Daughters 15th birthday next sat. She has asked for a party in a big tent next to the house doing her own BBQ etc. Music from IPods powered through a 450W PA system. What *rights* do we have to enjoy this on a sat evening 7-11pm or thereabouts. Is there an end time I have to keep to? I will of course tell the 5 houses that will hear it to varying degrees... we are in a rural location hence it's limited to that amount of folks.... but wonder if they could object?
Unless they are quite unusually nasty they won't complain even if the music runs a bit over time. Informing them politely is nine tenths of the battle unless you have a long track record of late night clamour. Even then it's so much politer to warn them that they should be disarmed to an extent.
Much of the problem with noise is the fear of the unknown.
What are they up to? Who's there? How long is this going on for? Will they be doing it next week?
For as smooth a ride as possible with the neighbours, I would give them as much information as possible, at the very least answering the above questions.
It's only a nuisance if they say it is.
I don't think they can reasonably object to the very occasional event with an 11pm cut off.
It should be fine but make sure the event is well policed. It only takes a few mates of mates to turn up with some hidden vokda and the entire evening could be a disaster. I am not really sure PA speakers would be needed but it would be tougher than a standard HIFI amp and speakers.
The Sheikh could well be right about the mates of mates... it's a good idea to make sure all those who arrive are invited, or earnestly vouched for by the hostess herself. Some 15 year olds are very cool and mature, but door policy is more of a grown-up thing really. No need to get heavy though unless really called for. It won't be.
...It only takes a few mates of mates to turn up...
Make sure she doesn't advertise it on the internet because doing so could definitely end in tears.
Our house backs on to a canal. The other side of the canal backs on to the grounds of a once stately home but which now acts as a venue for shows and open air concerts etc.
We time our parties to coincide with interesting musical events as the stage is, as the crow flies, only a matter of a couple of hundred yards from our back garden.
A couple of years ago for example my son had a birthday party and on his invitations it truthfully stated "featuring a live concert by McFly".
He thought that was quite cool.
Last edited by: Humph D'bout on Sun 20 Jun 10 at 19:55
>> Is it in Facebook.....?
As a general aside it is known as 2 facebook. Ruddy nuisance to all normal folk.
I just can't understand why anyone would complain. I love it when my neighbours have parties.
I was working late last night in my office which is on the third floor and partially attic so the windows are in the roof. I was disturbed by a funny noise which I put down to birds, then another noise and I looked up. There were two small cubes of cheese on the window, cocktail stick size. I stood on a chair and peeped out and saw a few teenage lads throwing cheese up, obviously aiming for the neighbour's daughter's bedroom window. I thought it was hilarious. Turns out she was having her first party without parents and they were all 14 and none of them were drinking.
There are only two sets of teenagers on our street and the others are on the other side of me. Last year I had to hose a bit of vomit off the drive but I couldn't care less, they're such lovely lads. I was sitting in the garden reading a few weeks ago and one of them peeped over and asked "would you mind if I cut the grass?" I said "What? My grass?" he said "No, my grass" I said "Why are you even asking me?" He said "Because you're reading and I didn't want to disturb you". I was so choked I nearly shed a tear.
Have a great party. You have my permission!
Well if he'd said "do you mind if I cut the coke" I would have been over like a shot!
Last edited by: BiggerBadderDave on Sun 20 Jun 10 at 19:55
I think the noise only becomes an issue if it goes on past midnight. I often my punk at louder than night club levels before I go out on a saturday night. It is so loud it sounds like the band is in my room but I play it early so don't get any complaints.
Thanks all.
>>> Much of the problem with noise is the fear of the unknown.
Good point Ifi... I think that goes for a lot of intrusion from next door. I will tell the folks around us a start and stop time plus give them my mobile number and invite a call if they have any concerns. The nearest house is about 200ft away across the road.
>>> well policed.
Yep that's me and the Mrs... only one way into this place over the drawbridge and we're manning it. Drugs and booze will not be welcome... or an issue.
Amusingly we've had some invite refusals tonight as those kids are going to Glastonbury that weekend... oh well their loss :-)
Rattle I know you're into the music/hi-fi so for your interest we are using a PA as I already have a setup of classic late 70s gear. A seperate 150w HH amp for each stereo channel into Carlsbro 12" + tweeter PA cabs. Bottom end filled out with a 15" Celestion sub in a washing machine sized cab powered by its own 150w HH amp. Sources are CD, Ipods and 70s Technics linear track turntable all fed into a Teac desktop mixer. I like interesting old gear.
I found in the past even a powerful home hi-fi struggles to move a lot of air once placed outdoors so sourced this band type gear from ebay over a few years.
I really posted wondering if there is a set accepted time to turn the music off.... is it right you have to stop at midnight very latest as it becomes Sunday?
