Non-motoring > Hello..??? Specialists
Thread Author: No FM2R Replies: 25

 Hello..??? - No FM2R
S'very quiet in here.
 Hello..??? - WillDeBeest
Some sort of server problem today, I think. For a couple of hours this morning it wasn't reachable at all; then it was visible but wouldn't let me log in. I'm guessing it was the same for everyone else, hence no new posts since breakfast time.
 Hello..??? - No FM2R
Well here's something to occupy yourself with while you;re waiting for someone / something more interesting to show up....

One of the small houses I rent out needs a new roof. I am trying to work out the surface area of that roof.

Here is a link to a picture of the roof from Google Maps and my measurements/calculations.

I want to be within about 20% of the right answer.

What do you think?
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 15 Jun 15 at 16:50
 Hello..??? - sherlock47
Small hovel? - ground floor area 91sqm x 1/cos 40 gives an answer of 120sqm of roofing material.

I think my assumptions are valid - and you did say +- 20%!

about 2 minutes - took longer to type. I think the real expense will be the valleys, cutting etc and all the lead.

or are you using felt/corrugated sheet?

Last edited by: sherlock47 on Mon 15 Jun 15 at 17:55
 Hello..??? - No FM2R
Thanks Sherlock, I just needed that sanity check before I let the idiot builders loose.

It'll be this kind of stuff...

Bear in mind it only needs to stand up to heat and occasional rain and earthquakes. And it hasn't rained more than three times in the last year. I think the last time it rained was February, whereas there are very frequent earthquakes.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 15 Jun 15 at 18:05
 Hello..??? - sherlock47
I assume they are stuck down, but stuck to what? No high winds then? Felt for the valleys.

If you can cut them with scissors makes installation childs play.

MD will have a fit!

Good for earthquakes, does not injure passers by when the tiles fall off :)
Last edited by: sherlock47 on Mon 15 Jun 15 at 18:19
 Hello..??? - No FM2R
Having just been down and examined stuff, then it will be this stuff;

I used it on our house at the beach which is a far bigger concern and since its done well in that environment (The house actually fronts the beach), then it should be fine for a smaller house in the city.

Its easy to use, each "tile" is 1m long and 1/3m wide, so its pretty good for complicated, uneven roofs with lots of little bits. You can cut them with butch scissors, but its easier with a stanley knife and folding back, you just get through quite a lot of blades.

They are stuck (some kind of tarry stuff) and nailed onto a wooden roof covered with a waterproof fibre cloth.

I'm sure a purist would weep, but there you are.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 15 Jun 15 at 21:09
 Hello..??? - CGNorwich
I'm here!

Yes problems earlier and Zero is lying drunk in s me Spanish bar.
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Mon 15 Jun 15 at 16:52
 Hello..??? - Zero
Not drunk but consuming a nice cerveza and tapa outside a bar with free weefee while Mistress Z is shoppy shoppy in Zara and Mango
 Hello..??? - CGNorwich
Sounds good. Will make do with a glass of Beaujolais here. Just booked a flight to Corfu for end of month just in time for Grexit which now looking a possibility.
 Hello..??? - Observer
"... just in time for Grexit which now looking a possibility."

Probability, I'd say. But it won't happen overnight and probably not before you're back.

End of June. Hope you like heat. Should be somewhere between 28 and 31 most days. Enjoy!
 Hello..??? - CGNorwich
Should be somewhere between 28 and 31 most
>> days. Enjoy!

About the same as the Cromer Riviera on a cool day. :-)
 Hello..??? - Armel Coussine
>> Some sort of server problem today, I think. For a couple of hours this morning it wasn't reachable at all; then it was visible but wouldn't let me log in. I'm guessing it was the same for everyone else, hence no new posts since breakfast time.

I haven't been able to log in today until now.

Unfortunately I've forgotten all the fascinating things I was going to say. Tsk.
 Hello..??? - Crankcase
Yea, server was down then an extended period of no log in. To while away the time I made the mistake of clicking in Waterfox the "more info about this website" icon, in the address bar.

It said "how many times you've visited this site before: 37,514"

Blimey. I compared that to google news, which stands at only 1712.

No idea how it counts, or rather what exactly it counts, but it seemed like a lot.

Any advance?

Last edited by: Crankcase on Mon 15 Jun 15 at 18:49
 Hello..??? - The Melting Snowman
Maybe we are going to get some new enhanced features on the website.
 Hello..??? - Dog
Maybe pigs will fly.
 Hello..??? - Bromptonaut
>> Maybe pigs will fly.

Realistically enhancements need the site to at least cover their costs. That's not going to happen unless we recruit new members.

Otherwise, as now, Stephen is keeping it going as a private members club.
 Hello..??? - Dog
>>Realistically enhancements need the site to at least cover their costs. That's not going to happen unless we recruit new members.

>>Otherwise, as now, Stephen is keeping it going as a private members club.

I know nothing about forum software, but this forum has 'enhancements' I don't see any advertisements to pay the bills though.

It doesn't have that many members either from what I can ascertain.
 Hello..??? - Observer
"Some sort of server problem today, I think."

I blame Dave.
 Hello..??? - VxFan
>> I blame Dave.

Yep, I corrupted the server so as to have a few hours break from you guys ;)
 Hello..??? - car4play
Sorry guys. The datacenter had a power failure. Don't know why their backup generator also failed, but that clearly didn't cut in either.
I guess the hour or so this morning is the longest we've had in 13 years so I can let them off.
The problem was I was on holiday in the new forest with practically no mobile coverage. The guys in the office started the virtual servers up so that's why the site came back on line. However, they got a bit distracted with fixing our other servers and apps that it was up to me at 5 to repair the database tables which had got corrupted with the power down. Hence why you couldn't log in. Sorry for that. S
 Hello..??? - Crankcase
I'm sure we all appreciate it Stephen, especially as you were on holiday at the time. Thanks.

 Hello..??? - Kevin
Escape to The Wild on C4 is currently showing an English family who packed up everything and moved to Chile, living on the slopes of Villarrica.

The guy has plenty of hair though so it can't be anyone we know.
Last edited by: Kevin on Mon 15 Jun 15 at 21:14
 Hello..??? - No FM2R
>>The guy has plenty of hair though

I wonder if he still has, because that thing erupted last year. (First time in about 50 years, I think).

Oh, by the way - a***!.
 Hello..??? - Kevin
>Oh, by the way - a***!.

I thought the Spanish name was Rucapillán?
 Hello..??? - No FM2R
>>I thought the Spanish name was Rucapillán?

You could shot for saying that in the wrong place down here.

"Rucapillán" is the Mapuche name; most specifically and emphatically NOT the Spanish name.
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