Everyone advised to change passwords ASAP.
Hacking happened in February and eBay itself did not ask users to change passwords.
>> Hacking happened in February and eBay itself did not ask users to change passwords.
According to BBC, ebay become aware two weeks ago. BBC also said that PayPal passwords were not affected.
An ebay account hijack is pretty annoying though, so probably worth changing.
I suggest that if (like me) you have any automatic payments set up (e.g. credit card details) you delete or change these too.
This 'could' explain why I've been getting emails from a 3rd party just lately as the email address that I use for ebay isn't used for anything else other than for ebay and paypal.
Anyone else been getting emails from tinydeals recently?
I thought at first they might be connected to ebay, but now you mention hacking I'm beginning to think differently.
>> Everyone advised to change passwords ASAP.
Thought I might as well - better safe than sorry etc. - but:
Page not available
Ebay is asking its users to reset their passwords due to the unauthorized access to our corporate information network. This may result in a delay of service due to the high traffic volume. We ask for your patience and that you return to eBay soon. In the meantime, please be assured that no activity can occur on your account until your password is reset.
Just done mine too. Did it by using ' forgotten your password '
Seemed to do the trick.
'Standard' method worked this time.
I eventually changed my password earlier. I say eventually as it took ages to find out where the option was to do it.
>> I eventually changed my password earlier. I say eventually as it took ages to find
>> out where the option was to do it.
Yes. Clever Ebay are not exactly helping folks :-(
After searching around I eventually tried the "obvious" FAQs
I found it oh-so-simple to do, and I'm the village idiot, well, I would be if I lived in a village.
It is well over two months since I pointed out to eBay that a false name and address had ben added to my profile. I contacted the dealer concerned and he refunded me. I corrected the profile. Before that there we a score or so of notifications that items ha been returned to me by X, Y, Z, mostly very pricey kit. There has however been no unauthorised debits from my credit card and I don't think I ever sold anything on eBay.
I said I wanted to close the account but had to wait until about now, when I suppose I will have to enter a new password and try again.
>> Yes. Clever Ebay are not exactly helping folks :-(
>> After searching around I eventually tried the "obvious" FAQs
I've just reset mine.
Tried FAQ, said to click on the Personal Details tab. There isn't one.
Then I noticed there is a link in the FAQ to Reset Password, which worked.
It sends a message to your registered email address, with a link back to the Reset Password page.
Of course you just have to assume that the hackers didn't get to your registered email address first. Would it have been more sensible to send the activation to a DIFFERENT unlinked email address?
Ebay like virtually every forum or site you register to for this or that has a personal account section where you can change all sorts of stuff inc the password,
Assuming you are signed in and looking at MyEbay just down from top left are 4 tabs... Activity Messages Account Applications.
Click Account and in a left menu click on Personal Information.
Change password (well it says edit) is there as are all the other options.
It's my guess the hacked information includes User ID, password and all contact information as you see it there... at the very least.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Thu 22 May 14 at 09:48
>> Assuming you are signed in and looking at MyEbay just down from top left are
>> 4 tabs... Activity Messages Account Applications.
Found it. You have to open Summary first, Accounts isn't in the drop-down menu.
>> It's my guess the hacked information includes User ID, password and all contact information as you see it there... at the very least.
"The US firm said a database had been hacked between late February and early March, and had contained encrypted passwords and other non-financial data. The database... included eBay customers' name, encrypted password, email address, physical address, phone number and date of birth, it said."
"Online marketplace eBay is forcing users to change their passwords after a cyber-attack compromised its systems."
"It said it would be contacting users to alert them of the issue via email, its website, adverts and social media."
Really? Then why haven't I (or presumably anyone else) received notification from Ebay to do so then? Can't even recall Ebay putting it on their site for their users to see either.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 22 May 14 at 10:16
>> Can't even recall Ebay putting it on their site for their users to see either.
You must have blinked :)
tinyurl.com/ps4uefe (DM)
EDIT: at least they've got a picture of the bloke wot did it
Last edited by: Focusless on Thu 22 May 14 at 10:22
It's weird because we've had no mail from Ebay and there is no large message on the site when you log in.... just a very small note if you bother to look at the admin messages headed Announcements that Ebay put on a left hand menu when in MyEbay.
I have changed mine now but it took three attempts over 12hrs due to the site traffic being high.
They also advise changing any it on any other site where you use the same password.
eBay faces backlash on hack delays
A promised feature obliging members to reset passwords when they next logged in has not yet been made available.
Instead the auction site has added a notice to its homepage, simply recommending users update passwords "as a first step".
