Non-motoring > What next? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: MD Replies: 13

 What next? - MD
 What next? - Bromptonaut
Would you care to expand?

Your usual racist assumptions going on wishful thinking?

At least two of three had lengthy psychiatric history. Need MUCH more than a shout of Allah Al Akbar to prove any Islamist involvement,
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 23 Dec 14 at 20:10
 What next? - MD
>> Would you care to expand?

Do I need to?
>> Your usual racist assumptions going on wishful thinking?

Not worth responding to that one.
 What next? - Bromptonaut
>> >> Would you care to expand?
>> Do I need to?

Genuine curiosity. Either my supposition was right or there was something else.
 What next? - Armel Coussine
More of the same of course. But it may slowly mutate into something different and probably worse.

Military and paramilitary forces on the streets of Paris are constant throughout my lifetime. The French are artistic in many ways and very intelligent and cultured in their fashion, certainly as good as us, but equivalent not the same.

I've seen them in London and Northern Ireland too, troops and armed fuzz. Seems pretty normal to me.
 What next? - Bromptonaut
And as AC observes the French have always been happy to give the CRS some exercise for any sort of protest/dissent.
 What next? - Old Navy
The lone wolf local resident nutter / terrorist / angry person of whatever race / colour / creed who spontaneously kicks off must be every security services nightmare.
 What next? - Zero
>> The lone wolf local resident nutter / terrorist / angry person of whatever race /
>> colour / creed who spontaneously kicks off must be every security services nightmare.

Specially in the states with public access to a plethora of arms.
 What next? - Old Navy

>> Specially in the states with public access to a plethora of arms.

It seems all you need is a car and a crowd.
 What next? - madf
I recall armed troops in Paris after the OAS failed to assasinate General De Gaul.

That was the 1960s -- 31 attempts in all I think.

And in teh 1970s at airports after plane hijackings,,,

Plus ca change etc.
 What next? - MD
 What next? - Armel Coussine
These people weren't shot because they were Islamists or thought God was great, but because they were raving mad and attacking or threatening policemen and civilians. It has often been noted that mental instability can take an obsesssive religious turn.

I posted something to that general effect in this thread yesterday, but it seems to have been suppressed or moved. No blame as the I Ching often says.
 What next? - smokie
AC I've noticed you mentioning missing posts a few times recently but I'm not convinced that any of us mods is doing anything. Are you sure your post losses aren't "user error"?
 What next? - Armel Coussine
They easily could be. That's why I added 'No blame'. I get more gaga than usual at this time of year.
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