Non-motoring > Pretty evening Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Armel Coussine Replies: 3

 Pretty evening - Armel Coussine
With a chilly wind, but a bit of sunshine slanting low in our eyes one way, but not the other. Did a medium length round-and-across. All the rain hasn't done the bluebells any good but the grass is fine.

A lot of deer too, one herd 60+, other smaller ones giving us a very skittish and wide berth, joining and splitting up again in the woodland and in the meadows, now you see them now you don't. Started licking my lips and having murderous thoughts, find those SSG cartridges or borrow the rifle. Then remembered all that butchery and skinning and had second thoughts.

You have to be hungry or poor, or some sort of professional game dealer, to really justify hunting or shooting deer. Doing it for the fun of it felt a bit like murder when I tried it. Soppy of me I know. But whole roast deer with herbs inside it, there are going to be some very good bits if you bide your time and know when to pounce.

Communal eating is always a nightmare. You gotta have your own larder and battalion of willing scullions. Without them, you're the guy who's too polite to get any in the refectory when the wooden trencher is passed.
 Pretty evening - sooty123
>> You have to be hungry or poor, or some sort of professional game dealer, to
>> really justify hunting or shooting deer. Doing it for the fun of it felt a
>> bit like murder when I tried it.

I know a couple of people who do it. Plenty of land and god knows how many guns they've got. I think mainly they shoot water and roe deer. There's loads of Roe deer around here. Quite widespread in the UK I believe.
 Pretty evening - Fullchat
I passed the butchers the other day and there were two very nice pieces of venison on display.
But they were too deer. Boom boom.

Taxi for one!
 Pretty evening - Armel Coussine
>> I know a couple of people who do it.

So do I, very well. But they are professionals.

I can do it if I want, but i've lost the taste for murder.
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