How often do you check your profiles? I never had, but recently had an eBay despatch go astray - account debit but no goods. I found that a false name and address had been added to my profiles and removed it, although the correct one was still shown as well. The vendor gave me a refund when I explained.
That it is worrying - it shows that the fraudster is applying some thought and knowledge of how people tend to use their acccounts. I trust that you changed your password pretty quickly and have substituted a low limit card (or cash card).
I must admit to not checking very often - but will do so now!
ps did you have a common (or weak ) password? Were any other accounts compromised.
Interesting that the vendor gave a refund - not sure that I would unless it was very low value.
I changed both passwords but not the card limit any further, as I sometimes need it for relatively hefty sums. There doesn't seem to be a mechanism to limit eBay payments only.
I use different passwords and they are a mixture of upper and lower case and numerals. No other account was affected.
This seems either to be some kind of leak in the eBay system or a fraud attempt. An odd fraud however since it only occurred when I ordered the item, a £10.56 belt.
Thanks for that. On checking mine, all was well, except that Paypal had the same correct address registered eight times, and eBay four times.
No idea why, but as they were all identical I cleared it down to just one. So at least I feel cleansed.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Mon 21 Apr 14 at 13:50
Thanks ambo... always worth a reminder to check there are no dodgy issues with an Ebay account... mine was OK.
>>>Interesting that the vendor gave a refund - not sure that I would unless it was very low value.
No I absolutely wouldn't refund if I'd sent to an address shown by Paypal as the correct one for the account. I'd let the buyer fight it out with EBay.
I suppose that is only correct but the fight would be a long one and anything in dispute prevents you from closing the account.
Well no fight from the seller's point of view if sent by signed for method to a buyers registered account address... the fraud if any is all between the buyer and Ebay to resolve.
>> Well no fight from the seller's point of view if sent by signed for method
>> to a buyers registered account address... the fraud if any is all between the buyer
>> and Ebay to resolve.
The issue is that eBay and PayPal's dispute resolution stance is buyer-biased to a completely ridiculous degree. I had a fraudulent buyer's word taken over my wodge of evidence a year or so ago (including a signed POD document). It was apparently only a "goodwill gesture" that stopped me being out of pocket by £430 in the end.
Sellers get scammed because the system is so heavily stacked against them. As a seller, the system won't even let youleave negative feedback for an eBay buyer.
Last edited by: DP on Mon 21 Apr 14 at 18:02
Interesting. I've just checked my Paypal profile and I have 18 addresses listed.
All are correct, in their way, but are variations.
Some contain my full name, some only initials, some christian name only, some with Mr.
Post code with a space, and unspaced
2 local variants in address spelling, with all differences repeated as above.
Wife, with all the same variants,
etc etc.
I hesitate to delete any, because surely somewhere, somehow, something isn't going to tally and then be rejected? How intelligent should I assume the address-checker to be?
Check your address on the Post Office site (use Postcode Finder) to see what the valid address is, and set/keep that one?
I just checked mine (thanks Ambo) and found a second entry for my correct address with a slight name variation, and also the address of Evans Cycles in MK where I did a pick up paid for by PayPal about 18 months ago.
The first, correct address was shown as 'confirmed', and associated with my payment card, so I left that and deleted the other two.
I think the second one was probably caused by my unnecessarily entering a delivery address at some point, but I didn't realise that using PayPal in a shop could set that up as a legitimate delivery address.
Our post code was changed 25 years ago, and still occasionally we get mail based on an ancient database.
Also although the "locality" is not important from a PO point of view, it seems to matter for particular payment media, cards, paypal etc. Again, the approved locality name changed some years ago, but different organisations recognise variants. I have found from experience that if I forget which variant I used originally, the bank, card-owner etc sometimes rejects the payment.
I just tried to close my eBay account as reliable Amazon will do for most purposes. I was told I had to wait 30 days after the latest transaction.