... for watching porn.
How incredibly stupid.
"Three judges have been sacked for viewing pornographic material via their official IT accounts, the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office has said."
You'd think they would perhaps know these things are monitored?
>> www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31920906
>> You'd think they would perhaps know these things are monitored?
The pornography was not illegal in content, a spokesman added.
So they didn't do anything illegal. Actually I find it refreshing, and in a way essential, that the Judiciary has a handle on whats going on out there.
They were probably viewing it for research purposes, like, um, I can't remember who, it was.
Yes now WHO in Pete was it?
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 17 Mar 15 at 14:39
>> Actually I find it refreshing, and in a way
>> essential, that the Judiciary has a handle on whats going on out there.
But disappointing that they do not have the sense to do it on their own equipment on their own time., even if not illegal it would be picked up on virtually any company or organisation network and the consequences would be the same in any place I have worked.
It shows, IMHO, that they do not know much of the real world out there
I've always found looking at porn to be a bit like watching sport. As in it can be mildly interesting for a while but ultimately I'd rather be doing it myself.
I was a keen rugby player but find I fall asleep watching matches, similarly, I love skiing but can't be bothered to watch others doing it. If you see what I mean.
They weren't sacked for watching porn, they were sacked for being stupid enough to get caught. Surprised, or perhaps not, that three of them were daft enough to wait to be formally dismissed. 'Sorry Lord Chief/Lord Chancellor I won't do it again and please can I have another chance' was never going to run was it?
Porn is banned on work machines. Period. Not because the bosses are moralistic about it (though they may be) but because many porn sites are riddled with viruses, Trojans and stuff knows what else. If you connect to an indecent image by accident you're supposed to report it. Happened to a colleague of mine, legitimately looking for a picture of an eminent lawyer he found himself looking at a image of a naked man. He advised IT security and heard no more.
Quite funny really.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 17 Mar 15 at 15:02
>> it can be mildly interesting for a while but ultimately I'd rather be doing it myself.
Absolutely. But are you sure you mean 'porn' and not 'erotic film' Humph?
Erotic film, to be found in many good movies, does to me what porn is supposed to do. Actual porn on the other hand always seems to me boring, repetitive, unimaginative and very often distasteful. Perhaps I'm not a real man. But perhaps I am after all.
>> How incredibly stupid.
Sad that these people became judges and then always worried about criminal's human rights!
'Actual porn on the other hand '
Your right hand probably.
>> >>
>> Erotic film, to be found in many good movies, does to me what porn is
>> supposed to do. Actual porn on the other hand always seems to me boring, repetitive,
>> unimaginative and very often distasteful. Perhaps I'm not a real man. But perhaps I am
>> after all.
You're not alone, I can't understand why anyone would bother to watch it after the first few times.
I remember one, Chesty Morgan I think it was, where the same carpet featured in every set.
They don't make porn like they used, does not have the same kind of class as it did, Debbie Does Dallas, Candy Striped Nurses, all rather exotic.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 17 Mar 15 at 15:50
I've often wondered why they make porn films longer than 5 minutes.
>> 've often wondered why they make porn films longer than 5 minutes.
To save viewers from searching another one every 5 minutes :o)
>> I remember one, Chesty Morgan I think it was, where the same carpet featured in every set.
Didn't the title turn you off Zero? Chesty Morgan indeed... sounds like a fairground boxer FFS.
In that hazy kind of pre-pubescent atmosphere where I wasn't quite sure WHAT porn was, never mind who the stars were, I recall being a mite overly-interested in hearing some bigger boys in the playground talk of a late night tv programme that was, I understood, going to be about someone called Mary Millington, whose name I had seen on strange posters outside the local X-rated film cinema.
Making an effort to see such show on the QT later that night was a surprising experience for me, as it turned out to be about Mrs Mills.
>> Didn't the title turn you off Zero? Chesty Morgan indeed... sounds like a fairground boxer FFS.
