Non-motoring > Glasgow's Health..... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: No FM2R Replies: 27

 Glasgow's Health..... - No FM2R
 Glasgow's Health..... - Alanovich
Kebab night tonight, NF. Curry tomorrow.
 Glasgow's Health..... - No FM2R
Not impressed with your claims of a curry, at all. I recently found this....

Still seeking a decent kebab though, [sigh].
Last edited by: No FM2R on Fri 6 Jun 14 at 15:13
 Glasgow's Health..... - Mapmaker
Having been in Glasgow a fortnight ago, I have never - outside Russia - seen such a collection of the sickly underclass. Missing legs, teeth, brains, you name it. Quite extraordinarily unhealthy crowd. And deeply physically unattractive.

But could I find a deep-fried mars bar? No. Trust me, I tried (I just wanted one mouthful). "You won't find one of those in Glasgow."

PIzza crunch (deep-fried pizza) - no problem.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Armel Coussine
>> Quite extraordinarily unhealthy crowd. And deeply physically unattractive.

Good god yes. That helicopter crashing on that bar in the banlieue was just putting a few more of the wretches out of their misery innit?

Glasgow and its natives were charming in my day. Couldn't even find the Gorbals although I tried.
 Glasgow's Health..... - No FM2R
I haven't been in Glasgow for a very long time, but I worked for Digital in Ayr and for Kodak somewhere near Edinburgh (how sad that I can't remember where).

Anyway, Glasgow always seemed like a very rough and unwelcoming place whereas Ayr was great. Especially on a Thursday night.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Runfer D'Hills
Big Jewish community in Ayr I think. Everywhere you go in the town there's some reference to Rabbi Burns anyway.
 Glasgow's Health..... - No FM2R
>>Everywhere you go in the town there's some reference to Rabbi Burns anyway.


Laugh out loud funny, but still....
 Glasgow's Health..... - Runfer D'Hills
Too kind.

 Glasgow's Health..... - Westpig
>> >>Everywhere you go in the town there's some reference to Rabbi Burns anyway.
>> a***.
>> Laugh out loud funny, but still....

Erm.... you find a race related joke funny?

I thought you didn't like people defining people by race?
Last edited by: Westpig on Fri 6 Jun 14 at 22:55
 Glasgow's Health..... - No FM2R
No, I find a pun between Robbie and Rabbi funny. Its not relevant what race anybody is.

If you genuinely do not understand what racism is, or are confused about what is or is not racist, then you need to find out. But not from me.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Westpig
>> No, I find a pun between Robbie and Rabbi funny. Its not relevant what race
>> anybody is.

Yet you've posted many times how abhorrent you find it when people highlight race.

>> If you genuinely do not understand what racism is, or are confused about what is
>> or is not racist, then you need to find out. But not from me.

I have no problem in this area... I'm merely pointing out an anomaly.
 Glasgow's Health..... - No FM2R
>>Yet you've posted many times how abhorrent you find it when people highlight race.

I have never said that. Not once. That would be a ridiculous thing to write. However, from here you attribute what you wish to me, I prefer to have nothing to do with your thoughts or writings on this subject.

Do not take my silence as anything other than disgust.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Lygonos
Who is being defined by what race, and to whom is offence going to be caused?

I'd be surprised if a Jew found that offensive, and I'm pretty certain few if any Jocks would see it as an insult on their national poet.

 Glasgow's Health..... - Westpig
>> Who is being defined by what race, and to whom is offence going to be
>> caused?

Jews are a race of people ... and whether anyone is actually offended or not doesn't seem to matter when the politically correct intervene.
>> I'd be surprised if a Jew found that offensive, and I'm pretty certain few if
>> any Jocks would see it as an insult on their national poet.

So would I, I 100% agree.
 Glasgow's Health..... - WillDeBeest
Jews are a race of people ... when the politically correct intervene ... I 100% agree.

So what was your point about the joke?
 Glasgow's Health..... - Lygonos
>> and whether anyone is actually offended or not doesn't seem to matter when the politically correct intervene.

Almost by definition if no offence occurs possible then it can't be racist/sexist/whateverist.

>>Jews are a race of people

To a point - it is still possible to become a Jew (รก la Sammy Davis Junior) so it's not as strong as the genetics of being black/brown/yellow/Martian/a 'kipper/Ginger.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Bromptonaut
>> Jews are a race of people ... and whether anyone is actually offended or not
>> doesn't seem to matter when the politically correct intervene.

