Non-motoring > Can You Stand On One Leg? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Duncan Replies: 44

 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Duncan
Now close your eyes!

According to experts and reported by the Daily Telegraph, if you can stand on one leg with your eyes closed for more than ten seconds, you have a better chance of living longer than those people who can't.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Armel Coussine
Ten years ago I could stand on one leg with the other stretched horizontally in front of me, both arms horizontally to the sides and eyes closed.

I'm not going to try even the easy version now because there's a sort of sciatica twinge in my right leg. When it's gone (slightly better today) I'll give it a go.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Robin O'Reliant
2.5 seconds.

And that was at the third attempt, oh well.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Bromptonaut
Better on right than left, which still seems to have some muscle weakness after my bike accident in 2013. But still struggle to make 10 seconds.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Manatee
Wife has no bother with this, she puts that down to yoga.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - No FM2R
Got bored after counting 150 pink elephants. Well, that and Herself said I was scaring her coffee guests.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Roger.
According to that test I have already expired!
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Dog
Storks only live about 30 years or so.

Just saying.

 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Slidingpillar
Humans have three sources of balance information and need input from two of them to carry on balancing.
1/ Ears
2/ Visual
3/ Tactile - ie touch

So you don't fall over if it goes dark, but as my nerves from my ears don't work - I would. Close eyes, fall over; no need to stand on one leg.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Manatee
That figures. I have a mate whose ear balance bits are u/s - he isn't steady even walking in the dark.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
More or less indefinitely it would seem, or at least until it gets sore. Just tried it while on a long phone call.

Might explain why it has been, on more than one occasion, noted that I always was quite good at the Hokey Cokey I suppose.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Duncan
>> Might explain why it has been, on more than one occasion, noted that I always
>> was quite good at the Hokey Cokey I suppose.

You do the Hokey Cokey with your eyes shut?

Can I come to your parties, please?
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
I'm now giving serious thought to adding this to my C.V. Would it go under qualifications, skills or hobbies do you think?
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - neiltoo
>> I'm now giving serious thought to adding this to my C.V. Would it go under
>> qualifications, skills or hobbies do you think?

Standing on one leg, or Hoaky Coaky exponent?
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
Both I suppose, if it didn't seem too wordy?
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Telb
So being able to stand on one leg means I won't get run over by a bus in the next 10 years? I don't see the connection. As with all these revelations a large handful of salt is required.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Manatee
It is a sign of age apparently. The length of time you can balance diminishes.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - sherlock47
>> So being able to stand on one leg means I won't get run over by
>> a bus in the next 10 years? I don't see the connection. As with all
>> these revelations a large handful of salt is required.

Look at it statistically like this (simple version) -
If you cannot stand on one leg there is a much greater probabilty (for you) that you have no legs.

If you have no legs there is a much reduced probability that you will find yourself in the roadway.

Hence much reduced chance of being hit by a bus.


Last edited by: sherlock47 on Wed 30 Apr 14 at 17:23
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - No FM2R
Well, perhaps less chance of being in the way of a bus, but if it does happen, pretty much no chance of being able to jump out of the way.

Unless you're a clever dick.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Robin O'Reliant
>> Well, perhaps less chance of being in the way of a bus, but if it
>> does happen, pretty much no chance of being able to jump out of the way.
>> Unless you're a clever dick.

Or you have a very well sprung dick.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
My son and I have just taken this to the next level. Hopping on the spot with eyes closed. The winner is the person who can do this the longest without colliding with furniture. So far he is 3-2 up so maybe the age thing has some credibility.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Alastairw
11 seconds at the third or fourth try. Why cant I stand on one leg to put my socks on then?
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
I can, but always put your underpants on first. Putting socks on while standing up without skiddies is unseemly.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
Anyway, all those who say they can't stand on one leg with their eyes shut are mistaken. Unless of course they never wash their feet in the shower.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - No FM2R
You close your eyes while you wash your feet? Something you wish to tell us?

A life time of wearing cheap shoes has deformed your feet and you can't bear to look for the shame?
Last edited by: No FM2R on Wed 30 Apr 14 at 19:30
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
Ah well, now, y'see, I use the foot washing time to rinse the shampoo out of my hair concurrently. Sort of time and motion thing. Those without significant amounts of hair may have forgotten that little ruse.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Kevin
>Unless of course they never wash their feet in the shower.

