Non-motoring > iPhone 6S - One week in... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 17

 iPhone 6S - One week in... - R.P.
My iPhone5 was coming up to three years old and would need a new battery I decided to upgrade. Ordered from John Lewis it came with 12 months extra warranty on top of the Apple guarantee. Delivered to my local Waitrose, saved messing about riding to Liverpool or Manchester to mix with the great unwashed. I'd already ordered a Otterbox Defender for it to replace the excellent bit of kit that protected the 5 for three years of wear and tear. The old phone emerged unmarked from the rather large plastic and rubber box, but its fallen off the the back of the bike at least once, dropped a dozen times and travelled the world, so buying one for the 6s was no-brainer.

Phone synched seamlessly from iTunes...just perfectly. Minor hiccups with IOS9 seem sorted now (mainly with messaging) we'll see. Apple Pay has been activated and had an outing to Bala (of all places) to see it work in the local Co-oP...!

Natural evolution from the 5, I love the touch ID activated for two thumbs and an index finger. Reception on 3 Network shows a marked improvement especially in the house where the old phone depended on the 3 app to switch to WI-FI too often.

Still fits in Jeans pocket (front) with no discomfort - it is large but very tactile.

Good phone and everything else it does come to that.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - WillDeBeest
...Jeans pocket (front) is large but very tactile.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - No FM2R
Just been looking at the Otterbox things. A couple of questions which I couldn't find the answer to which you will probably know;

Are they waterproof? Totally?

Do they increase the size of the phone substantially?
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - Zero

>> Are they waterproof? Totally?

As in go diving? No. As in drop down bog and recover in 30 minute? Probably not. Recover immediately? Yes

>> Do they increase the size of the phone substantially?

Think rubber brick

In fact they are so chunky in my view it totaly negates buying an iPhone. But you need it, the 6 is as fragile as eggs
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - VxFan
>> But you need it, the 6 is as fragile as eggs

I thought they toughened up the 6S following the bending problem of the 6.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - No FM2R
Thanks Zero, I feared as much.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - DP
>> But you need it, the 6 is as fragile as eggs

As is the Galaxy S6. Had mine 2 months and it's already cracked in two places. And it's never been dropped.

Seems to be the way with modern "designer" phones.

Although I'd wager the iPhone 6 battery lasts longer than a morning with reasonable use....
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - No FM2R
>>As is the Galaxy S6. Had mine 2 months and it's already cracked in two places.

From flexing in your pocket?

I moved from an S3 to an S4, which was quite a useful jump. I then moved from an S4 to an S5, which seemed to gain me pretty much nothing.

So I have not bothered with the move to an S6. I'm a bit off Samsung to be honest. I like their kit but they put on so much additional rubbish that is impossible to remove. And then each phone seems to get one Android version update and then is no longer supported for the future ones.

I don't mind that level of planned obsolescence in the tech world, but its a bit unworkable when the price of each new unit is so high.

And after months, if not years, of wussing around I finally rooted my phone and installed a custom ROM.

I was fairly boring and installed a ROM which is still Touchwiz but without all the pre-installed garbage - including Knox. thank goodness. If I had to do it again I'd find it easy and quick. But having to work out everything the first time was a bit of an a***.

However, its now done. It still works exactly as it did before, still Touchwiz. They say its supposed to be quicker. Perhaps, but I can't notice any difference.

But the impact on battery life is startling. Easily lasts more than 24 hours now and I use it quite a lot. I'd do it again just for that. I'd guess its down to all the stuff that is no longer there and no longer running.

Whatever, I'm pleased.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 5 Oct 15 at 12:31
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - VxFan
The only criticism (so far) my mate has of his iPhone 6S is that due to the rounded/curved edges, it is more slippery in his hand than his previous 4S and 5S which had square sides.

Having held it myself, I quite agree with him.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - Duncan
>> Still fits in Jeans pocket >>

Obviously you still wear jeans.

Er, you don't think that perhaps jeans are for younger men?

Just asking, like.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - WillDeBeest
What's your advice, Duncan? Nice pair of Rohans? Baggy yellow cords?

Nothing wrong with jeans on bodies of any age, provided the body inside is in reasonable shape - as I'm sure RP's is.

I like the iPhone 4S's square edges too; much easier to grip than the rounded 3G I had before. I may be on the cusp of a 6 or 6S of my own; if so I'll be choosing my case carefully.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - R.P.
Yes Mark, Quite a bit larger - the 5 became a brick - I can measure the old box up for you later. If you want the 5 box I can post it, no not totally waterproof. Ports have nice sealed flaps - but the speaker is open to the elements. I'll photo the old box up for you later today. Yes Jeans. I ditched them when I was 40 and I thought, "why should I" and went back to them a few years ago, My first purchase were the excellent Rohan ones which I wore out so went back to Levi.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - Crankcase
It's probably unsurprising to anyone here for me to say that at the ripe old age of 53 I have yet to own or indeed wear a pair of jeans. Sounds like I've missed it.

I can only imagine what they feel like.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - Westpig
>>I have yet to own or indeed wear a pair of jeans.
>> Sounds like I've missed it.

It's virtually the only things I do wear.

Slightly smarter = wearing the black pair.

Chinos and a shirt for smartish evening and suit for weddings/funerals.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - Dog
>>It's virtually the only things I do wear.

I'm with ^this Giza ... still in shorts at the mo tho, £10 from George [sorry George!]
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - No FM2R
The "quite a bit larger" stops it being interesting. And it sounds like it is about as water resistant as an S5 supposedly already is.

So no gains really. Pity. Thanks tho.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 5 Oct 15 at 10:29
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - Alanovich
The wife's had an iphone 6 for while, so I'm familiar with them. My contract came up for renewal 2 weeks ago and I ordered a Huawei P8. Far nicer than the iphone in my book. Much higher spec and half the monthly payment. Brilliant thing. Ordered it as a click and collect from Craphound Wh*reh*use, the hipster geeky blokes in there were impressed with the thing and confidently told me it's much better than an Apple product. So far I agree, in spades.
 iPhone 6S - One week in... - Bobby
I have one of the wallet type covers on my iphone 6 - like this

It had come up on Groupon the same day as I ordered the phone and thought I would give it a try but fully expected to chuck it quite quickly. However actually really like it, protects the phone, looks neat, passes all the pocket tests etc. When actually talking to someone on the phone (apparently there is an app that allows that :) ) I just fold the cover backwards without thinking.

Interestingly, I used to always keep my phone on a holder in the car while driving but since I got the iphone it just sits in the cup holder or even stays in my pocket. Dunno why!
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