"We know that customers are concerned, and want us to fix this issue straight away, and we are working hard to do just that," eBay told the BBC.
Nice to see that ebay are taking this seriously - NOT.
Changed mine 20 minutes ago. Then , after a struggle, managed to close the account. This seems to be in progress but will take 180 days to complete! Why so long, for heavens' sake?
>> This seems to be in progress but will take 180 days to complete! Why so
>> long, for heavens' sake?
Something to do with allowing time for any transaction disagreements to be raised and dealt with?
>>>180 days to complete! Why so long, for heavens' sake?
Because earlier this year Ebay extended the period in which a buyer could complain about a purchased item to 6mths!! So they obviously want to keep the account live until this time passes.
I'm not keen on this extended "warranty" period but the Ebay marketplace still far outweigh the, ever present but rarely seen in practice, negatives.
I internally via e-bay messaged a seller about a car they were selling... and got a response that had me think 'scam'.
The e-bay advert had pictures of the car, that had me recognise the location on Dartmoor, i.e. near me... and there were two phone numbers... which after a Google search had me think the advert was probably genuine, or certainly looked it ..... which had me confused, because the message looked scam.
So I rang one of the phone numbers.
The very nice lady on the other end had no idea what I was talking about, because although she was selling the car... she had not received my e-bay message and the response I'd received was not hers.
How does that work? I send her a message, but she doesn't receive it?...then the scammers using her account send me a message?
Turned out she lives a mile away, in the local village where my lad goes to school. She lives directly opposite friends of ours and knows loads of people we do... and the chap that wants to buy the car and on whose behalf I was making enquiries is working on a house 400 yards way from where she lives... and when I was 16 and took some temporary employment before joining the Old Bill...it was her father who employed me...small old world.
What did the "scam like" response say?
>> What did the "scam like" response say?
Hi again,
Thank's for your message. I have decided to sell it for a lower price £14000 including shipping to your address (price reduced for a quick cash sale). Currently I am away in Thurso, with my business and I would like eBay to handle the transaction.
It will take around 3-5 working days until you will receive it and you will have 3 days full inspection period (you can go to any service for a full check with no obligation to buy it after this period; you will simply test it and get comfortable with it for 3 days).
I need to know if you have cash in hand because I have a few other buyers interested in the purchase and I don't want this to be a waste of both our time. No offense but if you really want to buy it I will stop communicating with other interested buyers. I need your full
name and address so I can initiate the deal through eBay. After you complete eBay requirements I will give you the exact location and time
were you can pick up the documents and keys for inspection period. You must know that eBay will contact you without any obligation to buy it.
I will wait for your reply.
The original price on e-bay was up near the £19K mark. I suggested a price of mid £17K, then I got a message going straight to £14K.
No one in their right mind would drop £3.5K below what I was suggesting, so they are not that bright... then there was all that crap about shipping.
Why would I want a vehicle shipped, when the people selling have the same area code as I do and took pictures of it 4 miles away?.... and I mentioned a degree of that in my message. Again not very bright.
Most people would go to see a car, test drive it, then agree a payment method, how on earth these scammers ever fool people defeats me...but they do.
That's worrying if hackers can loiter within the messaging system. Report it to them if you haven't.
Can't see how it's done unless at some point they get you to pay before taking possession of the car.
But if it's too cheap - there must be fraud somewhere. If it walks like a duck, quacks like one, chances are it is a duck.
>> That's worrying if hackers can loiter within the messaging system. Report it to them if
>> you haven't.
E bay sent me the following, so they know:
'Dear (my user name and e-mail address),
We think eBay account (seller's e-bay name) has been used without the account owner's permission, so we're now restoring it to them. To protect this member's privacy, we can't share any more details about their account.
People sometimes misuse eBay accounts by sending emails from them. In these emails, they invite you to buy or sell outside eBay, or ask questions that have nothing to do with eBay. They do this in the hope that you'll respond and give them your email address.
We strongly recommend you treat emails from this member with caution and don't respond if you hear from them again.
If you wish to chat to one of our customer service agents through the Live Chat function please follow the below link.
>> A promised feature obliging members to reset passwords when they next logged in has not
>> yet been made available.
The message I saw said to the effect that we shouldn't worry, no transactions would be processed until we had changed the password. It didn't say we couldn't log-in.
eBay faces investigations over massive data breach
The UK's information commissioner is working with European data authorities with a view to taking action against eBay over its recent data breach.
And for those who either haven't yet seen any announcements, or want a shortcut link to reseting their password, click on the following link