Non-motoring > NASA to make major announcement today Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 56

 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
Regarding planet hunting mission:

Just saying.

 NASA to make major announcement today - smokie
Thanks Dog, I'll be watching

This space stuff is amazing, that one the other week which went past Pluto and the one which landed on a comet. I'm not scientific but there is awesome stuff happening around us.
Last edited by: smokie on Thu 23 Jul 15 at 15:52
 NASA to make major announcement today - Armel Coussine
>> This space stuff is amazing,

Yes, I too am childishly fascinated by the interface between military reality and science fiction. What technophile isn't?

Even further out is the net allegation that the international space station was evacuated because of the threat not from Russian space debris, but the approach of two UFOs. There's seven or eight minutes of film purporting to show them if you can be bothered to find it.

Yee-hah! Perhaps NASA needs a couple of trillion dollars' worth of new funding.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
Not heard nothing yet but ... give it thyme:
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
No little-green men or women I'm afraid but, tomorrow is another day.
 NASA to make major announcement today - smokie
I did listen to the stream until it cut off abruptly. Maybe the Martians got them...
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog

 NASA to make major announcement today - Armel Coussine



Not keen on that dress.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Focusless

I thought they were suggesting they'd found a possible solution to our planet's overpopulation problem, until I got to:
The Kepler-452 system is located 1,400 light-years away
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>> I thought they were suggesting they'd found a possible solution to our planet's overpopulation problem, until I got to:
>>The Kepler-452 system is located 1,400 light-years away

We could still send people there, just don't tell them how far it is :)

Life on Kepler-452b could be 1billion years in advance of life on this planet, so it's more likely that it would be them doing the visiting ... presuming they haven't visited us before (*_*)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Armel Coussine
>> presuming they haven't visited us before (*_*)

And thought their super-civilized equivalent of 'Sod that for a game of f****** soldiers', eh Perro?
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>And thought their super-civilized equivalent of 'Sod that for a game of f****** soldiers', eh Perro?

Well, put yourself in their position. I often have. They would only need to read the Daily Wail to realise that this planet is one to avoid for the foreseeable future :o)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Focusless
>> We could still send people there, just don't tell them how far it is :)

No need for that even :) (Mail)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Armel Coussine
The really dangerous and probably the most physically gruelling bit is the rocket takeoff to escape earth gravity. Then there are months of weightlessness and tiresome gym to prevent muscle wastage. Then there's Mars...

Hell's bells, you'd have to be completely round the bend to contemplate it.

No offence to those who do it though. I'm glad they exist. Explorers, an uncommon type actually.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>> No need for that even :) (Mail)

I was following the Mars One mission, but what with my vHBP and the fact I haven't received my royalties for Emmadale yet, it looks like I wont be around for the lift off in 2025

>>Hell's bells, you'd have to be completely round the bend to contemplate it.

I'd love to go if I was younger - even knowing it would be a one-way ticket. Um gonna die anyway someday,
so I might as well die on Mars.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Londoner
>> so I might as well die on Mars.
Mars can be a killer.

Especially when deep fried in Scotlandshire, apparently. ;-)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Zero

>> Life on Kepler-452b could be 1billion years in advance of life on this planet, so
>> it's more likely that it would be them doing the visiting ... presuming they haven't
>> visited us before (*_*)

Its more likely that life expired on Kepler 452b 1 billion years ago
 NASA to make major announcement today - Crankcase
Oh but space is so darned big. Looky here. All you gotta do is scroll right...
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>Oh but space is so darned big

Pretty damn boring too by the looks of it. Perhaps this ole world isn't so bad after all.
 NASA to make major announcement today - No FM2R
>Pretty damn boring too by the looks of it

I doubt I'll get there now, but I would have loved to make it into space. And I doubt I would ever have found it boring.

 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>I doubt I'll get there now, but I would have loved to make it into space. And I doubt I would ever have found it boring.

Of course it's an interesting subject, and far from boring, but, we've only stepped foot on the moon so far, and will make it to Mars in the not too distant future. Deep-space travel would be boring though, stuck a confined space with a few other hairy-assed dudes for months on end. I'd rather observe, um, heavenly bodies while on terra firma, which I have done via my zoom binocs, seeing 4 of Jupiter's moons, and the rings of Saturn, which really blew my mind!
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>Especially when deep fried in Scotlandshire, apparently. ;-)

It didn't appear to do Marianne Faithfull any harm ;-)

>>Its more likely that life expired on Kepler 452b 1 billion years ago

Some (ahem!) theorists say the same thing occurred on this planet in the distant past.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Crankcase
As a matter of interest Dog, where do you stand on the Hancockian antediluvian civilisation theory? Never mind space, there's a heck of a lot of time to fill with people just like us twiddling their thumbs.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>Hancockian antediluvian civilisation theory

Was he related to Erich von Daniken by any chance :)

I believe everything, and nothing. I have an open but logical mind. I don't disbelieve in an ultimate intelligence behind the universe, but I don't subscribe to any man-made religion.