I find it easiest to support one ankle on the opposite knee and use Mrs K's toothbrush to wash between my toes.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
Good tip that, especially if you're prone to athletes foot I suppose. It would knock the loose bits off much more effectively.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Westpig
I need to clarify a couple of points.

Firstly, when doing the 37 chair sit isn't wise to forego the office type chair in one's bedroom and use the bed itself, with the thinking that the chair would turn sideways mid crouch... and the bed would be more comfortable... because when one's 'set off' so to speak and is counting in one's head, whilst the mobile phone 1 minute count down is ticking away... the bed makes an awful noise... a bit like the noise one used to hear in student accommodation ... and your wife downstairs shouts up "What the hell are you doing"..and of course you cannot answer because you are counting... and the noise continues.

Then there's this balance thing. Are you allowed to hold your arms out to the side? There's nothing in the instructions to say one way or the other, is that cheating?
Last edited by: Westpig on Wed 30 Apr 14 at 19:55
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
Riding a bike 'no hands' is much easier if you don't look at the handlebars but look into the middle distance instead. You will thank me for that in due course.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Dog
>>Are you allowed to hold your arms out to the side? There's nothing in the instructions to say one way or the other, is that cheating?

That's what I was a'thinking, so I haven't dunnit yet ... the pic in the article shows an elderly woman grasping her leg.
Now where did I put my glasses.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - R.P.
Finger in ear improves balance when doing this..
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - movilogo
This is part of my yoga routine.

If you don't do yoga please start. You can do it at any age, no equipment to buy and even 10 minutes a day is useful.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Dog

 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
>> Finger in ear improves balance when doing this..

Indeed, and if you concurrently whistle the National Anthem it becomes effortless.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - R.P.
And eat a cream cracker....
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Duncan
>> >> Finger in ear improves balance when doing this..
>> Indeed, and if you concurrently whistle the National Anthem it becomes effortless.

Does it have to be The Welsh Anthem?
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Runfer D'Hills
I think it doesn't really matter, apparently it's whatever one you are personally most familiar with. Something to do with achieving the solace and stability of a given familiar rhythm and cadence without having to consciously remember it.

It could just as easily be the theme from the Magic Roundabout. The effects would be similar.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Wed 30 Apr 14 at 22:21
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Roger.
There is a fairly substantial loss of feeling in my feet, as I have mentioned before. Lack of feedback from said extremities does cause the occasional stumble, hugely exacerbated to the dark, with another sense lessened.
No way can I stand on one foot with eyes shut and it ain't too easy with 'em open!
I'd fail the US roadside sobriety test, for sure.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Cliff Pope
I normally have a very good sense of balance, and can walk along planks or stepping stones or spring across boulders on slippery slopes in a way that impresses my (younger) wife.

But I have always had problems balancing in a shower the moment I close my eyes, perhaps because two of Sliding Pillar's 3 requirements are missing - vision and hearing.

Also I remember years ago trying to cycle in pitch darkness.
Here deep in the countryside there is no light pollution at all, so if there is no moon it is absolutely pitch dark. Walking up the road is no problem because I can feel the camber and the crunch of the gravel in the middle.
But when I tried it on a bike (no lights) I immediately fell off.

In fact now that I experiment I begin to feel dizzy simply closing my eyes while sitting down.
That's why I sleep in a bed rather than standing up in the middle of a field like a horse.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Ted

I can't manage a shower either. As soon as I shut my eyes to wash what little hair I've got, I lose balance. We have a shower cabinet, it's not as though I'm standing in the bath. I can still manage our bath ok 'cos it's got handles. I have some difficulty getting out in other places but I've not been stuck....yet !

I wasn't too bad until I got hold of some Beta-Blockers. Plus the diabetic neuropathy and the weakness after having a long vein stolen from my right leg by the heart surgeons.

I had 16 weeks of fun at the falls clinic last year but I still can't balance well. Standing still ( both legs ) has me wobbling about. I like to keep contact with something...a wall, a worktop or a girl, to remain stable. My walking stick acts as a third leg......which is handy.
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - madf
As I do yoga weekly, standing on one foot with eyes closed is easy. It's the standing on my hands that I have problems with.

Does this mean I shall die an early death at 55?

 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Cliff Pope
I've just discovered that if I am holding a cup of tea while trying the test, I stay steady and don't fall over.
That suggests that having something to concentrate on is important. Is that where yoga comes in, or is that about clearing your mind and thinking of nothing?
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Stuartli
It's when you can't balance the books that you should start to worry....:-)
 Can You Stand On One Leg? - Roger.
Like Gordon Brown?
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