First of all, as Mark points out, it's a word play joke not a racial one. If it'd been about big noses or being mean with money then the message would be different. If it'd been on a gas/holocaust theme it'd be downright offensive.

There's also a bit that says Judaism, at least in some sects, is quite receptive to sending itself up. The best Jewish jokes are told by Jews. This one is unlikely to offend even the sticklers.

 Glasgow's Health..... - mikeyb
Only been once, a couple of year back. On business in a place called Coatbridge.

Place looked pretty grim. I was accompanying an American chap, and we were meeting in the hotel with some other Brits from a UK supplier.

Over breakfast the American asked how far from the Hotel to the supplier. One of the Brits (who was a regular visitor to this supplier) said it was probably a 15 minute walk. American says are we driving today because its raining, Brit reply's no, because you wont be safe between here and there...................

To be fair the guys we met were all pretty normal, just struggled to understand them.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Slidingpillar
Google "Glasgow salad" and you'll have no unanswered questions!

They also tend sell more fat with the fish and chips (fish supper if you are ordering there) as it is cheaper to turn the fryers down and sell a bit more oil.

I did live not far from Glasgow in the late 80s and did sometimes go there for a night out.
 Glasgow's Health..... - ....
Man, you people !

There's more to Glasgow than salad and deep fried <'whatever'>

If you want real Oat Cuisine get yourself a Munchy Box:

There's more than enough to share on your post pub wander down Sauchiehall Street.
Last edited by: gmac on Fri 6 Jun 14 at 20:01
 Glasgow's Health..... - Runfer D'Hills
I used to drink after work in Charlie Parkers on Royal Exchange Square when I worked in Glasgow. Deed classy an' all that was. Posh burds an' everything.

Morrisons bar on the Clydeside for lunch though. Mince and tatties and a half pint for a quid back then.
 Glasgow's Health..... - ....
Ach, dinnae!

My wife is from your side of the world.
If it's not mince, it's Spag. Bol., Lasagne or whatever else you can disguise mince as...then she discovered Quorn. What is that supposed to be ?

I eat at work now and have a salad when I get home. You can be Master (Mc)Chef but you'll never hide mince in a salad.
 Glasgow's Health..... - BobbyG
Well I live outside Glasgow but work in the very heart of the Gorbals!

Its actually quite a good write up. hard to disagree with much of what they say and I bow to the experts knowledge.

My gut reaction is alcohol, drugs, unemployment are the main culprits and possibly a historical issue of the council putting these people all together in housing schemes. So much more difficult to raise your head above the parapet and go and get a job and seek a healthier lifestyle. Much easier to do what your parents did, your neighbours do and your mates do.

But on a daily basis these people are customers for our charity shops and they are far, far more generous than the people in the supposed well off areas.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Slidingpillar
But on a daily basis these people are customers for our charity shops and they are far, far more generous than the people in the supposed well off areas.

Funny that, some of the most deprived areas, have some of the nicest folk you could ever hope to meet. I used to have a job visiting people about their TV reception and one of warmest welcomes was in a very deprived area of Liverpool. Although I made excuses and didn't partake, I actually got invited to lunch by one lady.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Armel Coussine
I did a post on this that vanished immediately, censored I suspect for reasons of taste, probably rightly.

Apart from that though, the burden of my message was that Glaswegians met casually, like the equally forbidding Geordies and Scousers, tend to be absolutely sweet in the flesh, even when one doesn't look like a poor hitchhiker.
 Glasgow's Health..... - Lygonos
I note Coatbridge mentioned above (modest sized township along with Airdrie perhaps 10 miles from Glasgow centre).

Worked in Monklands Hospital (I think when I was a senior medical student in the mid-90s) which is a DGH right in the centre.

Finished a stint and went for a beer with a couple of my pals in a 'working mans pub' on the road opposite the hospital.

A man comes in wearing a very manky green parka and looked like he hadn't seen a bath for years.

"Just a wine for me today" says the hobo

WTF thinks me at the requested refreshement

Lo and behold they had Buckfast Wine on the rack of optics alongside the usual spirits.

Last edited by: Lygonos on Fri 6 Jun 14 at 22:50
 Glasgow's Health..... - BobbyG
I was brought up a stones throw from Monkands hospital and my dad still stays nearby.

Did you ever frequent Guidis near the hospital? Lovely boozer that has now turned into a lovely Italian Restaurant.
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