Non-motoring > Cornwall in August Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Mapmaker Replies: 44

 Cornwall in August - Mapmaker
A bad idea?
 Cornwall in August - Manatee
It was pretty busy in July/August 1979. I don't suppose it has improved!
 Cornwall in August - Haywain
We went down in August 1999 to some friends who lived there, for the solar eclipse. It was too foggy to see the eclipse and we were too drunk to drive back the next day; when we finally set off, it took 11 hrs to drive back to Bury St Edmunds - traffic was horrendous.

We haven't been back since.
 Cornwall in August - Crankcase
Went about five years ago in August, decided to go to Penzance for the day. But Penzance was full. An hour looking for a parking space, then abandoned.

 Cornwall in August - sooty123
I remember going down that way in the late 80s or early 90s. Never bothered going back. I think plenty go down there so must be something in it. Not for me though, i wouldn't bother if it were me.
 Cornwall in August - Observer
Depends what you want to do.

If you just get to your hotel and more or less stay put, just walking about, it'll be OK, though still crowded. If the weather's fine, beaches will be packed. But the roads, especially if you're looking for somewhere interesting to go to, will be absolutely jammed.

If you don't mind paying a bit extra and really want a quiet time in Cornwall in August, then get to the Scilly Isles.
 Cornwall in August - Skip
We go to Cornwall at least once a year but would never go in August.
 Cornwall in August - No FM2R
As Observer said, depends on what you want to do.

Visit or stay in large town centres, hang around beach tourist areas; probably a bad idea.

Drive to and stay in a country cottage in a rural area, walk or cycle about a limited area; a great idea.
 Cornwall in August - spamcan61
>> As Observer said, depends on what you want to do.
>> Visit or stay in large town centres, hang around beach tourist areas; probably a bad
>> idea.
>> Drive to and stay in a country cottage in a rural area, walk or cycle
>> about a limited area; a great idea.

Like he said. Spent week before last in Cornwall. Padstein was absolutely crammed, as was East Looe, but the out of the way places were quiet. Looe is always the biggest contrast, walking down the main road in East Looe is pretty much impossible, people everywhere; 50p ferry ride to West Looe and it's more or less deserted.
 Cornwall in August - Dog
The Poldark effect is bound to add to the traffic snarl-ups at which is usually a busy period anyway on the roads.
 Cornwall in August - CGNorwich
Hop across the channel and drive to Brittany instead. Similar scenery and coastline, cheaper , food better, inf fact everything is better.
 Cornwall in August - Pat
>> food better, inf fact everything is better. <<

I would argue with that, they don't speak Cornish, can't make a pasty or clotted cream and have no sense of what drekkly means!

Give me Looe any day and we'll be back there a week on Friday:)
 Cornwall in August - Dog
>>I would argue with that, they don't speak Cornish

Is the Breton language similar to Cornish though I wonder?
 Cornwall in August - Mapmaker
Thanks for thoughts. I thought I'd put this in motoring; it was a question regarding the roads, really which would have been obvious if I'd managed to get it in the right place.

St Ives, Penzance, maybe a beach once. It sounds to me absolutely horrific driving, and it's not appealing at all. I imagine that if you're where you want to be by 8.30am, and don't plan to leave before 6pm it would be fine. Otherwise...

... yes Brittany would be a much nicer idea. The only thing it hasn't is the St Ives Tate. Or indeed probably somewhere further south, as it's not really got anything to do with beaches. Or, actually, somewhere further north.
 Cornwall in August - Observer
"... Brittany would be a much nicer idea. The only thing it hasn't is the St Ives Tate."

St Ives is probably about the worst place in Cornwall for traffic in the summer. It just isn't made for cars and everyone wants to go there.

If you must go, I suggest you leave the car at St Erth or Lelant Saltings and get the train. It's one of the most scenic rides in the UK.
 Cornwall in August - Robin O'Reliant
Myself and the first Mrs O'Reliant were in Clovelly the day Chas & Di got married. Apparently it is normally packed during the season, that day there was hardly a soul to be seen as everyone else was indoors glued to the box.
 Cornwall in August - Dog
>>If you must go, I suggest you leave the car at St Erth or Lelant Saltings and get the train. It's one of the most scenic rides in the UK.

