The forum generates lots and lots of the same users coming back to the site each day where as the other site probably attracts causual users here today gone tomorrow. I would have thought it was vital.
The problem is they have cocked it up badly and I really get the impression they have employed a bunch off inexperienced up starts but that is just my opinion and it probably ins't the case.
Anybody can write a forum, I could write a simple forum in an hour or so but after a few hours all the bugs will become apparant and it will probably get hacked via SQL injection or something. It seems they have done the same thing, rushed into making a copy but not finished it or tested it properly.
It is no easy task to write a forum as featured as this site and the old site was and it is the result of many years of fine tuning.
I respect that it is a hard thing to copy one forum and remake it using a completly different technology and I respect it was never going to work first time properly but the communication with mods and users have been poor.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Tue 23 Feb 10 at 00:05