My girl likes jewellery (no surprise there).
Her favourite brand (Pandora) has been on sale at some independent retailers and I will by some and put it by for Christmas.
My dilemma is: Do I buy the usual number of pieces and pocket the savings or spend the same amount and buy more pieces?
What would you do?
You just want somebody to agree with you, don't you?
Buy double, and save half for her birthday.
Marry her, infinitely more expensive in the long run but you don't have all the expensive present bother. Forget the wedding anniversary at your peril.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Fri 8 Aug 14 at 13:25
Oh you have me bang to rights!
I will buy double the goodies!
My wife has the Pandora charm Bracelet 24 charmes on it.
She got them all by herself.I must admit the bracelet looks nice.I just supply the money.
>>> - Guys only please :-) <<
That's sexist!!!!
Zippy you used the C word - message reported as offensive!
>> >>> - Guys only please :-) <<
>> That's sexist!!!!
>> Pat
Only because I knew you would give me a sensible answer! :-)
As requested I won't give you an answer.
What I will do though is look you straight in the eye, and say to you 'You know exactly what you SHOULD do', so get over yourself and go and do it!
Is it not worth holding out a bit further and see if the price falls even more?
I'm just staggered she hasn't seen the light and realised new hedge cutters or a frying pan upgrade are the way to go.
Pandora indeed... very very successful peer pressure marketing at work.
My wife has always been fairly practical, and likes gardening, so I was shocked at the excoriating reaction to my birthday gift of a rather nice wheelbarrow a few years ago.
You'll do for me Manatee, I'd love a new wheelbarrow, but preferably from a reclaimed yard so I could make a feature of it and plant flowers in it.
I always think these are an attractive and useful present.
>I always think these are an attractive and useful present.
You get given them quite often then CGN? ;-)
>> What would you do?
Get rid. Clearly this one is now costing a few quid to run - time for a change.
Just have a massive row the day before her birthday then you can feel justified in not buying a present.
That is a strange way of thinking skip>;) It might cost you double in making up again.
>> That is a strange way of thinking skip>;) It might cost you double in making
>> up again.
"Treat em mean & keep em keen" :-)
>> "Treat em mean & keep em keen" :-)
Tried that have you? That was brave.
(yes I did see the smiley).
>> >> "Treat em mean & keep em keen" :-)
>> Tried that have you? That was brave.
Its an excellent and very effective short term strategy that does produce results.
Its a crap long term plan however.
You could make a long lasting impression and really push the boat out:
Buying them gifts is so fraught with problems!
Earlier this year I realised that I hadn't brought her any flowers for a little.
It came up in conversation at the time that she was running short of the Boots Age Perfect serum which is quite expensive.
Anyway, I was browsing the web and noticed a crazy offer on the Boots website where they were offering 5 tubes (about £100 worth) for about £20 as they were updating the brands on the tubes.
Like a fool, I thought that's about the same price as a bunch of flowers so I ordered some and gave them to her as a gift.
Oh what a mistake! She complained "Are you trying to tell me I looking old" etc!
I wont make that mistake again!
(After about 10 minutes she saw the funny side thank goodness!)
Can I suggest you ask her to write a Dear Santa letter?
Starting it now will mean we won't have another thread like this in December:)
>> Can I suggest you ask her to write a Dear Santa letter?
>> Starting it now will mean we won't have another thread like this in December:)
>> Pat
Like this?
Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me
I've been an awful good girl
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, an out-of-space convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you dear
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
Next year I could be oh so good
If you'd check off my Christmas list
Boo doo bee doo
Santa honey, I wanna yacht and really that's
Not a lot
I've been an angel all year
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa cutie, there's one thing I really do need, the deed
To a platinum mine
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, I'm filling my stocking with a duplex, and checks
Sign your 'X' on the line
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tiffany's
I really do believe in you
Let's see if you believe in me
Boo doo bee doo
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
I don't mean a phone
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
An old dodge is to buy your partner the present YOU want. Many Christmases ago a friend of mine bought his wife a shotgun and she bought him a very sophisticated sewing machine.
>> An old dodge is to buy your partner the present YOU want. Many Christmases ago
>> a friend of mine bought his wife a shotgun and she bought him a very
>> sophisticated sewing machine.
This in the wrong thread
Should be in the Oscar Pretorious one, guns and claims of a stitch up
Move it then, if it matters so much.
>> Move it then, if it matters so much.
Woo and who got out of the wrong side of bed this morning then.
If you are a Moderator you can move it - if you aren't it is none of your business
Last edited by: Meldrew on Sat 9 Aug 14 at 20:01
>> If you are a Moderator you can move it - if you aren't it is none of your business
Calm it down Meldrew. Zero's reply to your post was purely a tongue in cheek comment. There was no need for you to get on the offensive and have a go at him.
I don't do Tongue in Cheek
Last edited by: Meldrew on Sun 10 Aug 14 at 07:18
>> Should be in the Oscar Pretorious one, guns and claims of a stitch up
That's quite funny actually!!
Just seen zeddo's reply. V funny. Made me smile and that is quite difficult on a Sunday morning!
