Is this bad timing or were the spirits really upset........
If I were a mountain spirit, then I wouldn't have wanted to be micturated upon, nor cursed over; however, I suspect I would have been placated by a neb of the boobs.
Bad timing, bad behaviour and stupidity on the part of the tourists. What did they think they were doing?
Whatever the primitive beliefs of the locals there is no reason to deliberately do stupid things like this.
Last edited by: commerdriver on Thu 11 Jun 15 at 09:59
>> Bad timing, bad behaviour and stupidity on the part of the tourists. What did they
>> think they were doing?
Indeed. Even in a liberal western culture running around a mountain in the buff has the risk of giving offence.
From Magaluf to Malaysia there are far too many Brits acting up as exhibitionists and annoying the locals.
(Walks away wearing hand-knitted cardigan and mumbling to self.)
We have no room to complain, we keep locking up the naked walker - and he hasn't even caused any earthquakes or pregnant sheep to abort as far as I know.
Is he still walking naked? I thought I'd read a couple of years ago that he'd given up.
Arresting him was rather futile and pointless, he was only naked not obscene.
He still inside I think... (Grauniad)
Last edited by: Manatee on Thu 11 Jun 15 at 11:10
Dear God.
I realise that the punishment is for disobeying an ASBO, not for nudity, but surely enough is enough?
Someone with insecurity and a confidence crisis would appear to have it in for this bloke.
>> 2.5years?
>> Dear God.
>> I realise that the punishment is for disobeying an ASBO, not for nudity, but surely
>> enough is enough?
>> Someone with insecurity and a confidence crisis would appear to have it in for this
>> bloke.
Now come on Mark, would you let your wife or your servants walk around naked?
Actually its part of the job description...........
That and kow-towing.
>> Actually its part of the job description...........
>> That and kow-towing.
Is that for the wife or the servants?
My wife kow-towing??
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
>> I realise that the punishment is for disobeying an ASBO, not for nudity, but surely
>> enough is enough?
I tend to agree but OTOH what does society do? If the consensus is that public nudity should be prevented, or at least restricted to designated areas like Studland, how do we handle those who break the law?
Furthermore, how do we treat those who deliberately flout the authority of the court?
The battle over young Ethan Williams is a case in point....
Jailed for 3 days, but back-dated, so free to go. Also fined £860. Slap on the wrist I guess.
Seems an appropriate punishment to me.
In absolute terms it seems heavy handed; on the other hand when in a mainly Muslim country that has a fairly severe penal code, it wasn't a smart thing to do and they should be very relieved.
(Leave aside the fact that we have the naked rambler locked up for 2.5 years, albeit for repeat offending)
I saw that the father of the British girl was blaming the "Canadian half-wit" who posted the pictures. I can see his point.
The British girl who doffed off on the mountain is thought to have landed.
The BBC this despatched its correspondent to stand outside the perimeter fence at Heathrow to report that "live". Why do they do this?
>> The BBC this despatched its correspondent to stand outside the perimeter fence at Heathrow to
>> report that "live". Why do they do this?
Because they are desperately racking their brains to think of ways to spend our money?
What other reason can there possibly be?
ATM they don't know which flight she's on but are hoping to find out and get pictures/interview etc as she emerges from arrivals?
I'll bet their news gathering truck's not the only one in the area...
An hour or so ago Sky News reported from her house front that she had arrived on a Malaysian flight from KL and left T5 by a private exit.
>> An hour or so ago Sky News reported from her house front that she had
>> arrived on a Malaysian flight from KL and left T5 by a private exit.
Pedant Corner.
If it was a Malaysian flight it would be T4.
BA use T5.
>> If it was a Malaysian flight it would be T4.
>> BA use T5.
No doubt my mistake, Heathrow is an airport that I do not (will not) use. I can get to overseas hubs from Edinburgh or Glasgow, far less hassle.
>> What other reason can there possibly be?