Dat's precisely what my sister and her husband do every late September/early October when all the emmets have gorn home.

I would let 'em stay here, but they couldn't afford my prices.

 Cornwall in August - Skip
The week before the schools break up in July or a couple of weeks after they go back in September works for us. Weather is usually good (i.e. it only rains 4 days out of 7 !) and it is fairly quiet.
 Cornwall in August - Dog
>>Weather is usually good (i.e. it only rains 4 days out of 7 !)

 Cornwall in August - bathtub tom
I'm going to a wedding at Falmouth, during Falmouth week! Travelling down on a Thursday and back on Tuesday. Wouldn't consider anything closer to the weekend.

Seriously considered flying.
 Cornwall in August - Dog
The missus used to fly from Newquay to Stansted when visiting her father in Brentwood

She ended up letting the train take the strain, due to all the faffing about. 1st class though.
 Cornwall in August - Zero
>> A bad idea?
 Cornwall in August - martin aston
How about Pembrokeshire as a passable alternative with better road access, similar weather and beaches? Equally scenic but much quieter. Been there many times in August and other holiday times and there are still beaches you can park next to and pubs with spare tables. We've often remarked its amazing how relatively unknown it is and how easy it is to get away from the crowds. Just don't tell everyone............
 Cornwall in August - MD
Madeira's the place. Got back last night. 14th time. Love it obviously. Nice folk, beer, food, not crowded.
 Cornwall in August - legacylad
Went there last Oct on pub trip. Less than £25 B & B at Golden Residence just outside Funchal, discoverd Leenos for evening food and a few nice local places to take light refreshment.
Saw very little of the island due to nice pool & lunchtime imbibing. Pleasant enough locals.
 Cornwall in August - MD
Had 4 nights at Leeno's. They're friends of a friend. Well looked after. Very good Steak on the Stone and fine Espatada. Never seen lads work like it. It is a well oiled machine and they make the staff in uk restaurants look like the muppets that they are. Brexit? Not likely :-0)
 Cornwall in August - Zero
14 times? Its nice enough, but twice was enough for me.
 Cornwall in August - sooty123
Never been, been the azores before that's it for Portuguese islands. Must be some place for 14 holidays!
 Cornwall in August - MD
When you live life at work as I do then just to chill without any agro, walk a bit in the mountains or via a Levada, lunch in some out of the way family establishment, drink nice wine etc. etc. then it suits us amongst other breaks. Been going here since 1995 according to the Guvnor, sometimes twice a year, then it's ok with us. Each to his own.
 Cornwall in August - sooty123
>> When you live life at work as I do then just to chill without any
>> agro, walk a bit in the mountains or via a Levada, lunch in some out
>> of the way family establishment, drink nice wine etc. etc. then it suits us amongst
>> other breaks. Been going here since 1995 according to the Guvnor, sometimes twice a year,
>> then it's ok with us. Each to his own.
 Cornwall in August - sooty123
Timed out for an edit.

Oh very much so. Each to their own. I've never been it sounds quite pleasant i think i should look into going. I personally like to go somewhere different each holiday. Mind you some people go to the same place hundreds of times. Friends of the family have static caravans on the east coast, they go every weekend and holiday. It's not cheap either infact i was surprised how expensive it is. Very popular as well. Not my thing. But there must be something in it. Each to their own.
 Cornwall in August - CGNorwich
I was last in Madeira when they had the disastous floods in 2010 We decided to stay rather than come home and the second week we both went down with Norovirus. Recovered just in time to get the flight back.

Apart from that it was O.K.
 Cornwall in August - Londoner
>> Madeira's the place. Got back last night. 14th time. Love it obviously. Nice folk, beer,
>> food, not crowded.
I love it too. Been 9 times. I have a timeshare at a Pestana Hotel next to the sea. Great views and got it really cheap.
 Madeira - bathtub tom
Been a few times.

