Non-motoring > Do you believe in the Devil? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 17

 Do you believe in the Devil? - Crankcase
If a British policeman confirmed the existence of demons, would he face a disciplinary board I wonder?

Maybe this house has been repossessed...

Oh come on, or oh heck?

 Do you believe in the Devil? - Stuu
I believe he is currently Middle East envoy for the UN, doubt he has time for house calls.
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Dog
Going back about 30 years or so, I was out quite late and walking with my dog along the Thames Embankment near Blackfriars in London where we used to live.

It was a dark foggy night and I started to think of how London would have looked back in the Victorian age and, all of a sudden a ghost appeared from around a blind corner.

I was quite dumbstruck never having experienced a ghost before, or since actually.

From memory I would say the ghost looked something like this, but as I say, it was a long thyme ago.
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Crankcase
That's the spirit!

No, wait...
 Do you believe in the Devil? - helicopter
Walking the embankment near Blackfriars 30 years ago - Dark Night....

You are not 'Frankie the strangler ' are you Dog?
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Dog
>>You are not 'Frankie the strangler ' are you Dog?

Could have been me retpocileh, I was on arf a bottle of Jamesons every night in those days, and lived here:

 Do you believe in the Devil? - Duncan
>> >>You are not 'Frankie the strangler ' are you Dog?
>> Could have been me retpocileh, I was on arf a bottle of Jamesons every night
>> in those days, and lived here:
>> (*_*)

Doing a bit of building work are we?

 Do you believe in the Devil? - Dog
>>Doing a bit of building work are we?

Indeedy, wonder what that's all about, Tate Mod is within spitting distance, but I don't think it's to do with that.

I will have a moan though, because I used to park my van in that spot!
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Roger.
I do not believe in either the fallen angel or the un-fallen ones!
It's all a gigantic hoax , this unseen gods/prophets stuff - - see!
Last edited by: Roger on Fri 31 Jan 14 at 12:35
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Ted

+ 1

 Do you believe in the Devil? - Armel Coussine
>> Tate Mod is within spitting distance,

Or Bankside power station to give it its true and proper title. As an art space it certainly doesn't do it for me.

When I lived in Highbury in the sixties I used to drive down there to look at the river in the small hours and contemplate. My little Citroens loved the cobbles along the riverfront road... When the tide was out you could climb down ladders and walk on the shingle, looking for corpses. Never found any though. Nearby watchmen used to hear one in the dark, think one was up to no good and call out threateningly, but I never saw one.
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Dog
>>My little Citroens loved the cobbles along the riverfront road...

Those cobbles are still there, as you can see via the streetview, have you ever had a tipple in the Founders Arms?

I used to walk along the shoreline at low tide now and again, it's amazing what you can find there,
but then not surprising really when you think of the rivers history ... wow!
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Armel Coussine
Bankside was coal-fired... when it was still operating I can remember seeing giant heaps of coal somewhere against its walls, but I can't remember where they were exactly. Commonsense would suggest some sort of fence to prevent locals from helping themselves...

I usually went down there in the middle of the night (used to go down to Silvertown, North Woolwich, Isle of Dogs and Wapping too) when the pubs weren't open, but I've certainly had the odd pint in one or another over the years and not just the boring old Prospect of Whitby...

I'm not keen on the Tate Modern but I absolutely love the Globe. Chapeau Wanamaker!
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Bromptonaut
According to Wikipedia (and my recollection) the power station in the current 1940s Gilbert Scott designed building was oil fired. There was however a previous coal fired station on same site.
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Cliff Pope
Confusion perhaps between Bankside and Battersea?
According to Wiki Battersea was coal-fired, so would have had piles of coal within living memory :)
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Armel Coussine
Oh dear. That had of course occurred to me.

'It's all a sort of blur, doctor.' Not all of it perhaps even now. But a bit here and there. Guh.
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Dog
>>'It's all a sort of blur, doctor.' Not all of it perhaps even now. But a bit here and there. Guh.

Oh well Sire, I've gorn through Yes, and ELO, so I might as well finish orf with this:
 Do you believe in the Devil? - Armel Coussine
My mother did. When my father was away once (in Ceylon this was) she heard the sound of hooves outside the house on the verandah, then saw to her terror two long horns passing the window in the gloom. She was very funny about it but said she thought the devil had 'come for' her. What on earth she could have thought made her liable to that is completely beyond me. It was of course a sambhur wandering about.

I didn't go out for a walk today - I really hate the ground when it's sodden - but herself did, and she said she saw an enormous herd of deer 'just in the trees over there'. She said they seemed more numerous than the 100 or so we saw a week or two back, perhaps twice as many. But they are very hard to count or estimate accurately in woodland being of course naturally camouflaged.
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