Non-motoring > Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Falkirk Bairn Replies: 16

 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - Falkirk Bairn
Ling Cleans up after Council falls down on the job.

 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - CGNorwich
I thought you meant she had tidied up her migraine inducing website!

 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - Crankcase
Good for her. But the cynic in me says that this little line in the middle of the article will lead to its demise, eventually:

"(Ms Honey) has been ordered by Mrs Valentine to ignore councillors who claim she needs an Environmental licence to pick up rubbish."
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - Dave
She complains about crime (her car was stolen and had an intruder), so employs someone to clean up?
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - RattleandSmoke
She is a strange one, I remember her personally telling me on here or HJ that she would never lease a car to me! She said something on the lines of I am a car murderer. Well I've had the same car for almost five years now :D
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - WillDeBeest
...and if it was a dog you'd be in prison by now.
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - VxFan
>> . Well I've had the same car for almost five years now :D

Yeah, but it's like Triggers broom, according to your reliability report that you posted the other day ;)
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 27 Jan 15 at 01:49
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - TheManWithNoName
>> She complains about crime (her car was stolen and had an intruder), so employs someone
>> to clean up?

Yeah, I couldnt work out that bit of logic either.

I'm all for a bit of community spirit but she sounds a bit of an interfering council bashing aaah-so to me.
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - No FM2R
>>she sounds a bit of an.....

Ling is Ling. And that pretty much covers everything. I admire her drive and confidence, but if I lived near her I'd probably have to kill her.
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - John Boy
>> I thought you meant she had tidied up her migraine inducing website!
She seems to have extended that expertise into the field of vehicle graphics. :)
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - BiggerBadderDave
Ms Honey? Mrs Valentine?

Is this some kind of masturbatrix website?
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - MD
You wish:-0)
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - Lygonos
I think you're getting your Valentine and Vaseline mixed up again, BBD.
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - R.P.
She'll be along in a minute no doubt to tell us off like she used to on Honest John...from what I remember she seemed to Google herself regularly...
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - mikeyb
As a past customer I can say there is a professional business behind the persona.

I understand her trying to differentiate her business, but I do wonder how many she alienates in the process, although recent visits to her site make me think she's not as cheap as she used to be
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - Mapmaker
That's a better bit of advertising than her missile shooter parked by the A1...
 Ling (Dragons Den Car Leasing) CLEANS UP! - T junction
Missile launcher spotted
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