Yesterday's World at One discussed at length the Farage/Clegg debates and their appeal to different groups in UK society currently being explored by pollsters. These are based on work in US refined for a UK audience by one of the polling outfits, Populus.
The groups are:
1. Comfortable Nostalgia: "They tend to be older, more traditional voters who dislike the social and cultural changes they see as altering Britain for the worse."
2. Optimistic Contentment: "Confident, comfortable & usually on higher incomes they are prudent & tolerant but think Britain is a soft touch."
3. Calm Persistence: "Often coping rather than comfortable, they hope rather than expect things to get better."
4. Hard-pressed Anxiety: "Pessimistic & insecure, these people want more help from government and resent competition for that help particularly from new-comers."
5. Long-term Despair: "Many are serial strugglers; angry & alienated they feel little or no stake in the country or that anyone stands up for them."
6. Cosmopolitan Critics: "Generally younger, more secular and urban-based, worried about growing inequality & the general direction the country is going in."
I'm having a little snigger to myself on basis that most here are Comfortable Nostalgics.
The full BBC article is at from where there is a link to the test, it's busy and may send you to a hold page but you'll get on if you try again.
I'm a Cosmopolitan Critic.
What are you?
7. Cynical, world weary, seen it all before.
>> 7. Cynical, world weary, seen it all before.
+1. but also realise that the real problem is the electorate.
Haven't been able to take the test yet, but suspect *2 is my berth. Remains to be seen how rigorous the test is!
Confirmed "optimistic containment". How little we know!
Just noticed SNAFU. damn spellchecker thingy, but on reflection, not too bad.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 19 May 14 at 01:30
I thought I would be one of those too but I'm smug and contented it seems.
Where the question seemed meaningless I gave the median answer. And I gave some 8s and 2s where a warmer-hearted person would have given 10s and 0s. Perhaps that makes a difference. But who cares anyway.
I'm a combination of 1, 2 and 6.
I am a conbination of 1 through 5 so dont reckon much on this tosh, more political tickboxing for wonks.
Main Segment = Comfortable Nostalgia.
(But I lied -doesn't everyone?)
Last edited by: Pigs-Might-Fly on Sat 5 Apr 14 at 23:11
Without actually doing the test I have decided I am a number 3. Things can only get better!
85% - 2. Optimistic Contentment: "Confident, comfortable & usually on higher incomes they are prudent & tolerant but think Britain is a soft touch."
15% - 3. Calm Persistence: "Often coping rather than comfortable, they hope rather than expect things to get better."
I'm a number 6, but why would that be when no-one else on here is in that group?
>>We're sorry but we are currently experiencing very high volumes of traffic. Please try again later<<
There must be a lot of early risers this morning.
I'm a Cosmopolitan Critic too Pat.
We may differ on some things Bromp but I knew we wasn't poles apart when it came to important matters!
I'm not really in any of those tribes. Not majorly keen on club membership of any kind anyway. I'm just hoping to have health and adequate means for what remains of my fleeting tenancy of a tiny section of this planet. What the 'others' do is of little or no concern so long as they don't try to make me do anything I'm not keen on.
Optimistic Contentment
Having said that, Maria Miller has got up my nose and whilst she is a Minister I will vote UKIP .. just to spite the illegitimate offspring.
Her attitude has really annoyed me far more than the crime - for which she should of course - like benefit fraudsters -go to jail.
Agree with Madf that Miller should have gone. It's not just her attitude either but fact that it still seems Members can 'mark their own homework' and overturn decisions of the independent commissioner.
Was about to say something sharp and terse about prospect of me voting UKIP. Then I remembered FPPT and fact that Daventry appears to be an ultra safe Tory seat. Needs thinking about in light of polls in May 15 but perhaps a tactical punt on UKIP would be best prospect of unseating, or at least disconcerting, Mr Heaton Harris.
>>Was about to say something sharp and terse about prospect of me voting UKIP. Then I remembered FPPT and fact that Daventry appears to be an ultra safe Tory seat. Needs thinking about in light of polls in May 15 but perhaps a tactical punt on UKIP would be best prospect of unseating, or at least disconcerting, Mr Heaton Harris. <<
Well the Daventry UKIP candidate for 2015 is Nigel Wickens.
He will be at a local UKIP public meeting at the end of the month if you want to go and ask some difficult questions Bromp, as will the other MEP candidates.
Mr Wickens seems to be a bit of a controversionalist:
However, since any vote I gave him would be purely tactical it doesn't really matter.
>>However, since any vote I gave him would be purely tactical it doesn't really matter<<
Perhaps not but it is always worthwhile standing infront of a politician of any stripe and asking difficult questions, UKIP are making an effort to bring engagement as close to the front doors of voters as possible, it is an invitation open to anyone regardless of their politics.