BTW it is mentioned on Facebook in a limited way... but being out in the sticks no-one can ever find our place anyway.
>> I really posted wondering if there is a set accepted time to turn the music
>> off.... is it right you have to stop at midnight very latest as it becomes
>> Sunday?
"Night time noise
The Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 amended the Noise Act 1996 and enables local authorities in England and Wales to tackle night time noise emitted from dwellings and gardens between the hours of 11.00 pm and 7.00 am."
>> between the hours of 11.00 pm and 7.00 am
When I drove a cab I frequently went to rural houses / sports pavilions / farms at 1.00, 2.00 or 3.00 in the morning to collect folk from birthday parties, wedding receptions etc. The music was frequently audible (and often identifiable!) from a mile away. I loved the hot sultry nights and the whole summer party atmosphere. I really can't see that you'll have any problems if you simply tip the neighbours off FL, and I hope a great night is had by all concerned.
The weather forecast on Countryfile tonight predicted steadily rising temperatures across the UK all this week and into next weekend - possibly hitting 30°C by Sunday.
Last edited by: Dave_TD {P} on Sun 20 Jun 10 at 21:54
>> The weather forecast on Countryfile tonight predicted steadily rising temperatures across the UK all this
>> week and into next weekend - possibly hitting 30°C by Sunday.
That's my fault. Going on holiday to Portugal for a week on Thursday, so of course the weather here will be spectacularly good.
>> week and into next weekend - possibly hitting 30°C by Sunday.
Lets Hope so, I am off to see Othello in the open air at Ludlow Castle this weekend.
...Lets Hope so, I am off to see Othello in the open air at Ludlow Castle this weekend...
I saw a Shakespeare production there in a school party when I was about 12 or 13-years-old.
Ludlow Castle is a ruin and has no roof, so when it started to rain, we all got wet.
So did the cast, which included Bernard Bresslaw and the actress Gayle Hunnicutt.
Ms Hunnicutt was wearing a long, shear dress, and the more it rained, the more shear the dress became.
After a few minutes the clingy material reached close to transparency, producing a near-pornographic spectacle that would have been banned were it on the West End stage.
Very exciting for a bunch of lads our age, although I don't think any of us understood quite why we were so excited.
Didn't understand the play, either.
Last edited by: ifithelps on Mon 21 Jun 10 at 13:27
"So did the cast, which included Bernard Bresslaw"
Did everybody cheer when he quoth that famous Shakespeare line...
"Sid, where's our tent?"
HH? Carlsbro? Celestion? Teac?
Blimey - sounds like my mobile disco days! I used an HH amp with Peavey HiSys speakers when I first started. A mate of mine had a 'rig' so huge that it only just fitted in a LWB Transit, and that was just his pub rig!
>>>sounds like my mobile disco days.
Funnily enough I was effectively turfed off an over serious hi-fi forum for being a wannabe DJ when I mentioned this gear in the context of a good party.
Weather does seem (fingers crossed) to be on the up and it would add so much to the do if it was at least dry and mild.... then very sunny is a bonus. Those that are staying overnight are doing so in a 12 man tent so rain will make it a bit miserable.
Thanks for the noise law link Focus... 11pm it is then.
...I was effectively turfed off an over serious hi-fi forum...
What a bunch of anal-retentive idiots.
I've a good mind to ask you for the link so I can pop across just to wind them up a bit.
I once knew a guy who worked for a PA company which had premises in a large basement in Clerkenwell in London.
He showed me a PA speaker which had the frontal area of a washing machine.
I was told quite a few of the staff had a pair at home for their hi-fi.
Can't be sure of the make, might it have been Harrison?
>>> What a bunch of anal-retentive idiots.
Indeed.... I made the mistake of putting forward the theory that a well put together PA could reproduce a live sound in a large living area (converted barn type places) somewhat better than most hi-fi.
>>>Can't be sure of the make, might it have been Harrison?
Coincidence I wonder but it was Mike Harrison who founded HH back in the late 60s. He won the contract to make amplifiers for BBC studios so was obviously producing decent equipment.
...Coincidence I wonder but it was Mike Harrison who founded HH back in the late 60s....
The premises were not far from Smithfield meat market and were a former butchers or meat store, something like that.
I was told the basement was more or less soundproof, so they could make as much noise as they wanted at any time of the day or night.
The guy I spoke to stressed the gear was as much about quality of sound as it was quantity.
I could have been tempted by a pair of the speakers, but the enclosures were just too big for any lounge I was ever likely to occupy.
I'm no expert, but I think your quality PA theory is correct.
The likes of Tannoy blur the distinction between PA and hi-fi anyway with their larger, higher end hi-fi speakers.
At University in the 70s we used custom built amps for the Students Union discos.
They had Quad amps inside which were decent hi-fi amps in those days.
303s and 405s if I remember correctly.