Learnt not to go all-inclusive as the food's divine if you try the local eateries.

SWMBO wasn't too enthralled with the levadas, no head for heights.
 Madeira - legacylad
Some people like to revisit the same place, time after time. I know people with second homes abroad who visit several times a year. Personally I like to ski in different places, but two places draw me back and I may have skied those particular areas 6 times each in 30 years.
Back to topic....a few years ago, whilst recuperating from a bodily malfunction, I backpacked the SWCPath, Minehead to Poole. Split over three periods during the summer months. Some of the prettier coastal villages were just so crowded with people I wondered where they all came from. However, once a couple of miles away from these villages, the coast path became almost deserted. I loved the coastal walking, had some spectacular cliff top wild camps, and the scenery in many parts was breathtaking.
On Monday I walked the N coast of Jersey, only about 14 miles, but reminiscent of the SWCP. Finishing the final 14 miles around the coast today. We have lucked out with the weather!
 Madeira - Manatee
Lucked out or lucked in? Good weather or bad?
 Madeira - legacylad
I should have said that the weather has been kind for us. By an amazing coincidence we are staying in a small hotel almost next door to the hotel I stayed in with my parents when I was a nipper....Hotel de la Plage at Havre Des Pas. Long closed as a hotel, turned into apartments, but now seemingly deserted.
Lots of building work going on here in Jersey. Scaffolding everywhere. Bit of a wasteland for decent pubs, although after all the fresh air & exercise early nights are the norm.
 Madeira - Zero
There are shed loads of decent pubs in Jersey, however you need a car to get to most of them.
 Madeira - legacylad
And a driver..... Decent range of beers in The Lamplighter, and Liberation Ale ( cheapest so far £3.25 a pint, yikes) seems to be everywhere. Tastebuds now adjusted.
 Cornwall in August - MD
>> >> Madeira's the place. Got back last night. 14th time. Love it obviously. Nice folk,
>> beer,
>> >> food, not crowded.
>> >>
>> I love it too. Been 9 times. I have a timeshare at a Pestana Hotel
>> next to the sea. Great views and got it really cheap.
Do tell more. Which Pestana. What type of apartment. What time of year. Got it cheap! Sounds good. Just inquisitive that's all. May be back in Madeira for the fireworks later on in the year.
 Cornwall in August - Londoner
>>Do tell more. Which Pestana. What type of apartment. What time of year.
Pestana Grand - 5 star hotel. Six stories. Next to ocean and great views.

Free courtesy bus into Funchal.

Top story apartment with Living Room, Kitchen, Bedroom, two bathrooms, double balcony and upstairs sun terrace. Sleeps 4.

We go in January. Weather last time was gorgeous and we got sunburnt.
Last edited by: Londoner on Thu 11 Jun 15 at 00:48
 Cornwall in August - Robin O'Reliant
>> Just don't tell everyone............

And don't bring your damn caravan.
 Cornwall in August - Dog
Anyone (with Lud's sort of money) wanna buya beach:
 Cornwall in August - Zero
This mob must be the same journos who do Rogers UKIP links for him.

Polkerris beach in Cornwall on sale for £250,000
Polkerris beach, near Fowey, Cornwall is up for sale.

A whole Cornish beach complete with a water sports centre is up for sale and could be yours to own for £250,000.

But then the truth of the matter is that its just an 8 year lease on a shop and premises and trading rights
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 11 Jun 15 at 08:06
 Cornwall in August - Dog
Yes indeedy. I did spot one of the comments that came with the newspaper article regarding said beach mentioning the 'small matter' of an 8year lease.

I didn't bother to check it out at the time on Foweyriver, being as I don't believe anything I hear, and only half of what I see - especially where property is con-cerned.

Um, two more reasons to stay well-away from Cornwall this summer (apart from the rain and the Poldark effect):

And, this is an old item but is still a BIG issue down 'ere:

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