demise of The Good Fairy market now confirmed
Yup. Some sort of big outfit has seized the territory of dozens of small traders, sheltered and relatively secure indoor stalls.
Didn't know you cared bb...
This process has been going on for years though, and if you think about it change is a permanent condition. But no one likes to lose what's familiar.
((But no one likes to lose what's familiar))
How right you are tovarich Almond Croissant, this is where we used to go as kids, now LQQK @ it ~
>>Almond Croissant
That name rings a bell!
>>That name rings a bell!<<
The credits are yours effendi :)
Spent a fair amount of time down at Bermondsey antique market in the 70s as a teenager. We would get there not long after midnight and all the good deals were done by torchlight before the public arrived. I'm sure Bermondsey market had a legal status where anything sold between dawn and dusk obtained good title even if it was stolen. Damn good breakfast at the local cafe.
Interesting footage of the early days...
Last edited by: Fenlander on Wed 14 Jul 10 at 11:30
Bermondsey was a marché ouvert until SOGA 1995 abolished this. An antiques dealer friend once had a rather valuable painting in his window that he had acquired at Bermonsey, and its former owner appeared to attempt to reclaim it.
I live not far from there, sadly the market is a shadow of its former self with maybe 50 or 60 stands. The antiques shops (and "antiques" shops) of Bermondsey St and Tower Bridge Road are now mostly only a memory, pushed out by rising rents and - for the freeholders - attractive offers from developers.
>>Interesting footage of the early days...<<
I grew up around there, we used to call that market the caley ~ all gone now though, along with the Trocette 'picture house' on the corner and Manzi's pie shop, Joyces is still there I believe,
From where we lived in Tabard St. we could walk to 5 'picture houses', The Elephant and Castle Picture House.The Trocodera{One of the largest cinemas in Europe at the time I believe}
Near the Brick (Bricklayers Arms) was The Globe and opposite was The Old Kent Rd Picture House. Down Tower Bridge Rd. was the Trocette
When we moved to Hastings in 87, I said to a geezer "where's the local picture house mate" he didn't have a clue what I was on about :D