Non-motoring > Constitutional Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Armel Coussine Replies: 9

 Constitutional - Armel Coussine
We took a turn through the surrounding woodland just now in the cold sunshine. Half an hour or so, a couple of miles or a bit less perhaps. I got less out of breath than I did yesterday so perhaps exercise works. I will try to keep it up.

At the other end of the woodland, much of it low-lying and boggy, there are two fields, one flooded over about half its area. There was an unusually large herd of 20 or so deer in it, which moved off nervously into the other field when they noticed us coming in the distance. In the other field they joined a still larger herd which was lurking in the corner, with still more jumping over the fence into the woodland, then jumping back when they noticed us not too far away. There must have been 70 or 100 of them, with several magnificently antlered males strutting about in front. When they were all together they were less nervous, and stood there staring at us in an annoyed way. Looked as if they might be massing for an attack.

Our rotund but still dainty little black cat decided to get its paws muddy and followed us all the way. Unlike a dog though it didn't dare to range ahead of us. It wanted to be sure the path was safe before going down it, and trotted about 10 yards behind us.
 Constitutional - Runfer D'Hills
Exercise does work AC. What's more, it doesn't have to involve Lycra or a gym membership. Just doing something like you describe as often as you can, but try to make it a minimum of three times a week, will make a huge difference.
 Constitutional - Haywain
During the Christmas period, my weight strayed over 14st2lb, a pot-belly had developed and, at 6'2", my bmi had transgressed the magic 25; I went from 'healthy' to 'overweight'.

Over the past fortnight I have daily, either walked the dog 2miles, or walked the 5miles round trip to town and I have combined this with the dreaded 5:2 diet. OK, the weight moves up and down a bit but, on Saturday morning, I was 13st9lb and I'm already finding that my trousers are a more comfortable fit. My ambition is to be down to a fighting weight of 13st by spring.

My wife is on the 5:2 also, so we have one another for encouragement. It isn't so easy while it's too miserable to occupy myself in the garden, and I know that just through in the kitchen, there's some cake left from entertaining at the weekend. In desperation, I have just gnawed my way through an absolutely delicious carrot.

This morning as I counted out the miserable 13 raisins that make 5g to go with my porridge (50:50 milk:water), I thought of that scene in Chaplin's 'Gold Rush' where they tuck into their boiled boots.
 Constitutional - NortonES2
Raisins on porridge? Soft. We have 50/50 water/semi porridge with no sugary stuff at all. Or salt. Might have the odd almond with it.
 Constitutional - Mapmaker
Porridge is just as nice if made with 100% water as if with 100% full-fat milk. Try it. Bet you can't tell the difference. Pinch of salt, mind, otherwise it's tasteless and unpleasant.

 Constitutional - Armel Coussine
I ate a two-day-old Tesco jam doughnut for breakfast.

Gonads to the lot of you with your damn diets.
 Constitutional - Dog
>>I ate a two-day-old Tesco jam doughnut for breakfast.

>> Gonads to the lot of you with your damn diets

I eat 2 eggs (fried!) every morning for breakfast.

Ovoids to the lot of you and your damn statins.
 Constitutional - Haywain
"Raisins on porridge?"

It's a luxury, I know, but I am eating a max of 600cals a day on the two 'fasting' days. Finding a raisin in the gloop is one of life's true delights.
 Constitutional - Runfer D'Hills
I'm more or less permanently on the 'DPTMIGATABOE' diet

(Don't Put Too Much In Gob And Take A Bit Of Exercise)

Kinda works. Maybe I should write a book.
 Constitutional - Haywain
"I'm more or less permanently on the 'DPTMIGATABOE' diet

(Don't Put Too Much In Gob And Take A Bit Of Exercise)

Kinda works. Maybe I should write a book."

Don't bother - it's the "eat less, move more" diet as prescribed by the Telegraph. It's basically the same as what I'm doing, actually - but I'm eating a lot less, and moving a lot more.
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