2 x career criminals with 166 convictions are given a suspended sentences for another attempted robbery!
I am sure that they will qualify for a full pension they retire with all their efforts in the community.
I'm sure you could be locked up for fewer, victimless, motoring offences.
One wonders whether shariah law has its uses?
>> One wonders whether shariah law has its uses?
That reminded me of something, I knew I'd mentioned it before!
When I was in Saudi Arabia 45 years ago there was evidence of the justice, the odd hand on the spiked railings outside the local mosque, the shop assistant with one hand. there was little low level crimes - corruption wholesale but little "street crime"
Javid said almost 200,000 people were prosecuted in 2012-13 for failing to buy a TV licence, which costs £145.50 a year. “More than 50 were sent to prison.
No one was ever sent to prison for not buying a TV license. Refusing to pay a fine is however contempt of court and can certainly lead to a prison sentence.
And if you cannot afford to heat and eat what are you supposed to do??
>> And if you cannot afford to heat and eat what are you supposed to do??
I'd suspect plenty here would say stop watching telly.....
>> And if you cannot afford to heat and eat what are you supposed to do??
Sell the TV?
>> >> And if you cannot afford to heat and eat what are you supposed to
>> do??
>> >>
>> Sell the TV?
All 50 inches of it.
When things went mammaries up for us a few years ago I sold everything, aye, including the telly and my pension, but I cleared all debts and kept a roof over our heads and food, albeit basic rations, in our bellies.
I'll be stuffed in my old age if I ever get there but hey ho.
>> I'll be stuffed in my old age if I ever get there but hey ho.
Genuinely sorry to hear that RDH.
Aye well, thanks MD, of course you live and learn and whether I'd do it that way again is another question but everyone got paid, we didn't go bankrupt and we went on to start again with moderate success. I won't try to pretend it wasn't hard at times mind, but like I say, you live and learn.
And on a more serious not if you are unable to pay a fine because of severe financial hardship the court will usually give you the ability to pay it in instalments. People who are sent to prison for ignoring fines for tv licence evasion are usually making a protest.
>> And on a more serious not if you are unable to pay a fine because
>> of severe financial hardship the court will usually give you the ability to pay it
>> in instalments.
There are guidelines on the minimum offers; as little a £1 a month or those with multiple debts.
Life for some has become dreadfully difficult without constant work. I know of a young man who got a job with Lidl's and they ran him ragged regarding hours (zero hours contract). He would be booked to work say 4 hours, have to drive 20 mins to get there, fuel etc. (Public tspt not an option) then they would cancel with perhaps, yes hello.............20 mins notice!! It is a totally unacceptable practice. Further to this he would be expected on occasions at less than an hours notice, to drive to another SHOP on the edge of Dartmoor from north Devon. They contributed to his fuel, but not to the additional travelling time.
He was a fairly carefree single man. Imagine this happening to an adult with a child/commitments.
If I worked hard and still could not eat and heat, 'They' could stick their TVL up their collective A***.
If of course I was a lazy 'Scrang' then that's another matter.
>> Life for some has become dreadfully difficult without constant work. I know of a young
>> man who got a job with Lidl's and they ran him ragged regarding hours (zero
>> hours contract). He would be booked to work say 4 hours, have to drive 20
>> mins to get there, fuel etc. (Public tspt not an option) then they would cancel
>> with perhaps, yes hello.............20 mins notice!! It is a totally unacceptable practice.
That of course is totally unacceptable. It's also an interesting contrast between Lidl and Aldi.
Miss B worked for latter for a few weeks in the late summer. She had contracted hours, albeit way under full time. IIRC there's something about hours and employer's NICs that makes two or three employees covering 40hrs a week cheaper than a full timer.
She was though humanely treated and paid half time for travel if they wanted her in Launceston or Exeter rather than her 'home' store in Plymouth. While there's just her and her Beau who's got a full time job with Babcocks it was easy. If OTOH they were both subject to such demands and had childcare in equation......
She's much happier now though working for NHS Blood and Transplant even though there's far less overtime opportunity.
Something very bad... or perhaps nothing much at all.