Non-motoring > Carmichaelgate Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Lygonos Replies: 8

 Carmichaelgate - Lygonos
Ok so I made up the title... This appears to me like the Woolas fiasco of 2010.

Carmichael, while in ministerial office has allowed his underling to leak a factually incorrect memo to the press knowing it will reflect negatively on the SNP and Labour.

He won his seat with a majority of 800 (I think it was 8000 in 2010) over the SNP, having denied being the source of the leak until after the election and discovery was inevitable.

Here's the irony with Carmichael's own 'getting the boot in' on the Woolas affair back in 2010:

Scotland going to be a LibDem MP-free zone soon?
 Carmichaelgate - The Melting Snowman
>> Scotland going to be a LibDem MP-free zone soon?

I hope so, along with England with any luck. It was fantastic to see the high-profile LibDems lose their seats, with the possible exception of Danny Alexander, I actually had some respect for him.
Last edited by: The Melting Snowman on Sun 24 May 15 at 21:41
 Carmichaelgate - Zero

I have huge respect for all the LibDems, without them we would have had 5 more years of Gordon.

Its a pity they paid with their lives, but we should honour their sacrifice with respect at least
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 25 May 15 at 01:12
 Carmichaelgate - Westpig

>> Carmichael, while in ministerial office has allowed his underling to leak a factually incorrect memo
>> to the press knowing it will reflect negatively on the SNP and Labour.

You sure it was 'factually incorrect'?
 Carmichaelgate - Cliff Pope
>> You sure it was 'factually incorrect'?

Quite so. No one gets upset about an incorrect leak. It's the truth that hurts.
 Carmichaelgate - Robin O'Reliant
>> Quite so. No one gets upset about an incorrect leak. It's the truth that hurts.

And as the SNP's existence is based on persuading the Scots to vote for independence they'd want a party their compatriots mostly hate to be in power in Westminster.
Last edited by: Robin O'Reliant on Mon 25 May 15 at 17:54
 Carmichaelgate - Cliff Pope
>> >>>>
>> they'd want a party their compatriots mostly hate to be in power in Westminster.

Of course. And it's much easier negotiating with enemies than it is "friends".
 Carmichaelgate - Observer
'... it's much easier negotiating with enemies than it is "friends".'

Did no-one believe the First Minister and leader of the SNP when she said at their spring conference that she wanted to 'promise “friendship and solidarity” to voters around the UK'? That the SNP would be 'a positive force at Westminster'?

This, of course, was before the general election, when she thought, hoped and probably expected to be in coalition with Labour as the government of the UK.

Surely she hasn't changed - she's our friend!

Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

At least she didn't make such an idiot of herself as the repulsive Salmond, with his talk of writing Labour's budget when they all got into power.
Last edited by: Observer on Mon 25 May 15 at 19:37
 Carmichaelgate - Lygonos

Ooo that's ok then.
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