I often toy with the idea that there are life forms 'out there' which are completely different [alien] to us carbon-based units, and that prospect perturbs me somewhat.

I also believe that Cody will have me up again at 5am. so I'm orf to bed!

Um, I've saved and will check it out tomorrow.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
I'm back! .. funny thing happened yesterday. There was a link to a video on one of the health emails I receive on a daily basis. The subject of the video was a talk being given by Graham Hancock who, tbh, I'd never heard of before.
I emailed the YT vid to my professor of psychology friend in Plymouth and, lo and behold, he emailed me back with a pic of his son with said writer and journalist.

And then Mr Crankcase mentions the man in this thread on the very same day, weird.
Cody had me up again at 5am. I'm getting used to it though, as I get an extra 2 hours out of a day/14 hours per week/an extra 2 days + every month. When you think we spend 1/3rd of our all-too-short lives asleep, I'm beginning to wonder if I could eventually cut my time spent unconscious to just a few hours per day, and make up for it by taking 'power naps'.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Alanovich
>> I don't disbelieve
>> in an ultimate intelligence behind the universe

I do. Because there would have to be another one behind that intelligence. And then another. And another. And another. Ad infinitum. So it is vanishingly unlikely to be so, therefore I disbelieve it.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
The way I see it vić, is that the whole universe is conscious to a greater or lesser degree, and we are part of that universal intelligence.

I also believe that our unborn undying soul/spirit is part of that universal intelligence.
In other words, God, the creator, the supreme being, call it what you will, resides in all of us, whether we like it or not :)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Alanovich
All very well D, but it still doesn't answer the question of who/what created that universal intelligence you say you believe in.

Doesn't add up.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
I wouldn't attempt to answer that question vić, I'm just trying to express what I believe in.

Good luck with the ole Saab guvnor, whatever you decide to do. If it was my Forester, I would be prepared to throw £000's at it.

 NASA to make major announcement today - Alanovich
>> I wouldn't attempt to answer that question vić, I'm just trying to express what I
>> believe in.

Yeah, I get that. What I'm saying is that I find it hard to understand how one can believe something without a shred of evidence, how one comes to accept a belief for which there are no grounds.

What I really don't believe in at the moment is old SAABs, based on the evidence I have before me. But I may be coming over to a belief in Subaru. ;-)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>Yeah, I get that. What I'm saying is that I find it hard to understand how one can believe something without a shred of evidence, how one comes to accept a belief for which there are no grounds.

Blind Faith [I was there in '69]

The way I see it guvnor, is that creation IS the creator. I see the universal intelligence in every living thing on earth, be it a blade of grass or a human being. Plant a seed and watch it grow into a mature plant, or plant your own seed and watch it develop into an adult human being. In a nutshell, we are all God.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Crankcase
>>All very well D, but it still doesn't answer the question of who/what created that universal intelligence you say you believe in.

>>Doesn't add up.

How about -

Created=change (from "not created" to "created".) Change requires time - in fact one possible definition of time is "change".

Before the Universe we know of, there was no time, hence no change, hence "creator" needs no creation - it just is. You can't say then "and it always was and always will be" either because that implies time.

We have no way of knowing if there was time "before" the Universe - if we pretend/assume/guess/state there wasn't then your logical conundrum about creators being created is solved (to be replaced by a whole bunch of others, of course).

I think.

Last edited by: Crankcase on Fri 24 Jul 15 at 11:24
 NASA to make major announcement today - Alanovich
But the addition of a creator in the "just is" hypothesis is an unnecessary addition and complication. If the universe "just is", it needs no creator.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Crankcase
>> But the addition of a creator in the "just is" hypothesis is an unnecessary addition
>> and complication. If the universe "just is", it needs no creator.

Well there you go then. It just is and needs no creator. Sorted.

Now all you have to do is play about with the concept of time and why we think there was a beginning/end. Decide that time is just an illusion/misperception/dream or that we have the sums wrong and there wasn't a big bang and there won't be an end, and we've sussed it.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Manatee
Bertrand Russell I think said he was an agnostic, rather than an atheist, because he could not prove the non-existence of God.

Just saying.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Crankcase
>> Bertrand Russell I think said he was an agnostic, rather than an atheist, because he
>> could not prove the non-existence of God.
>> Just saying.

Somewhere in here Kenneth Williams tells the story of the philosopher in the back of the cab.

Much as I enjoy this programme and have seen it a million times I don't have time to watch it all again now to pinpoint it, so find your own anecdotes...

 NASA to make major announcement today - Alanovich
>> Just saying.

Ngggggg. Just scratching my itching teeth.

Well, of course, you can't prove the non-existence of anything. I don't know why the concept of God is given any special privilege over other things you can't prove in order for us to need the word "agnostic" even.