>Having said that, Maria Miller has got up my nose..
Maria Miller is my local MP and pub talk isn't exactly complimentary at the moment. Quite the contrary, despite the fact that 90% of the punters would sign up to a standing order for a Tory vote if it was possible.
Having said that, I've never heard anyone start a conversation in our local with a compliment about a politician.
>> I'm just hoping to have health and adequate means for what remains
>> of my fleeting tenancy of a tiny section of this planet.
You need a pension.
Long-Term Despair!! - The first time one of these type of "polls" has got it spot-on!
UKIP are building a team, many very able, to appeal to a wider audience.
Presently, we are concentrating on May 22nd. (EU & some local council elections).
Once those are out of the way, the preparation of a properly costed General Election manifesto will be under way, with a view to presenting the public with a genuine alternative to the existing parties.
PPC selection for 2015 and vetting them (!) is well in hand. While UKIP will stand in many seats, it is likely that the main effort and even more importantly, money, will be spent in those seats where there is a chance of doing well.
In the meantime any folk who feel able to cast their votes in our direction, for whatever reason, will have our thanks!
You need a replacement for this guy. Was he vetted?
>>You need a replacement for this guy. Was he vetted?<<
Wouldnt it be better to wait and see if he is found guilty first?
>> Wouldnt it be better to wait and see if he is found guilty first?
I doubt if he now be a credible candidate even if found not guilty. Unfair perhaps but that's politics.
>>I doubt if he now be a credible candidate even if found not guilty. Unfair perhaps but that's politics. <<
I think it depends on the circumstances of the case, having been involved in an election it seems like a very odd set of circumstances, getting nominations is childs play and resorting to faking them would be a very extreme move, hence it is worth waiting until a verdict.
Case now going to Crown Court on 22 April. Yarmouth is I believe, one of Ukip's great hopes for the general election. I suspect the leadership i.e Farage, will give Mr Smith the boot.
Yarmouth is indeed a big possibility but either way this will be settled long before the election so it shouldnt have much of an impact.
>> Yarmouth is indeed a big possibility but either way this will be settled long before
>> the election so it shouldnt have much of an impact
Yep, those voters soon forget.
>>Interesting view from the inside <<
Or not. Alexandra was far from happy on Twitter about the story, her only protest appears to be about the quality of journalism at the Independant.
Well she says she was misrepresented but we're still non the wiser what she believes and she won't be campaigning for the party. She seems a rather confused and light weight character.
>>Well she says she was misrepresented but we're still non the wiser what she believes and she won't be campaigning for the party. She seems a rather confused and light weight character <<
She has taken a career path that she doesnt feel is compatible with active campaigning, doesnt seem especially confused. She has been in politics for quite a number of years for one so young, perhaps she has just had enough of it.
I think you are being somewhat unfair to her, she has written extensively about her beliefs, if it matters that much for you to know, Google her, there is plenty of material out there if you want to find it.
| the meantime a damaged female Tory minister has resigned, thus reinforcing the belief that her party leader was too indecisive and weak to sack her.
>> the meantime a damaged female Tory minister has resigned, thus reinforcing the belief that
>> her party leader was too indecisive and weak to sack her.
Good riddance to a fool.
>> the meantime a damaged female Tory minister has resigned
far too late
, thus reinforcing the belief that
>> her party leader was too indecisive and weak to sack her.
Don't politicians realise that "full support" means "about to be sacked", or is it one of those arcane parliamentary expressions like "applying for the Chiltern Hundreds" ?
I think the reluctance to sack here was that she was the only state educated woman minister in what is seems a male public school dominated government. She had been doing a reasonably good job too.
Like many people in power both in the government and commercial organisations she seems unable to appreciate how here actions and attitude are perceived by others. I guess it goes with the territory.
Shame, I really liked Fabricant, a sometimes bizarre chap but at the same time seems far more normal than most senior Tories. The sort of chap who would surely make an entertaining dinner guest, the hair is just fab and ive no doubt he has interesting stories to tell, he looks the type.
>> no doubt he has interesting stories to tell, he looks the type.
But alas, he put his head above the parapet when the Prime Minister wasn't in the best of moods and was being taunted by the press and parliament for being wimpish and kind-hearted.
That'll show'em, eh?
It's funny, and won't do Fabricant much harm.
Without looking, I accuse him here and now of wearing a rug to look like Boris.
Fabricant and I have a mutual facebook friend, one of my kids' musical circle whose day job is PA to Tory MP for a neighbouring constituency.
Keep biting my lip over some comment about whether Fabricant's barnet is related to (or shared with) Boris.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 9 Apr 14 at 21:35