You have all seen the Hitler raging at various things on youtube, well the original film this came from, Downfall, is on BBC4 tonight at 21:00. Being BBC4 it will be repeated quite a bit in the coming weeks. All in German so will be subtitles, its a very very good film indeed.
Agreed. An excellent film, but just in from a full on 9 hours in the shop then mowing 4 lawns in exchange for beer tokens. Too pooped to watch so it's Shredded Wheat and bed.
Thanks for the heads up though
Seen it before moosh, got it on again though AND it's in HD of course.
Just watched Ali knock out Foreman in Zaire, great stuff.
Jamaica Inn on Monday - yeehaw!
I recorded it and watched it the next day, with coffee and bicuits! A mesmerising performance by Bruno Ganz and factually very accurate so far as I could tell. Hitler giving orders for the disposition of non-existet or decimated Army Groups for example. Some very well cast "Look alikes" too, Gobbbels and his wife and Himmler come to mind.
I didn't see it but I have it on VCR tape. I thought it was a brilliant film, very atmospheric and well acted.
My only whinge is that I thought the actor who played Joe Goebbels was mis-cast. IIRC. The Reichsminister was quite a short guy with a gimpy leg. The actor seemed to tower over the rest of the cast. No complaint about his acting, though.