Or a welshman with bronchitis.
>> Or a welshman with bronchitis.
There used to be a lot of those. Coal miners tended to die young from the dust spewed out by cutting and transporting machinery. Silicosis they used to call it.
>> There used to be a lot of those. Coal miners tended to die young from
>> the dust spewed out by cutting and transporting machinery. Silicosis they used to call it.
Similar issues in other areas too. Cotton when being milled/spun/weaved threw dust in all directions - industrial disease in that industry was known as byssinosis.
Visited the preserved cotton mill at Styal last weekend. Lots of my Father's family were in Lancashire's cotton trade.
All these dust effect conditions were forms of Pneumoconiosis
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 18 Mar 15 at 19:29
>> >> There used to be a lot of those. Coal miners tended to die young
>> from
>> >> the dust spewed out by cutting and transporting machinery. Silicosis they used to call
>> it.
>> Similar issues in other areas too. Cotton when being milled/spun/weaved threw dust in all directions
>> - industrial disease in that industry was known as byssinosis.
thats if they weren't burned to death first. Cotton dust and oils and grease from the machinery made good accelerant
"Coal miners tended to die young from the dust ........"
My ol' man went down pit in 1942 until he retired in 1981, though in his last 4 years he was also above ground training new recruits. At that time, it was quite rightly realised that miners ought to retire before age 65 and so more trainees, and trainers were necessary. But then Maggie arrived, and we know what happened next.....
Dad will be 90 in June; his breathing isn't good and, at the moment, emphysema is being investigated. The base of his spine has also deteriorated such that he needs a 'walker' and his scooter to get around. Whilst he has retained most of his marbles, he isn't good on his i-pad.
>> Dad will be 90 in June; his breathing isn't good and, at the moment, emphysema
>> is being investigated. The base of his spine has also deteriorated such that he needs
>> a 'walker' and his scooter to get around. Whilst he has retained most of his
>> marbles, he isn't good on his i-pad.
To be honest anyone getting to 90 without some or all of those problems is doing well.
"To be honest anyone getting to 90 without some or all of those problems is doing well"
That's what I remind him - but he just moans about the fact that houses have been built on his beloved allotments. I then have to explain that he is in no condition to do an allotment anyway and that the houses have been built because his heroic Labour government decided to fill up the country. He's very like No FM in that he likes to argue just for the sake of arguing.
>> >> Or a welshman with bronchitis.
>> There used to be a lot of those. Coal miners tended to die young from
>> the dust spewed out by cutting and transporting machinery. Silicosis they used to call it.
It always seemed to me to be an appalling way to earn a living.
Several years ago I went down to Wales for the rugby and I stayed in a mining village. I was introduced to so many men, all of whom seemed to have some sort of scar visible, or an injury.
Some degree of exaggeration, of course, but the injuries caused by the industry in which they worked was very striking to this Southerner.
You wouldn't have been bored in meribel today Runfer. I am not a great spectator myself, but made an exception for a few hours.
I can remember driving all the way from Southwark in SE London to Leyton in East London after work nigh-40 years ago because there was a video rental shop there who had some ‘alf-decent stuff under the counter.
A rat catcher who my friend the leather craftsman knew used to let us go around to his gaff to watch his blue films, back in the day (yawn!)
I used to check out youporn occasionally just to see what’s trending, like, but I can’t recall the last time I actually did, certainly not this year anyway ;-)
Trouble is, like any pleasurable experience, it can become addictive, and there are people who are actually addicted to viewing porn (but for the grace of god etc.)
Some of the stuff available for young eyes these days, or even not-so young eyes, has made my eyes water tbh, and I’m talking about paid-for sites either.
Back in the seventies and working a three shift system the nightshifts used to sometimes be enlivened by someone bringing in blue films to show in whatever quiet little corner of the factory was free during the night. They were grainy old black & white efforts about as erotic as watching Angela Rippon reading the news and I'm sure I wasn't the only one pretending to enjoy them just to be one of the lads.
