what's happened to the wristwatch thread, will I be accused of drunken confusion again?
I have a clear memory of posting an anodyne thing about Rolexes and Swatches just in the last half-hour. The post vanished and I got the goddam pink strip of death. WTF is going on here?
For the record, I've just taken the first sip of the evening.
It was spammed, maybe it's been hidden for disinfection. It might return.
>> Pink strip of death, AC?
Haven't you ever tripped one? Dumps your carefully-composed post and tells you more or less that you're a prat and should sod off right now.
Hate the damn things. Get them all the time. A lesser person would start to get paranoid.
Hmm, don't think so. The worst I can remember is losing the occasional postload of priceless wisdom to the Login Timeout message, but even that doesn't scare me any more.
Must try harder, evidently.
Used to occasionally lose a whole post to the login timeout but for well over a year now I've just been invited to log in again before posting.
Worst now is the Edit timeout cutting in before I've corrected my typos and other infelicities.
One of the old threads that was spammed was an old one. So it appeared at the top of the forum because there were new posts. Remove/hide those posts and it would drop back down the forum as the last visible post was earlier in 2014.
And any replies to the spam posts needed to go. Looked like a naff smart watch too.
>> Worst now is the Edit timeout cutting in before I've corrected my typos and other infelicities.
If I type a long post or get distracted and take perhaps too long to post.... I copy the text just in case before hitting 'post message'. Lost too many posts when I didn't do that.
>> I copy the text just in case before hitting 'post message'. Lost too many posts when I didn't do that.
So do I, when I remember in time.
>> >> I copy the text just in case before hitting 'post message'. Lost too many
>> posts when I didn't do that.
>> So do I, when I remember in time.
As Bromp mentions above, you shouldn't need to these days - you just get a prompt to login, then it takes you back to your post.
Long messages are best typed in, say, Word then edited before copying and pasting for submission.