Because for whatever reason people,including you, are interested. Indeed you have obviously read this thread on the subject and made a couple of posts on the topic. The BBC and the papers broadcast and publish what people want to know about. That's what they do.
Perhaps the young lady could be persuaded to give we deprived Britons a showing of those assets she o generously displayed to the mountain spirits?
>> Perhaps the young lady could be persuaded to give we deprived Britons a showing of
>> those assets she o generously displayed to the mountain spirits?
I guess she'll get the odd offer from Zoo or similar.....
See my Newsthump link upthread.
Perhaps the young lady could be persuaded to give we deprived depraved Britons a showing of those assets she o generously displayed to the mountain spirits?
>> Because for whatever reason people,including you, are interested. Indeed you have obviously >>read this thread on the subject and made a couple of posts on the topic. The BBC and
>> the papers broadcast and publish what people want to know about. That's what they do.
Er, not quite so, guv'nor.
Two posts - correct.
No. 1. Correcting someone who said it was a Malaysian airways flight that came into T5.
No. 2. Responding to someone who was enquiring about the activities and profligacy of the BBC.
Neither had any direct connection to this dopey woman.
What would have happened if the lass had stripped off at St Paul's?
I suspect she would have been charged with indecent exposure and would have got up to 24 months.
>> I suspect she would have been charged with indecent exposure and would have got up
>> to 24 months.
In a similar apparent disregard or ignorance of local views and custom, I see Stephen Fry has had his honeymoon cut short, as the locals were sufficiently homophobic for them to abandon.
Is that ignorance on Fry's part, or assuming it wasn't going to be an issue, or if ihe knew it would upset the locals they'd make an exception for him?
Or maybe it was "we know best, so you people need to get with the 21st century"?
>> Is that ignorance on Fry's part, or assuming it wasn't going to be an issue,
>> or if ihe knew it would upset the locals they'd make an exception for him?
Stuff that's not an issue in cosmopolitan areas frequented by tourists becomes a problem 'up country'?
No sympathy for any of them.They where lucky not to go to prison.
Honduras is a long way, a very long way, down the list of places I would choose to go on honeymoon, and I am heterosexual. Asking for trouble, even to share a bed with another man in a country with thuggish traditions and rabidly-held convictions.
Arrogant, silly and provocative, like the gays who sued the puritanical pension that objected to them sleeping together. Why make a fuss? Why not just stay in a more tolerant hotel?
Agree Armel it is like winding people up when there is no need.Clever bloke Stephen Fry but a bit cheesy for me..
I'm inclined to agree, AC. Yes, the intolerance of the hotel is wrong, but unless it's the only option in town, why force the issue rather than stay with more pleasant hosts? The Belfast cake case was stranger still: would you want a cake made by people who were making it only because a court ordered them to?
That said, perhaps it's the occasional cut-off-nose-to-spite-face case that we need to establish the point that discrimination is unacceptable, so the individuals concerned are taking one for the team - or for the greater good.
>> That said, perhaps it's the occasional cut-off-nose-to-spite-face case that we need to establish the point
>> that discrimination is unacceptable, so the individuals concerned are taking one for the team -
>> or for the greater good.
I think that's right Will.
'Why force the issue' would almost certainly have been wheeled out fifty years ago in respect of premises that wouldn't take black people.
>> 'Why force the issue' would almost certainly have been wheeled out fifty years ago in respect of premises that wouldn't take black people.
It was of course. And most sensible black people were happy to go along with it. No one is going to be comfortable in a place that's been forced to accommodate them against its will.
Test cases of this sort have helped to change public attitudes, but they haven't changed all that much. Most of the world is still conventionally homophobic, and closetish homophobes are still a majority even in liberal countries like this one.
Point about these cases though is that it takes a very committed person to use their own wedding as an example at the risk of becoming a cause célèbre. As if the cause were the real thing and the wedding just a gesture.
Back to nudism....fwhoooor. This weekend has seen a local event in the city centre involving 250 naked cyclists banging on about some cycling issue. I don't know if Bromp was there strutting his stuff.