It is up to the religionist to prove their assertion, until then I remain atheist. I see no reason to leave a door open to the possibility of a God, just as I see no need to leave the door open to the possibility of pink teapots orbiting planets in other star systems. It's a totally baseless fantasy. That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Cliff Pope
I've just found this:

Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Older dictionaries define atheism as "a belief that there is no God."

So we seem to have two kinds of atheism - old atheism and new atheism.
New atheism seems to be pretty similar to agnosticism.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Focusless
>> I think

...too much :)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Zero
>> How about -
>> Created=change (from "not created" to "created".) Change requires time - in fact one possible definition
>> of time is "change".

I used to be a change manager

>> Before the Universe we know of, there was no time,

That was always the excuse I had to fight against.

>> hence no change, hence "creator"
>> needs no creation - it just is. You can't say then "and it always was
>> and always will be" either because that implies time.

"It just is, always was, and always will be" was another excuse I had to battle against

>> We have no way of knowing if there was time "before" the Universe -

As a change manger I created time, and created change.

Does that make me the universal intelligence?
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 24 Jul 15 at 11:46
 NASA to make major announcement today - smokie
I sincerely hope not :-)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Zero
>> I sincerely hope not :-)

And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

One of the items in my CV
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 24 Jul 15 at 12:30
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dutchie
That sounds profound Dog.Maybe there is a point of being here you can only make the best of it.Not so sure about that universal intelligence the way some of the human species behaves on this planet.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>Not so sure about that universal intelligence the way some of the human species behaves on this planet.

That's the actions of the ego, Dutchie. Hence free will. Out of contact with their true selves, the soul/spirit.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dutchie
I have been following Dr Greer for a while a American Country Doctor.

He started the disclosure project.Lot's of people ex Navy Army who talk about the extra terrestial subject.Make's me wonder they can't be all liars can they?It is scary the older I am i find so little I know about so many subjects.Live is to short for most of us Dog.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>I have been following Dr Greer for a while a American Country Doctor.

I don't think I've heard of him before Dutchie, but I'll check him out later.

>>He started the disclosure project.Lot's of people ex Navy Army who talk about the extra terrestial subject.Make's me wonder they can't be all liars can they?

As I say, I believe in everything, and nothing. Lots of people have seen UFO's of course, and that's precisely what they are: unidentified flying objects.

>>Life is to short for most of us Dog.

Get yerself a puppy, Dutchie. It'll have you out of bed at 5am and, although you wont necessarily live any longer,
it'll seem like it :)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>I have been following Dr Greer for a while a American Country Doctor

Yep, I sees him now:

I'll have a word with my Plymouth friend, I wouldn't be surprised if he has met him.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
Interesting little video, I like her hair colour too, black tulip I believe.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>I often toy with the idea that there are life forms 'out there' which are completely different [alien] to us carbon-based units, and that prospect perturbs me somewhat.

 NASA to make major announcement today - Armel Coussine
Yes, let's all be vegetarians.

Then when the carnivorous super-intelligent aliens get here they will be able to eat us in the knowledge that we are herbivores. We don't eat carnivores (pigs apart) and I don't see why they should be any different.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Alanovich
>> We don't eat carnivores (pigs apart)

Tuna, crocodile.......there are probably others. Oh yeah. Woof woofs in Korea. Sorry, Dog.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Armel Coussine
>> Tuna, crocodile..

Yeah, but fish are different. I've never tasted crocodile although I know they do in some places. In Tanzania and Uganda they say if you eat them their colleagues smell them on you and come after you.

I ate some monitor lizard in the Sahara once, a damn great thing that someone shot rather badly with a Kalashnikov. I was quite enthusiastic to try it but it was horrible, slimy and tasteless.
 NASA to make major announcement today - No FM2R
>> >> We don't eat carnivores (pigs apart)

Some fish.
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
>>We don't eat carnivores (pigs apart) and I don't see why they should be any different.

Are they carnivores, omnivores most likely. I did try going veggie for about a year you'll remember, but I wasn't thriving on it. I'm still a bit mal nourished-looking tbh = under 12st @ 6ft ... maybe I need to eat more junk food :)
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
"Nasa's New Horizon probe - the one that recently took the amazing pictures of Pluto - left Earth's orbit faster than any other spacecraft before it, at around 36,373 mph.

If a spacecraft carrying humans travelled at this speed towards Kepler 452b, it would take the unlucky astronauts around 25.8 million years to get there. To put that in perspective, early, primitive humans only evolved around 2.5 million years ago.

To put that in perspective, early, primitive humans only evolved around 2.5 million years ago".
 NASA to make major announcement today - Focusless
Still not faster than light, but new space drive 'would dramatically speed up space travel':
 NASA to make major announcement today - Dog
Pah! .. who wants to go to the moon anyway. I'd much prefer to go to, um, Canis Major :)
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