'It has been suggested that one of the things putting off new forum members is the tendency to "insiderness".'
Yes, and with good reason - it's quite difficult for an "outsider" to break in. A quick glance at this thread is enough - people using previous nicknames ("Lud") and referring to the background of others ("medical") etc.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but that just what this forum has become. As has been said, a bit like a bar where everyone knows everyone else (or at least the regulars) and picks up on things that were said years ago. Of course, it's an illusion - we don't really know each other.
I'm thinking of renaming myself "Observer" (which I am called on another forum), as I seem to be doing far more lurking than contributing these days.
I fancy a Guinness today. Cheers!
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Wed 5 Mar 14 at 10:00