Now, I have no objection, I didn't go, but why is this allowed by the Dibble and the council yet one lone naked backpacker is harassed and regularly arrested ?
One law for.....etc ?
You are at the mercy of law enforcers and jobsworths if you flaunt it on your own. When you are in company with 249 others, it's the law and the stuffed shirts that have the problem.
In the same way that the bank manager has you by the nuts when you owe them £1,000 but s/he will hang on your every word if you owe them a few million.
There was one in London too, mentioned in the cycling thread. And no I didn't go...
>> Now, I have no objection, I didn't go, but why is this allowed by the
>> Dibble and the council yet one lone naked backpacker is harassed and regularly arrested ?
>> One law for.....etc ?
I think the law accepts the odd protest like this as a bit of fun. Riders were though advised to travel to the ride fully clothed.
Were folks to start riding in in the buff every day, even en masse, Dibble would be on the case mob handed in a day or two.
I am puzzled by the term Dibble. What does it signify?
Daringly turned out girls who might just as well have been naked (sometimes they actually were) were seen all the time in the right venues back in the day. Eat your hearts out whippersnappers who have to go to Las Vegas or the Spearmint Rhino...
When we were much younger I got Herself a little short sweater thing that left her waist charmingly exposed between that and the skirt or whatever. She's a modest soul though and kept pulling the sides down, quickly ruining the garment.
If you got it, don't flaunt it. That's usually been her operating principle. She's not a noisy braggart like some of her nearest and dearest (cough).
Officer Dibble, the dimwitted cop featured in the Top Cat (Boss Cat in the UK) cartoons.
>> Officer Dibble, the dimwitted cop featured in the Top Cat (Boss Cat in the UK) cartoons.
Thank you Alastair.
I have a horrible feeling that I've asked the same thing before, a persistent déja vu nagging. Duh.
Boss Cat? I'm pretty sure it was Top Cat when I watched it.
I worked with quite a senior chap who looked like Benny; hard to take him seriously after I realised why I thought I must have met him before.
According to Wiki there was a brand of cat food called Top Cat which caused a problem for the BBC thus Boss Cat.
>> According to Wiki there was a brand of cat food called Top Cat which caused a problem for the BBC thus Boss Cat.
So they changed the name of the programme on the schedule but the theme music mentions Top Cat. He's called TC by the other cats... Rather pointless.
Could have been part of an episode of W1A.
>> So they changed the name of the programme on the schedule but the theme music
>> mentions Top Cat. He's called TC by the other cats... Rather pointless.
Thinking about it I remember being confused at age 6 or so by 'Boss Cat' being referred to as TC. But the BBC at the time was VERY particular about ANY brand name being mentioned.
Remember Blue Peter and references to 'sticky back plastic'?
>> According to Wiki there was a brand of cat food called Top Cat which caused
>> a problem for the BBC thus Boss Cat.
Had a rather catchy jingle to it on the TV ads IIRC, "Top cat, top cat, fish and meat so good to eat" to a sort of calypso tune.
Dibble, as Alistair says, means the police. Another one meaning police from the Manc Dictionary is ' The Babylon '
You have to live in Manchester to understand these things.
Babylon. Jamaican, establishment systems, often applied to the police?
>> You have to live in Manchester to understand these things.
Where's that then? Babylon come from London innit... Dibble's mid-Atlantic, unfamiliar to me.
I note Ted that you wear the Babylon label with a certain pride...
>> The Belfast cake case was stranger still: would you want a cake made
>> by people who were making it only because a court ordered them to?
As I said when the incident was first reported they didn't want a cake they wanted an argument
>> As I said when the incident was first reported they didn't want a cake they wanted an argument
From what I remember of Belfast, no part of it would seem to me a good place for a gay wedding.
A bit like Honduras really. I suppose these cats are being brave and fighting the good fight and all that, one has to approve, but my heart doesn't really go out to them.
I suppose all causes are like that. They make us feel guilty, idle and indifferent. And we worry about them asking for trouble like that.