Non-motoring > DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Focusless Replies: 35

 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Focusless
Just had a carpet fitted in a bedroom where there was laminate before, and left with 3 doors that need up to about 5mm taking off the bottom.

So what tool would the panel recommend I use/buy? Preferably at the cheap & cheerful end of the price spectrum. BTW I don't have a workbench etc.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Armel Coussine
Take the doors off, lay them on a suitable table or surface and use a saw, carefully. It's awkward cutting a thin slice but you can tidy it up with a surform, plane or similar. Be careful not to cut too far into the door, draw a line and err in the safe direction.

It isn't difficult, but it's very tiresome.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Zero
>> Just had a carpet fitted in a bedroom where there was laminate before, and left
>> with 3 doors that need up to about 5mm taking off the bottom.
>> So what tool would the panel recommend I use/buy? Preferably at the cheap & cheerful
>> end of the price spectrum. BTW I don't have a workbench etc.

5mm? If you had a workbench and a circular saw you could probably do it but its a thin strip to saw off. SO

If it were me I would whip out my electric plane, stick the door in my workmate and it would be done in about 5 minutes.

I would be careful that it wasn't a thin panelled door and i wasn't taking too much off the fillets at the bottom.

I would have practised with the plane because they are vicious bar stewards who will whistle off too much in a heartbeat. I would do 5 passes at 1mm.

If i didn't already have one, knowing I wouldn't be using it lots, i would buy a cheap one like this
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 26 Jan 15 at 19:22
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - WillDeBeest
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Zero
>> Termites.

Or you could put it in 5mm of water and rot it off. Termites might be faster tho.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - MD
Good price Zeddo.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Focusless
Thanks guys. Much as I like the termites suggestion, I suspect the project manager might want the door on her en-suite to close sooner rather than later.

I like the idea of just sawing it off, and the thought had crossed my mind. But I would be worried about ending up with a sort of wave effect, or worse. And I would need to buy a decent saw of the appropriate type.

Having looked at that electric planer, it rings a bell - I think stepson might have bought one in the past (can't remember why) and it might be hidden in the garage somewhere. i shall make enquiries...
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - No FM2R
5mm? I'd use a sander. Bit slower, zero chance of taking too much off, cheap.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Dave
Use a sink saw with a guide rail.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Manatee
5mm is not a lot - my father, who was a pattern maker and could do anything with wood, could probably have taken a slice off that with a fine toothed panel saw, but for normal mortals a handheld circular saw or a jig saw (with a rip fence in either case), or a planer would be a better choice.

Zero is right, those planers are vicious - if you've never used one, don't start with the work piece! Practice on something first.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Haywain
"So what tool would the panel recommend I use"

I had the same problem a couple of months ago and did the job with a coarse sanding disc on an old 400w electric drill. The 'disc' was one of those metal ones with coarse gritty bits embedded in it.

You do need a reasonable 'eye', and you MUST draw a straight line.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - RattleandSmoke
I had to this last year with the back door which would have caught on the new kitchen floor. It was a wooden door with a double glazed panel on it and 3 mortice locks so weighed a tonne.

With two of us it wasn't that hard to remove the door from the frame then I used a bog standard manual planer to plane it. The entire job took no more than 40 minutes. It was only about a 1-2mm that needed to come off though, I would have had to use an electric tool for 5mm I think.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Fursty Ferret
I'd just whip the door off the hinges and run a router across the bottom from both sides.

 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - MD
The Carpet fitter should have done this. They have a special saw for the job.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - henry k
>> The Carpet fitter should have done this. They have a special saw for the job.
I agree.

What sort of door is it?
An old proper all wood panel door?
A totally flush door with a ply or hardboard skin ?
A lightweight modern door ?

If it is a proper all wood panel door then you will be removing wood with grain- OK.
If it is a flush door there is a risk of splintering all along both skins.