>> An old dodge is to buy your partner the present YOU want. Many Christmases ago
>> a friend of mine bought his wife a shotgun and she bought him a very
>> sophisticated sewing machine.
My daughter got a train set for her first birthday. Funnily enough I never had one as a child.
She turned into a mechanical engineer, I often wonder if there is a connection.
I always think these are an attractive and useful present.
My wife has told me many (so very many) times that household goods are not suitable as presents to a wife.
This product description turned out not to be applicable to the fire irons she bought me.
That link's non-clickable and if I Google it, it points me back to this thread. Oozlum bird?
See CGN's post at 18:37 yesterday.
Ah! No >>s. I didn't realise it referred back to an earlier post.
ambo - it's a free country etc. but why not use the 'Quote Original Message' button? Does help prevent misunderstandings; some of us need all the help we can get :)
>> ambo - it's a free country etc. but why not use the 'Quote Original Message'
>> button? Does help prevent misunderstandings; some of us need all the help we can get
>> :)
Will do.
>> Will do.
But not the whole quote please. A brief summary usually suffices.
>> Buying them gifts is so fraught with problems!
>> Earlier this year I realised that I hadn't brought her any flowers for a little.
Yes tell me about it. Why is it that 10 quid flowers from Waitrose are ok as a present, and 10 quid flowers from the Shell Garage shop are not?
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 10 Aug 14 at 07:59
£4 from ALDI are fine, she's Yorkshire and doesn't approve of wasting brass.
Nothing wrong with Shell V Flower Power
Of course, what we really want is for you all to take the time to have a wander round some country lanes and pick us a bunch of wild flowers.
Cost = Nothing.
Time and thought = Loads of brownie points.
>> Of course, what we really want is for you all to take the time to
>> have a wander round some country lanes and pick us a bunch of wild flowers.
>> Cost = Nothing.
>> Time and thought = Loads of brownie points.
>> Pat
Isn't picking wild flowers illegal?
Apart from the fact that you are depriving other people of seeing those wild flowers.
If it isn't illegal, then it should be. Certainly thoughtless and selfish.
"if it isn't illegal, then it should be. Certainly thoughtless and selfish."
No it isn't illegal except for a few protected species provided you are picking flowers for your own use and don't uproot the plants.
Would you have every child prosecuted for for making a daisy chain, or every lover who picks a wild rose for his girl friend locked up Duncan?
>> Would you have every child prosecuted for for making a daisy chain, or every lover
>> who picks a wild rose for his girl friend locked up Duncan?
As I don't believe in capital punishment for the under 12s, then the children would escape.
As I don't believe in capital punishment for the under 12s, then the children would escape.
You are becoming more mellow as you age Duncan. ;-)
>>You are becoming more mellow as you age Duncan. ;-) <<
Not really, he never misses the chance to poke me with a big stick:)
>> or every lover
>> who picks a wild rose for his girl friend locked up Duncan?
Hold up, Firstly every young lady these days has no idea that roses grow wild, and secondly would dump you in a heartbeat if you turned up with blood stained fingers from the thorn pricks , your Ralph Loren polo shirt ripped, and arms covered in nettle rash.
Romance has moved on a tad
"Romance has moved on a tad"
In the grimy and polluted bad-lands of SE England perhaps but not in the pastoral paradise that is rural Norfolk where the swallows are on the wing and the butterflies flit from, flower to flower and the blackbird sings his merry song.
>> "Romance has moved on a tad"
>> In the grimy and polluted bad-lands of SE England perhaps but not in the pastoral
>> paradise that is rural Norfolk where the swallows are on the wing and the butterflies
>> flit from, flower to flower and the blackbird sings his merry song.
And the girls have cow s*** on their stilletoes
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 11 Aug 14 at 10:04
"And the girls have cow s*** on their stilletoes"
Stilettos? - surely you are thinking of Essex.
>> in the pastoral paradise that is rural Norfolk where the swallows are on the wing and the butterflies flit from, flower to flower and the blackbird sings his merry song.
>> And the girls have cow s*** on their stilletoes
And the girl is your sister anyway!
"all to take the time to have a wander round some country lanes and pick us a bunch of wild flowers."
Nice idea but i suspect a bunch of weeds has more limited appeal than you believe.
What's the difference between a flower and a weed? They are both mainly green and sometimes have a different coloured bit.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 11 Aug 14 at 08:04
Nothing . As they say a weed is simply a plant in the wrong place as can easily be demonstrated in my allotment.
Off topic,after yesterday's downpour to much water in my garden.Might have to dig a trench next to the fence to help drainage.
Hardly off topic Dutchie... you can use that spade you bought her for a previous birthday.
Birthdays are grossly over-rated as events - once you are on the wrong side of forty, anyway!
Personally I would be quite happy not receive either cards or pressies on my natal anniversaries.
It's just another day.
Sending a card to someone you live with is just plain odd, like sending a text message or phoning them.
We long ago decided on token presents only both at birthdays and Christmas, normally a small item of food or drink. That goes for the rest of the family too apart from children.
I dislike ritual giving and prefer to buy presents when I feel like it or when I spot a likely item. I then store my gifts for an appropriate occasions.
an appropriate occasions.
Occasion... Blame it on reading the sloppy Daily Telegraph.