Non-motoring > Not Listed - Anna Raccoon
Thread Author: neiltoo Replies: 5

 Not Listed - Anna Raccoon - neiltoo
For those who care, Anna Raccoon is still alive (just), and blogging again:

 Not Listed - Anna Raccoon - Bromptonaut
I knew Susanne professionally in a previous life.

My personal view is that she's as nutty as squirrel poo but I'm glad she's still on this earth.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Thu 23 Jan 14 at 17:05
 Not Listed - Anna Raccoon - Dave_
Similar style to Charlie Brooker, which is A Good Thing.
 Not Listed - Anna Raccoon - Focusless
>> Similar style to Charlie Brooker, which is A Good Thing.

He's got a series running at the moment - tonight BBC2 10pm. Last week's episode availble until midnight:

Topical and very funny IMO - includes some great comments on the ongoing celebrity abuse trials for example.
 Not Listed - Anna Raccoon - Duncan
>> He's got a series running at the moment - tonight BBC2 10pm. Last week's episode
>> availble until midnight:
>> Topical and very funny IMO - includes some great comments on the ongoing celebrity abuse
>> trials for example.

I find it quite patchy, some good lines, but not to the same standard all the way through.
 Not Listed - Anna Raccoon - FocalPoint
If anyone is concerned to find out what happened to Anna, click on the link:
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Thu 23 Jan 14 at 20:55
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