If you decide to DIY with a hand saw then buy a new one. It will cut more easily, accurately and avoide cursing
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Ted

Right...all this flaffing about by people who should know better. I'm surprised no-one said gnaw it off wiv yer teeth !

I , before Christmas, needed to take 3mm off the side of the interior door of the needed a thump to get it in the frame. It is very visible and I wanted a good straight cut on the hinge side. The door is fairly flimsy and only a half inch thick. I did it the proper way.

I took the handles off and took it down to the local timber merchant who has a huge flat saw table and a high speed circular saw. Result.....a perfect cut and a perfect fit.


I have all the tools to do it....but for a fiver...No brainer !
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - henry k
>>took it down to the local timber merchant who has a huge flat saw table and a high speed circular saw
Lucky you. In my experience it is usually not allowed.
" Sucks teeth. We do not know anything about the door. It may wreck our saw. it may have nails/ screws in it. Sorry. Foxtrot Oscar"
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Zero
>> The Carpet fitter should have done this. They have a special saw for the job.

Yes they do, i'd forgotten about that

You can hire one. Don't even need to take the door off
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Focusless
>> The Carpet fitter should have done this. They have a special saw for the job.

Thanks for that - I'll give Carpetright a ring.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Focusless
>> >> The Carpet fitter should have done this. They have a special saw for the
>> job.
>> Thanks for that - I'll give Carpetright a ring.

According to this:

it would have been £10 per door. Might have paid, but they didn't mention it.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - MD
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - MD
Damn. Didn't get that passed the swear thingy then........
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Fullchat
What you want, what you really want (other than the specific door bottom cutting too) is a plunge saw complete with guide rail. Very expensive for a one off. I've been giving them a coat of looking at recently.
Jig saws and circular saws are a devil to get a good straight line finish on a door bottom even with a guide.
I've found the best bet is to scribe a line either side at say 4mm and crack on with the electric planer. The reason to mark both side is that with the best will in the world you will not get a nice 90 deg angle. I'd finish off with a hand plane.
Remember at each side to plane from the outside towards the middle or you will pull chunks out of the edge as you are tackling end grain.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - legacylad
Leave them off. Less chance of banging into them when you arrive home ratted.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - CGNorwich
Replace the hinges with rising butts. No need to trim the door.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - WillDeBeest
That gives me an idea for the awkward flush door to Beestling Minor's room, CGN.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - bathtub tom
Unscrew the hinges and move them up 5mm?
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - VxFan
Remove the carpet and fit laminate flooring.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Cliff Pope
>> Replace the hinges with rising butts. No need to trim the door.

Very good. What I was just about to suggest.
If the door only fouls the carpet when you start to open it then there will be a draught gap when it is closed if you saw off 5mm.
With rising butts you can have a tight clearance when shut AND clear the carpet.

Also, as bonus, the door will self-close gently.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Focusless
Yes, that does sound like a good idea. But not for the en-suite door - that's only catching on the metal strip between the bedroom carpet and the bathroom tiles.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Focusless
Some excellent suggestions there :)

I've got the fitter's number - going to give him a ring this morning and ask if he'd be able to do the job and for how much. Perhaps he had another job to go to yesterday, or maybe he just doesn't have one of those door cutting tools.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Mapmaker
Rising butts, definitely. The door will require a wedge to keep it open of course.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Focusless
Sorry, wimped out in the end - booked a carpenter to come round and do them Thursday for £15 per door. No doubt that's more than the DIY option would have cost (including the new planer), but there's now a much better chance of ending up with a good result, in a timescale meeting Mrs F's approval.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Old Navy
Don't forget to keep the offcuts, when Mrs F changes her mind about the floor covering you can nail them back on. :)
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - Armel Coussine
Rising butts eh? Is that what those hinges with built-in screw function are called?

You learn something new every day. And forget it again the next.
 DIY - something to take 5mm off bottom of door - CGNorwich
There are all sorts of hinges. The sort you find on most domestic doors are butt hinges. The spiralling type are rising butt hinges.

You can forget that now. :-)
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