fine.

Fenlander would probably have experience also.
 Manure... - Armel Coussine
I wouldn't hesitate smokie, cars being intended after all for use not ornament. A lot would depend on the sensitivity of the noses that will be regular passengers.

Make sure the bags are clean on the outside. Horsescheiss does pong a bit, but it isn't a particularly evil pong and horse people probably don't even notice it.
 Manure... - Mapmaker
Horse manure has to be left to rot for a year - or ideally two - before it can be used in flower beds. Otherwise it will kill everything. Stop being a cheapskate, and order topsoil from the local builder's merchant.
 Manure... - Bromptonaut
As others say use bags, good robust ones not pound shop 'Osamas' and cover the boot floor with a tarpaulin and/or several thicknesses of newspaper.
 Manure... - Mapmaker
There's a reason it's free. It's basically industrial waste at this stage. Only if you keep it a year or two does it become useful.
 Manure... - smokie
Ah right, well the ad said something about it being well rotted. Does that mean it's more smelly?

For once, I was all for spending he dosh on a delivery of to[p soil but this could end up being a short term (1 season) bed so she doesn't want to spend more than essential on it. It's looking like I'll be building it myself (instant bodge) using something like decking boards. We're not looking to raise it that much. It's for veg not flowers...but I guess that doesn't matter
Last edited by: smokie on Tue 6 Oct 15 at 17:05
 Manure... - Mapmaker
Well rotted should be less smelly. More earthy and less horsey.
 Manure... - Clk Sec
>>As others say use bags, good robust ones not pound shop

Pound / 99p shops sell rubble sacks in packs of 7. I bought some a while back and they are really quite strong.
 Manure... - MD
Just tell her to sort it herself. Man up man.

Runs for cover.........
 Manure... - Fenlander
In plastic bags the airborne smell will go soon after you take it from the car. It's direct contact you want to avoid... the smell hangs about under the fingernails.

Ideally you want it from a mucked out stable where they're using straw.. never rated wood shavings muck as much... and if it's neat poo picked up and bagged from the field not so good either.
 Manure... - Cliff Pope
As others have said. It needs processing, and is best used as an additive in compost heaps which otherwise tend to be a bit lacking in nitrogen.
Good if you are planning your raised beds in two years time, the wrong stuff if you want them now.

Don't worry about the smell. After cat sick everything else is as nothing.
 Manure... - Bromptonaut
>> Pound / 99p shops sell rubble sacks in packs of 7. I bought some a
>> while back and they are really quite strong.

Rubble bags probably just the job. My caution was about rubbish bags/bin liners.
 Manure... - No FM2R
If you ever see those large bags that are used to deliver sand and earth then hang onto them. They're like a cubic metre, I think.

Really strong, really useful and last forever.
 Manure... - R.P.
Raised Beds ? Tried a mattress ?
 Manure... - smokie
I have a couple of the giant builders bags, use 'em when clearing the garden waste. I'd have thought they could be porous. Also have a few thick plastic bags from stuff like peat and wood chippings which should do the trick. Thanks for the advice all.
 Manure... - henry k
>> Also have a few thick plastic bags from stuff like peat and wood chippings which should do the trick.
Beware some of those plastic sacks have lines of little perforations.
 Manure... - Cliff Pope
>> If you ever see those large bags that are used to deliver sand and earth
>> then hang onto them. They're like a cubic metre, I think.

Hard work lifting a cubic metre of manure into the back of a car. You can spread the open bag in the car first of course and shovel it in until the suspension is sitting on the rubber buffers, but then you've got to get it out again.

 Manure... - helicopter
I had an incident some years ago when collecting some horse manure from a local farm. I had several bags to fill and climbed onto the smouldering pile of poo..trying to get the best well rotted fot the roses..without realising that the pile was not as solid as anticipated .I ended up to my waist in it, wellies full of it and SWMBO wetting herself laughing and refusing to assist in my attempts to extricate myself.

When I did escape and load up the car and get home I had to get rid of the wellies and jeans I had been wearing and the car did have a certain did go eventually......
 Manure... - commerdriver
Sounds extremely funny as long as it happens to someone else
is there a video on youtube ?
 Manure... - Alanovich
Smokie, have you ever seen a film called "Back to the Future"? There's a great example of the interface between vehicle and manure and its consequences in that film.

I will forever picture you as Biff Tannen from now on.
 Manure... - VxFan
>> Smokie, have you ever seen a film called "Back to the Future"?
 Manure... - Alanovich
Ha, yes, I'd forgotten the scene was repeated in Part 2.

Great films, even Part 3, which got a bit silly in the end.

Smokie, is your Focus a convertible?
 Manure... - smokie
LOL like those...

Made me recall this clip I saw on You've Been Framed

No, not a convertible (maybe thankfully!!)

The project is on temporary hold while she sorts out size, location and method of building this bed.
 Manure... - Alanovich
I think that when the time comes you should probably buy an old SAAB estate for the job. You'd be surprised how much "ess haitch one tee" you can get in those.

Step this way, Sir...............
Last edited by: Alanović on Thu 8 Oct 15 at 10:48
 Manure... - smokie
I'm sure you won't object to me having a test drive for, say, two hours? :-)
 Manure... - Alanovich
No sweat. Just don't go up any hills fully laden.
Last edited by: Alanović on Thu 8 Oct 15 at 13:36
 Manure... - VxFan
>> Ha, yes, I'd forgotten the scene was repeated in Part 2.

And in BTTF 3 as well. It was a running theme throughout all 3 movies.
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