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Thread Author: Cliff Pope Replies: 12

 A Scandal in Libdemia - Cliff Pope
or "The Fox that barked in the night"

The most curious thing about the Lord Rennard sex scandal is the sex.

But there was no sex.

That is the curious thing.

 A Scandal in Libdemia - Zero
Have you seen him? You could understand why the only sex he would get would be by groping some unwilling victim.

Don't Think I need to put allegedly. I didn't directly accuse him of anything - it was hypothetical. I would of course apologise had I done so. But I didn't, so I won't.
 A Scandal in Libdemia - Robin O'Reliant
>> Have you seen him? You could understand why the only sex he would get would
>> be by groping some unwilling victim.
I dunno. It worked for John Prescott and Robin Cook and they hardly had knicker dropping looks.

 A Scandal in Libdemia - Bromptonaut
>> or "The Fox that barked in the night"
>> The most curious thing about the Lord Rennard sex scandal is the sex.
>> But there was no sex.
>> That is the curious thing.

What on earth do you mean??
 A Scandal in Libdemia - Haywain
"What on earth do you mean??"

I think he means like in the film 'Barbarella"
 A Scandal in Libdemia - Bromptonaut
>> "What on earth do you mean??"
>> I think he means like in the film 'Barbarella"

I'm no wiser but will Google...
 A Scandal in Libdemia - Stuu
I see Hancock has popped up at a difficult time and the issues with him were somewhat more serious.
The worst bit for Clegg appears to be they tried to bury the thing, as it seems they do in other cases within their party, they seriously need to improve their internal procedures.

The question that puzzles me is that of all the parties you would expect there to be issues, the Lib Dems is the one party you would expect to be really serious about this sort of thing. I feel I have completely misjudged the kind of people they are.

 A Scandal in Libdemia - MD
"Internal Procedures". Priceless.
 A Scandal in Libdemia - Armel Coussine
The women complaining about Rennard have a certain fierce cohesion. They don't have the demeanour of women who felt 'threatened and violated' by the peer's attentions. 'Annoyed and disgusted' would be nearer the mark really. But less actionable I suppose.
 A Scandal in Libdemia - madf

>> The question that puzzles me is that of all the parties you would expect there
>> to be issues, the Lib Dems is the one party you would expect to be
>> really serious about this sort of thing. I feel I have completely misjudged the kind
>> of people they are.

But they ARE serious. Jeremy Thorpe, Cyril Smith , Mark Oaten,Huhne - all serious about their sex lives. In Thorpe's case, deadly serious...

There is a trend that they attract an unpleasant sort of character. Other parties tend to get rid due to the likely future problems. The LibDems don;t.
 A Scandal in Libdemia - Roger.
I blame their unsweetened muesli and sandals: it does summat to weird libidos :-)
 A Scandal in Libdemia - Cliff Pope
>> I'm no wiser but will Google...

Sorry, I was trying to be witty, obviously failing.

I'm quoting (misquoting) the famous Sherlock Holmes story "The dog that barked in the night".
The curious thing was that the dog didn't bark. Inference, it was drugged, or it knew the intruder.

Fox (A kind of dog) = nickname Reynard = Rennard

Scandal in Libdemia (Lib-dem - geddit?) = play on another Sherlock Holmes story, a Scandal in Bohemia.

Actually I stole the no-sex joke from a recent quip from a Tory MP "Only the Lib-dems could manage to have a sex scandal without any sex".
Last edited by: Cliff Pope on Fri 24 Jan 14 at 15:16
 A Scandal in Libdemia - Robin O'Reliant
Those who use the term "Liberal" as a description of their outlook or their politics are often the polar opposite.
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