Non-motoring > Passport sale! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: MD Replies: 16

 Passport sale! - MD

Please explain how this can be.
 Passport sale! - Dulwich Estate
Simple as I see it - unless I've missed something.

The government of Malta announced a while back that it was short of money and would offer citizenship to anyone for around €1m (the precise details of the investment don't matter too much here).

It seems that this UK company is simply charging for easing the passage of applicants by ensuring the application is made in the best way to work. A bit like the Post Office "check your passport application" fee !

Once you are a Maltese citizen then the whole of Europe is your lobster as DelBoy might say.

I've looked into being allowed to live in New Zealand for the rest of my days - they only want a little less - about £600.000 the last time I looked.
 Passport sale! - No FM2R
Every country I know does this. Only the amount required changes. As I recall the US is quite low and required only as an investment.

Its called attracting money to your country.
 Passport sale! - MD
 Passport sale! - NortonES2
al-Qaeda and allies are forming a semi-orderly queue as we speak. Saudi money + dopey Malta. Have they forgotten the siege of Malta?
 Passport sale! - Zero
>> al-Qaeda and allies are forming a semi-orderly queue as we speak. Saudi money + dopey
>> Malta. Have they forgotten the siege of Malta?

It would be a silly of a really rich al Qaeda man who left his nice safe middle easy haven and got himself a european passport.

As the gringo said, this is not new, not news and a really rubbishy piece of sensationalist journalism
 Passport sale! - NortonES2
Wouldn't be so foolish as to go in person! Rich man still at home, paying for entry to paradise by funding volunteers.
 Passport sale! - Duncan
>> Once you are a Maltese citizen then the whole of Europe is your lobster as
>> DelBoy might say.

Yes, DelBoy might have said it - but he didn't.

It was Arfer Daley.
 Passport sale! - No FM2R
Best line ever, at reception in a Calais Hotel;

" Oi, Tel, what's French for 'en suite'? "
 Passport sale! - Manatee
My favourite was Arthur's description of a Lada - "art of the state that is".
 Passport sale! - helicopter
My favourite from OFAH is .....

Del boy to Rodney.....

'Whats the French word for Duck Rodders?'

Rodney - ' Thats Canard Del'

Del boy to Rodney..... 'well try and remember anyway...........'
 Passport sale! - WillDeBeest
" Oi, Tel, what's French for 'en suite'? "

Well, what is it?
(Hint: it isn't 'en suite'.)

'Cul de sac' is another one you won't find in France.
 Passport sale! - Mapmaker
>> " Oi, Tel, what's French for 'en suite'? "
>> (Hint: it isn't 'en suite'.)

That's the whole point about really good Franglais; you have to speak reasonable French to get the faux amis.
 Passport sale! - Roger.
>> " Oi, Tel, what's French for 'en suite'? "
>> Well, what is it?
>> (Hint: it isn't 'en suite'.)
>> }:---)
>> 'Cul de sac' is another one you won't find in France.

Plenty of "culs" there, innit eh?
 Passport sale! - Dulwich Estate
Cul de Sac = Bottom of the Bag in French, but the word used for bottom here is slightly rude and more accurately translated as *rse.
 Passport sale! - Roger.
Well - I was right was I not? ;-)
 Passport sale! - WillDeBeest
Hoping a fellow xenophobe will show up to chortle, Rog?

If I add up the weeks and odd days I've spent in France I get close to a year. Met the odd grumpy local, of course, but no more than I'd expect here - and grumpy Brits don't have to put up with my earnest but lumpy attempts at the language. Even in Paris I've yet to find the archetypal snooty waiter or receptionist.
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