Remember reading a Guardian piece a few years ago on different genres in pornography and their popularity in different countries.
US and UK apparently tend to favour the wham bang, thank you maam variety. A bit of oral foreplay followed by a full on screw.
Germany and Scandinavia by contrast quite like natural 'girl next door' types who strip for the camera while being interviewed about their sexual preferences. Also gave a little prominence to a woman who purveyed the Scandi type stuff to the Oz market - in English with Australian girls. Quite high technical values, filmed in hi-def etc.
Funny old world.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 17 Mar 15 at 16:58
>> Quite high technical values, filmed in hi-def etc.
Tee hee... the polar opposite of the first porn film I really remember, a thoroughly fuzzy, badly shot, 8mm monochrome film shown on a sheet from a projector.
It was produced, not specifically for me, as a great treat by (now I come to think of it) an 'eminent lawyer' who was a friend of mine. Other eminent lawyers were also there for the show. It lasted about 20 minutes. I can't say I enjoyed it but I had to sit through it to be polite.
That was in Lagos in the seventies. Black Africa is pretty practical and deadpan where sex is concerned, although some claim that young girls have a hard time there. I was never quite comfortable with it despite the available goodies. Once or twice maybe. The girls mostly thought there was something wrong with me. They didn't think I was racist, just strangely feeble. As I was of course by their standards.
My lawyer friend - he really was a friend - once said to me kindly: 'These girls aren't ready for love.' They didn't mind being jumped on in a perfunctory manner, they just didn't understand what we call 'tenderness'. Only the upper classes had a clue about that.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Tue 17 Mar 15 at 17:39
There was an old Rowan Atkinson sketch about a dozy judge who had to have things like mobile phone and internet explained to him, but who suddenly woke up when a witness mentioned a blow-up sex toy, and he started decribing the different options available.
>> There was an old Rowan Atkinson sketch about a dozy judge who had to have
>> things like mobile phone and internet explained to him,
Older than that I think :)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VgwxKW0J6I (poor sound)
English judges don't have gavels. I know it's comedy in this case but it's a myth that's incredibly difficult to dispel. It still turns up regularly as an image in the websites of media organisations, including the BBC, even though their style guides explicitly preclude it's use.
The legal correspondent of one of the national dailies had a bit of a crusade about it but to no visible effect.
Perhaps we should go with the flow and give the judges a wooden hammer.
>> Perhaps we should go with the flow and give the judges a wooden hammer.
Or a huge cap-and-ball .45 revolver... Judge Bean was it? Anyway not a man to take any untoward behaviour by anyone else in his court, no sirreee...
Nor do they put a black cloth on their head before intoning:
the sentence of this court is that you be removed from this place to a place of lawful execution, and there be hanged by the neck until you be dead, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Interesting that that formula must have dated from before the short sharp drop was introduced, and the condemned was just left to dangle.
After the trap door was invented the ritual beloved in old films like Kind Hearts and Coronets of carefully measuring the victim's weight and height was very important.
Too little drop and he was condemned to strangulation - too much and it pulled his head off, with embarassment all round.
>>too much and it pulled his head off, with embarassment all round.
Except for one person.
Naughty boys watching porn all four of them.A bit silly watching it on the works computer there is me thinking judges where bright.
>> Nor do they put a black cloth on their head before intoning:
>> the sentence of this court is that you be removed from this place to a
>> place of lawful execution, and there be hanged by the neck until you be dead,
>> and may God have mercy on your soul.
Which in a way brings us back to the start and (Lord Justice) Rayner Goddard who was rumoured to ejaculate when passing the death sentence.
>> (Lord Justice) Rayner Goddard who was rumoured to ejaculate when passing the death sentence.
Horrible murdering old brute at the top of the legal pile through much of my youth.
That rumour that he used to come when putting the black cap on seems a bit improbable though. Anyone might need a spare pair of trousers.